Americans have always protested war. From the very beginning some people didn’t want to fight the Revolutionary War. "Pay the taxes.. Things will get better." Many people in the north wanted to let the south secede from the union. Many Americans didn’t want anything to do with Hitler. "Wasn’t our war." The protesting of Vietnam is the most cited today.
I see nothing wrong with protesting. What I do not care for is the re-writing of history. Most protesters are probably honest people who hate war of any kind. They believe they are doing the right thing. Some protesters have an agenda to topple President Bush. They are using the war as a way to do this. These people do not have the best interest of America in mind. They do not care what happens to Iraq.
Anti-war radicals claim the Vietnam War was started on a lie. They have a crystal ball that has told them that the North Vietnamese would never fire on the America Navy. True, witnesses have said they never heard a shot fired at our ship. But others said they witnessed a North Vietnamese gunboat circle out and a shot was fired. But this is irrelevant now because this was investigated and judged that the Navy did what we ask them to do. They believed they were being attacked and they returned volley. To believe anti-war radials you must believe our military is corrupt and the North Vietnamese could be trusted. I can't go there!
Radials want you to believe that the President knew Japan was about to attack Pearl Harbor but did nothing to alert our military. The theory is that Americans would get angry and join WWII. To believe this you must believe an American president was so heartless he would allow thousands of Americans to die. I do not believe this.
Anti-Bush and Anti-war radicals wants you to believe Bush lied to get us in a war with Iraq. The only people who believe this are people who hate Bush to begin with. Bush never claimed weapons of mass destruction were the ONLY reason to invade Iraq. Every speech he made listed all the atrocities Saddam had committed. It was the media that cut Bush’s speeches down to little sound bites. These sound bites listed only WMD’s. But every speech, Bush listed WMD’s, 17 UN resolutions broken, murdering people of Iraq, etc. Saddam had missiles. One came down very close to our command base. Saddam had French made rocket launchers. He used them to shoot at our troops. Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Al Gore, and countless countries believed Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. More important.. What Saddam could become if left in power.
Why would radicals want to change history? To prove that all war is unnecessary and wrongfully entered into. This may seem like a noble cause. What if everyone in America believed this? Would young men and women still sign up for the military? Would we still have a military? Would we be ready for anything the future may bring? There is a danger in trying to change history.
So go ahead and have your anti-war protest. You are not the first and will not be the last. Watch what you say about my President. Your ass has been in the dirt quite a few times lately. No need to degrade. There is no dignity in that. Maybe dignity is what the Democratic Party is missing. The Democratic Party has become The National Enquirer of politics.
I believe that the president had not idea Japan would attack. He would have done something. I believe our Navy felt they were under attack at Vietnam. I believe President Bush thought Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. But then again, I believe in America….Biff…