This is a heck of a lot of responsibility for us republicans to handle. "Even when we are not elected as mayor of a city, we must still act like we are?" We must watch every city in every state? "There must be thousands of cities in America?" We republicans have to make sure each mayor is ready, prepared and able to handle the natural and man-made disasters lurking out there.
There must be hundreds of disasters to prepare for? If Democrats will not take responsibility for anything, we Republicans will have to get started right now..
America is drifting west, across the Pacific Ocean and will SLAM into Russia and China.
I.. The Angry Republican, will take this upon myself to warn and inform you folks of any news and info you will need to prepare for this. I will include this info in up-coming posts titled: "Continental Drift Update."
When America SLAMS into Russia, there may be a BANG. The ground may "wiggle." If you are a mayor or governor, you should prepare for this. You have tons of school and Metro busses. "Use them!" Get the sick and elderly away from the west coast. Maybe a handrail could be placed along the West Coast of America so people have something to grab onto.
I, Guido (biff-er) Babonie, suspect that Russia and China will not be happy when we slam into them. That is why I have begun to "reach out" to both China and Russia. I have sent both China and Russia a basket of flowers with a little note that reads: "Sorry for slamming into your country!!" ( Plus, I have written America's insurance policy and license number on the note..)
Scientist believe America will slam into Russia in about 1 billion years…
This should give Democratic Mayors and Governors plenty of time to prepare…AR…
Here are some comments from another Blog system:
One of the shots I saw on the news was a couple hundred schoolbuses left abandoned at their barn in new orleans. Of course its difficult to manage such operations while your packing your stuff up and heading out of town. My only problem with Bush in this situation is his apointment style, he only nominates his buddies. Its fine to appiont a friend to some positions, but things that involve crisis management you should go and find someone with experience.
comment by manning
I think most of us liberals have been too focused on the negative emotions and energy the last few weeks to be really active on the blogs and you bottom feeding neo-cons have been at it again. With Bush's ratings in the toilet and his ineptitude more than obvious, there ain't many of you left, but some will always fight the rear-guard, thinking there be some nobility in it.please hit my blog and comment on the last few posts (you can skip the review of Transporter II) as they seem topical. Otherwise I'll have to return and point out some of the obvious flaws in your logical arguements.Sorry to give you such a hard time, you be the closest thing to a logical new-conned. Will you be 75 next time I hit ya?
comment by aurelius
Good post AR. We need a little humor. You did pick up a mixed bag of comments but people should watch their tvs. Blacks in New Orleans waited for help, whites in Pass Christian, which was hit harder, started cleaning up and making plans to rebuild. The governor of Louisiana and mayor of New Orleans did a poor job, the governors of Alabama and Mississippi seem to be doing a much better job. Facts.
comment by apoliticalnut
Thanks to everyone who comments!!...AR...