Not to pat ourselves on the back or anything. The Angry Republican predicted in a humor piece titled "Conspiracy Theories for Democrats" (Sept 8th) that people on the left would claim "someone" blew up the levees. Louis Farrakhan was the first to claim that there is a 25' crater in the broken section of the levees. He started this claim early on and we didn't take much notice. Now the rumor is getting bigger on the left. The theory is that 'someone' deliberately blew up a section of the levees that would flood the poorest section of New Orleans and spare the richest part.
If you think someone blew up the levees, you have to ask why? Who would benefit from the poor section of New Orleans being destroyed? President Bush? This makes no sense. Any disaster like this would cause FEMA to pay big bucks. The fed budget is strapped to the limits and then some. People love to say that republicans do not care for the poor, so why would a republican president want to destroy a poor section of a town when he knew it would have to be rebuilt at a high cost. This makes no sense.
Would terrorists blow up the levees? Usually terrorist take credit for every little thing they do so I would think by now some group would have come forward to claim responsibility. That hasn’t happened.
Would the democratic mayor or governor destroy their own city. They would know that the feds would come in and rebuild it.
This is the wacky part of this conspiracy. Far left wing democrats are spreading this rumor, but they are the only ones who look like the prime suspects. Are we witnessing the democratic party imploding?...TMB