I am hearing a buzz in the liberal media over the idea of raising the gas tax to force people to shop for smaller vehicles. The talk is an extra .50 cents per gallon. “Why do people want to hand over money to the government. "Here is my wallet.. Just take it.. Be done with it!!” Our founding fathers would leave America to find another place to start over if they could hear this.
In a free country, why do people always want to force Americans to do things? The market will raise the price naturally due to availability of oil.Europe has always been a great indicator on future gas prices. For years, Americans enjoyed gas priced at around $1 dollar a gallon. In Europe, they were paying $2.50. We are now paying that amount and the Europeans are now paying about $5 per gallon. We will probably hit $5 per gallon in the next few years. The smart person would be prepared for this.
Why raise the price if you do not have to? People are already fed up with big vehicles. Many are shopping for alternatives. When you raise the price of oil, the price of everything goes up as well. Food, clothes and everything. Oil producing countries will not let you get to happy about alternative cars. OPEC will lower the price of a barrel of oil to $25. Gas will go back to around $1.20. "It is called capitalism." Both alternative and oil burning cars will compete with each other and we will enjoy lower prices for both.
The Democrat solution to every jam. Raise taxes. “Running low on oil.. Hmmm.. Lets raise taxes” “People are having trouble paying for gas, let’s put in a tax.”....Biff...
Here are some comments.............................
If you lot over there would stop thinking the world stops at your shores, you would burn less gas and the world would not be heating up the sky, and the wind would not be blowing the strongest hurricanes we've seen...just a thought Biff.
comment by bobbycaw
I say there this "person "sounds like a blooming liberal english man who loves to come over here and go to DISNEY WORLD then grip about the high cost of living !!!!!!!!
comment by joezsrepublicanpage
Bobbycaw, Welcome! Three questions.. What caused the terrible hurricanes before humans started driving cars? What caused the glaciers to melt 19,000 years ago? Who will you blame when you can no longer blame humans for every little thing that goes wrong in the world?…AR…
comment by angryrepublican
I am inclined to agree that a gas tax is a bad idea. I don't disagree with taxation in general; money ought to be paid in taxes as an investment into the city/county/state/country... it's just that I can't imagine paying even more for gas than we would ordinarily.
comment by vitriolaholic
I really haven't heard any liberals talking about raising gas taxes... which would be a dumb move politically especially when prices are approching $3.00 per gallon.Gas prices are what is driving inflation and endangering our economy. I wish you were right about prices going back down to $1.20 or so but it's not realistic. Americans will be considering smaller or hybrid cars in the near future whether there are new taxes or not.In Europe you see much smaller cars, you never see SUVs or pickup trucks, and that may be a result of much higher taxes, so I suppose it worked over there.
comment by liberalfreak
I believe I heard it first as an editorial in the NY Times or Washington Post. I didn't think much of it. Then I started to hear some in the left wing media pushing the idea.I believe a $1.20 a gallon of gas is possible in America. If 1 in every 100,000 Americans buy an alliterative vehicle, OPEC is not going to notice. But if 1 in every 100 people in America buys an alternative car… OPEC is not going to let you walk away from oil that easily. Not when they are sitting on that much oil. They will drop the price of a barrel and hold it there until you feel confident enough to stick with a big car. If we regulate oil or we place a big tax on a gallon of gas, then we bypass any future competition between oil and alternative vehicles. The competition will also cause the price of alternative cars to come down.Thanks for the comments!…AR…
comment by angryrepublican