Democrats have decided to run Cindy Sheehan for President in 2008!
To counter this, Republicans are running "The Pussy Cat Dolls!"

Hollywood's idea of the perfect President?
Geena Davis.
You can read the story at:
Tom Delay
I will say the same thing for Delay as I did for Rove. "If he is guilty, he needs to be charged." But I am getting tired of the false alarms. I said this before. "The Democratic Party is becoming The National Enquirer of politics."
First it was "Bush lied", then the Downing Street memo was 'the smoking gun.' Next the BIG Rove conspiracy. Then it was "Bush will be impeached because of a hurricane and levees breaking." Now it's Tom Delay.
When you put all this together it begins to look like a witch hunt…..AR…
Here are some comments.....................................
This all goes back to when Delay led the charge to re-district Texas and Republicans took over the Texas House.
comment by grumpy
Well hey, witch hunting is a proud religious tradition in America. That's a big change for the Dems, don't you think?
comment by vitriolaholic
It seems to me that the Dems are just looking for someone to blame for the trouble that they are having in elections!!!
comment by newsjunkie365
Thanks to everyone who comments!!
Americans have always protested war. From the very beginning some people didn’t want to fight the Revolutionary War. "Pay the taxes.. Things will get better." Many people in the north wanted to let the south secede from the union. Many Americans didn’t want anything to do with Hitler. "Wasn’t our war." The protesting of Vietnam is the most cited today.
I see nothing wrong with protesting. What I do not care for is the re-writing of history. Most protesters are probably honest people who hate war of any kind. They believe they are doing the right thing. Some protesters have an agenda to topple President Bush. They are using the war as a way to do this. These people do not have the best interest of America in mind. They do not care what happens to Iraq.
Anti-war radicals claim the Vietnam War was started on a lie. They have a crystal ball that has told them that the North Vietnamese would never fire on the America Navy. True, witnesses have said they never heard a shot fired at our ship. But others said they witnessed a North Vietnamese gunboat circle out and a shot was fired. But this is irrelevant now because this was investigated and judged that the Navy did what we ask them to do. They believed they were being attacked and they returned volley. To believe anti-war radials you must believe our military is corrupt and the North Vietnamese could be trusted. I can't go there!
Radials want you to believe that the President knew Japan was about to attack Pearl Harbor but did nothing to alert our military. The theory is that Americans would get angry and join WWII. To believe this you must believe an American president was so heartless he would allow thousands of Americans to die. I do not believe this.
Anti-Bush and Anti-war radicals wants you to believe Bush lied to get us in a war with Iraq. The only people who believe this are people who hate Bush to begin with. Bush never claimed weapons of mass destruction were the ONLY reason to invade Iraq. Every speech he made listed all the atrocities Saddam had committed. It was the media that cut Bush’s speeches down to little sound bites. These sound bites listed only WMD’s. But every speech, Bush listed WMD’s, 17 UN resolutions broken, murdering people of Iraq, etc. Saddam had missiles. One came down very close to our command base. Saddam had French made rocket launchers. He used them to shoot at our troops. Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Al Gore, and countless countries believed Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. More important.. What Saddam could become if left in power.
Why would radicals want to change history? To prove that all war is unnecessary and wrongfully entered into. This may seem like a noble cause. What if everyone in America believed this? Would young men and women still sign up for the military? Would we still have a military? Would we be ready for anything the future may bring? There is a danger in trying to change history.
So go ahead and have your anti-war protest. You are not the first and will not be the last. Watch what you say about my President. Your ass has been in the dirt quite a few times lately. No need to degrade. There is no dignity in that. Maybe dignity is what the Democratic Party is missing. The Democratic Party has become The National Enquirer of politics.
I believe that the president had not idea Japan would attack. He would have done something. I believe our Navy felt they were under attack at Vietnam. I believe President Bush thought Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. But then again, I believe in America….Biff…
I needed to educate myself with the levee systems on the Mississippi. I found a book that did just that. I needed two questions answered:
1-Why do we have so many levee boards in charge of the Mississippi flood plain? Why not just one board?
