President Bush probably killed beloved actor Bob Denver.
Actor Sean Penn showed up to help in New Orleans. He had some problems with his performance. A reporter asked Mister Penn what was his problem, Penn replied: "I usually have no problems keeping it up. I can usually keep it up for hours. Today it will not stay up. It's leaking like crazy. "Sean Penn was talking about the boat he brought with him to help rescue survivors. The boat sprung a leak and Mr. Penn was forced to spend a lot of time trying to save the boat. Rumor has it that Bush put the hole in Sean Penn's boat. Someone saw Bush with an 18 volt Sears duel speed cordless drill. It had a 1 inch paddle bit in the chuck. NEED I SAY MORE???
No one has seen the Vice President Dick. There is a theory that the Vice President was fitted with a special wet suit that had a defibrillator for re-starting his heart. The Vice President Dick, hid under water and packed the levees with dynamite. The Vice President Dick blew the levees. REASON= To get his Big Oil Company Buddies jobs fixing stuff. They are trying to fish Dick out of The Gulf of Mexico right now. NEED I SAY MORE???
You will begin to hear Republicans pointing out that New Orleans has been run by Democrats for more than 30 years. Neo-cons will point out that Democrats had plenty of time to fix any problems in New Orleans and they never did. HOWEVER>>>> George Bush was governor of Texas, right next door to Louisiana. He said he had been to New Orleans several times. People have seen Bush coming out of one of those Voo-Doo shops. Bush had a bag full of chicken heads and special MoJo powder. Bush put a hex on the Mayor of New Orleans. NEED I SAY MORE???