Hollywood's idea of the perfect President?
Geena Davis.
You can read the story at:
Tom Delay
I will say the same thing for Delay as I did for Rove. "If he is guilty, he needs to be charged." But I am getting tired of the false alarms. I said this before. "The Democratic Party is becoming The National Enquirer of politics."
First it was "Bush lied", then the Downing Street memo was 'the smoking gun.' Next the BIG Rove conspiracy. Then it was "Bush will be impeached because of a hurricane and levees breaking." Now it's Tom Delay.
When you put all this together it begins to look like a witch hunt…..AR…
Here are some comments.....................................
This all goes back to when Delay led the charge to re-district Texas and Republicans took over the Texas House.
comment by grumpy
Well hey, witch hunting is a proud religious tradition in America. That's a big change for the Dems, don't you think?
comment by vitriolaholic
It seems to me that the Dems are just looking for someone to blame for the trouble that they are having in elections!!!
comment by newsjunkie365
Thanks to everyone who comments!!