2-Can we build levees that are hurricane proof?
The answer to the second question is easy....
Read more at: angryrepublican
People want to blame these bad hurricanes on auto pollution. But most hurricanes start off the coast of Africa. Kind of shoots the crap out of that theory. Plus there have been terrible hurricanes all through American history. Radical people want you to conserve. Liberals can’t conserve because.....
Read more at: bluefunk
These idiots are now bringing back the prison abuse stuff again. Didn't we go through all of that five months ago. Just because democrats think they smell a little blood from the president. Now they are trying the prison abuse stuff again.
I realize the old saying is.. "If first you don't succeed, try-try again." (But most smart people...
Read more at: a1editorials
I am hearing a buzz in the liberal media over the idea of raising the gas tax to force people to shop for smaller vehicles. The talk is an extra .50 cents per gallon. “Why do people want to hand over money to the government. "Here is my wallet.. Just take it.. Be done with it!!” Our founding fathers would leave America to find another place to start over if they could hear this.
In a free country, why do people always want to force Americans to do things? The market will raise the price naturally due to availability of oil.Europe has always been a great indicator on future gas prices. For years, Americans enjoyed gas priced at around $1 dollar a gallon. In Europe, they were paying $2.50. We are now paying that amount and the Europeans are now paying about $5 per gallon. We will probably hit $5 per gallon in the next few years. The smart person would be prepared for this.
Why raise the price if you do not have to? People are already fed up with big vehicles. Many are shopping for alternatives. When you raise the price of oil, the price of everything goes up as well. Food, clothes and everything. Oil producing countries will not let you get to happy about alternative cars. OPEC will lower the price of a barrel of oil to $25. Gas will go back to around $1.20. "It is called capitalism." Both alternative and oil burning cars will compete with each other and we will enjoy lower prices for both.
The Democrat solution to every jam. Raise taxes. “Running low on oil.. Hmmm.. Lets raise taxes” “People are having trouble paying for gas, let’s put in a tax.”....Biff...
Here are some comments.............................
If you lot over there would stop thinking the world stops at your shores, you would burn less gas and the world would not be heating up the sky, and the wind would not be blowing the strongest hurricanes we've seen...just a thought Biff.
comment by bobbycaw
I say there this "person "sounds like a blooming liberal english man who loves to come over here and go to DISNEY WORLD then grip about the high cost of living !!!!!!!!
comment by joezsrepublicanpage
Bobbycaw, Welcome! Three questions.. What caused the terrible hurricanes before humans started driving cars? What caused the glaciers to melt 19,000 years ago? Who will you blame when you can no longer blame humans for every little thing that goes wrong in the world?…AR…
comment by angryrepublican
I am inclined to agree that a gas tax is a bad idea. I don't disagree with taxation in general; money ought to be paid in taxes as an investment into the city/county/state/country... it's just that I can't imagine paying even more for gas than we would ordinarily.
comment by vitriolaholic
I really haven't heard any liberals talking about raising gas taxes... which would be a dumb move politically especially when prices are approching $3.00 per gallon.Gas prices are what is driving inflation and endangering our economy. I wish you were right about prices going back down to $1.20 or so but it's not realistic. Americans will be considering smaller or hybrid cars in the near future whether there are new taxes or not.In Europe you see much smaller cars, you never see SUVs or pickup trucks, and that may be a result of much higher taxes, so I suppose it worked over there.
comment by liberalfreak
I believe I heard it first as an editorial in the NY Times or Washington Post. I didn't think much of it. Then I started to hear some in the left wing media pushing the idea.I believe a $1.20 a gallon of gas is possible in America. If 1 in every 100,000 Americans buy an alliterative vehicle, OPEC is not going to notice. But if 1 in every 100 people in America buys an alternative car… OPEC is not going to let you walk away from oil that easily. Not when they are sitting on that much oil. They will drop the price of a barrel and hold it there until you feel confident enough to stick with a big car. If we regulate oil or we place a big tax on a gallon of gas, then we bypass any future competition between oil and alternative vehicles. The competition will also cause the price of alternative cars to come down.Thanks for the comments!…AR…
comment by angryrepublican
Rapper Lil' Kim is heading to jail. She was found guilty of lying to the feds about a shooting. Lil' Kim had this to say:
"Unfortunately, me as a woman, I had to take one for the team, and when I say for the team I say hip-hop, because I was the poster child for the federal government, for their investigations,"
Lil' Kim.. How will we ever solve any crime or murders in this country if people do not come forward and fight against crime?
