This Face doctor in Cleveland is kind of spooking me. Dr Siemionow from the Cleveland clinic believes she can transplant a face. She wants to take someone else's face and stick it on your face. Well, not necessarily your face. If some one was a burn victim and their face was disfigured and another person died and they still had their face. This doctor wants to surgically trade faces. This would give burn victims a new face, but the new face could be rejected. Then you would have no face.
See, when we republicans need new presidents, we keep popping out new drunken Bush babies. Democrats are going to stick new faces on Bill Clinton and keep running him till he drops over....Biff...
Here are some comments from another Blog system...
Thanks Jenn!
Good point Netwit! Maybe Michael Jackson could get Tito Jackson's face, he not using it right now.
Truth Master B, you ask.. " Are they paying money for these faces…" Are you looking to sell a face? The AP didn't say anything about selling faces. As far as I know, it is against the law to sell bodily organs in America. Skin is an organ. Sorry...AR…
comment by angryrepublican at: 9/18/2005 8:24:00 AM
Are they paying money for these faces?
comment by a1editorials at: 9/18/2005 5:38:00 AM
Get me a cigar. LOL That's good.I bet Michal Jackson is funding her research.Spooks me too, the movie Face off was good but it did gave me chills. Maybe Clinton can become a peacemaker between the US and Cuba. They say Havana's are the best. :)
comment by netwit at: 9/18/2005 5:19:00 AM
Heheheh.... I needed a good laugh.Jenn
comment by chihulahualover at: 9/18/2005 5:08:00 AM