I needed to educate myself with the levee systems on the Mississippi. I found a book that did just that. I needed two questions answered:
1-Why do we have so many levee boards in charge of the Mississippi flood plain? Why not just one board?
2-Can we build levees that are hurricane proof?
The answer to the second question is easy....
Read more at: angryrepublican
People want to blame these bad hurricanes on auto pollution. But most hurricanes start off the coast of Africa. Kind of shoots the crap out of that theory. Plus there have been terrible hurricanes all through American history. Radical people want you to conserve. Liberals can’t conserve because.....
Read more at: bluefunk
These idiots are now bringing back the prison abuse stuff again. Didn't we go through all of that five months ago. Just because democrats think they smell a little blood from the president. Now they are trying the prison abuse stuff again.
I realize the old saying is.. "If first you don't succeed, try-try again." (But most smart people...
Read more at: a1editorials