How can the government fight crime if people like yourself are lying to the feds?
Lil' Kim, do you want to fight crime, or protect crime?
You can read the story at:
Former president Jimmy Carter needs to take a vacation. Better still, the media needs to ask President Carter some tough questions. Carter will not appear on any shows that will ask tough questions.
The former president had several crises during his presidency. The oil....
Read more at: ... bluefunk
This Roman Polanski fellow. He is a movie director. Done many films. Won some awards. Now, awhile ago he was caught fooling around with an under age girl. (That’s what we call it when a Hollywood type molests a child, anyone else would be sitting in prison.") This young girl was 13 years old.
Instead of showing up for his trial, he took off and headed to...
Read more at: a1editorials
Read the story that ticked off Truth Master B: http://myw1re.com/news/read.php?id=13487788&ps=1016&lang=en
Poor Madonna got nothing but Boo's. And it isn't Halloween yet. Madonna showed up with husband, Guy Ritchie for the premiere of his new movie: "Revolver." Madonna refused to sign autographs and people were upset. About 2,000 'fans' booed.
These celebrities move to Europe because the crowds are 'more sophisticated.' Madonna will of course blame the fans.
You can read the story at :
Not to pat ourselves on the back or anything. The Angry Republican predicted in a humor piece titled "Conspiracy Theories for Democrats" (Sept 8th) that people on the left would claim "someone" blew up the levees. Louis Farrakhan was the first to claim that there is a 25' crater in the broken section of the levees. He started this claim early on and we didn't take much notice. Now the rumor is getting bigger on the left. The theory is that 'someone' deliberately blew up a section of the levees that would flood the poorest section of New Orleans and spare the richest part.
If you think someone blew up the levees, you have to ask why? Who would benefit from the poor section of New Orleans being destroyed? President Bush? This makes no sense. Any disaster like this would cause FEMA to pay big bucks. The fed budget is strapped to the limits and then some. People love to say that republicans do not care for the poor, so why would a republican president want to destroy a poor section of a town when he knew it would have to be rebuilt at a high cost. This makes no sense.
Would terrorists blow up the levees? Usually terrorist take credit for every little thing they do so I would think by now some group would have come forward to claim responsibility. That hasn’t happened.
Would the democratic mayor or governor destroy their own city. They would know that the feds would come in and rebuild it.
This is the wacky part of this conspiracy. Far left wing democrats are spreading this rumor, but they are the only ones who look like the prime suspects. Are we witnessing the democratic party imploding?...TMB
Barack Obama has jumped on the bandwagon for raising taxes. Why do democrats love the death tax? This was the worst tax any hack in DC could imagine. You are taxed if you go out and earn a living. You pay a tax on your.....
Read more at... bluefunk
I can’t believe the Emmy Awards didn’t give old Peter Boyle an Emmy for his portrayal of Frank on "Everybody Loves Raymond." I think he was one of the best of the cast. He delivered many....
Read more at... angryrepublican
John Stossel, the "Give me a break" 20/20 reporter is waging a one-man war against FEMA. Not that FEMA does too little or too late. Stossel feels they do too much...
Read more at... bluefunk
This Face doctor in Cleveland is kind of spooking me. Dr Siemionow from the Cleveland clinic believes she can transplant a face. She wants to take someone else's face and stick it on your face. Well, not necessarily your face. If some one was a burn victim and their face was disfigured and another person died and they still had their face. This doctor wants to surgically trade faces. This would give burn victims a new face, but the new face could be rejected. Then you would have no face.
