Now.. If I am not mistaken.. That looks like Osama Bin Laden at the anti-war protest. This is too much. The Democrats have Hillary, Rev Jesse Jackson, Cindy Sheeham and now Osama Bin Laden. (That would probably be the best place for Bin Laden to hide out. At a democratic function.)
Here are some comments we have received........................
I have to say that I am a bit disappointed. I thought for sure the picture of a smiling and gloating Cindy Sheehan would be on there. It seems she loves celebrity-um as she leads her people to protest.
The seagull threw me for a loop. Is that suppose to be a dove? It's the stupidest looking dove I've ever seen! Or is it a seagull that stands for scavengers and leeches that feed on waste and duck and run when threatened!!! The seagull also steals from other seagulls.
comment by arrogantbastard
Arrogantbastard.. You had us cracking up. That's funny! I think it is suppose to be a dove. It looks like a seagull to me. There were two pictures of Cindy Sheehan. I couldn't think of anything (nice) to say so I didn't include them. Thanks…AR…
comment by angryrepublican
Wow what a mess!!! Only here in the good ole USA....Jenn
comment by chihulahualover
Thanks to everyone who comments!!