See, when we republicans need new presidents, we keep popping out new drunken Bush babies. Democrats are going to stick new faces on Bill Clinton and keep running him till he drops over....Biff...
Here are some comments from another Blog system...
Thanks Jenn!
Good point Netwit! Maybe Michael Jackson could get Tito Jackson's face, he not using it right now.
Truth Master B, you ask.. " Are they paying money for these faces…" Are you looking to sell a face? The AP didn't say anything about selling faces. As far as I know, it is against the law to sell bodily organs in America. Skin is an organ. Sorry...AR…
comment by angryrepublican at: 9/18/2005 8:24:00 AM
Are they paying money for these faces?
comment by a1editorials at: 9/18/2005 5:38:00 AM
Get me a cigar. LOL That's good.I bet Michal Jackson is funding her research.Spooks me too, the movie Face off was good but it did gave me chills. Maybe Clinton can become a peacemaker between the US and Cuba. They say Havana's are the best. :)
comment by netwit at: 9/18/2005 5:19:00 AM
Heheheh.... I needed a good laugh.Jenn
comment by chihulahualover at: 9/18/2005 5:08:00 AM
I hope with President Bush taking the blame for the response time of the federal government, the rest of this mess in New Orleans doesn't get swept under the carpet. The Mayor and Governor have many questions to answer.
In a post, (that I pitched because of changing news) I talked about what the role of FEMA and Homeland Security is. I chucked the post because it is irrelevant now, the definition of both FEMA and Homeland Security will change after the tragedy in New Orleans. We Americans will demand it!
One thing I did pull from this post was the fact that there is a danger in any city relying only on the federal government during a disaster. What if we are hit with 2 disasters at the same time? What about 3 disasters? Natural or man-made? The federal government may be overwhelmed. Homeland Security starts at home. Think of it as a checklist. The best of the best has put together a guide for your city to follow in the event of an attack. WHAT TO DO IF TERRORISTS….. and WHAT CAN THE CITY DO NOW TO PREPARE?… type of stuff.
Much of Homeland Security is not mandatory. It is suggestions. Good suggestions! But your city doesn't have to follow these suggestions. Without getting too far into this, one good example is The Super Boat. This boat is a hunter-interceptor. Homeland Security has picked various cities that could be port-of-entry for terrorists. A terrorist could transport a dirty bomb by boat, come a shore on a secluded beach, and transport this bomb to any truck. Then the bomb could be delivered to any city in America. Coastal cities rely on The Coast Guard. Some cities have police boats, but these boats are usually not real fast. What if they are busy or cannot catch a terrorist's boat? This interceptor style boat could help the coast guard patrol the waters and look out for unexplained boaters. There isn't much out there that can out-run this Super Boat.
This boat costs $214,000 each. Completely paid for by Homeland Security. You (your city) would have to pick up the cost of managing and maintaining the boat. (about $72,000 per year.) But here is the key… Your city doesn't have to take this boat. You can pass on it.
When we talk about Homeland Security or FEMA for that matter. It is important to understand what each can do. This definition may change after the investigation of hurricane Katrina. But, in any disaster, what YOU do next matters. Do what you need to do now to make sure your city is prepared.
My.. "Continental Drift Update" stuff is my attempt at using humor to show stupidity. With hurricane forecasting so good today. We know days ahead of time what area may be hit by a hurricane. The Disaster of New Orleans should never happen again. In this day and age, no one should die from a hurricane. Homeland Security starts at home….AR…
It has been four years since the terrorists attacked America on 9/11. I am thankful each day that no new attacks have taken place on American soil. Hopefully, the things our military has done and the things yet to do will show terrorists that you do not mess with America. Terrorists may still attack on the battlefield, but even that has slowed down as of late. Terrorists will lose.
Today, I remember September 11, 2001. Like many people have said, I remember exactly were I was and what I was doing. I was heading into Pittsburgh on business. The van started handling funny so I pulled off. A tire was going bad. I saw a tire store just ahead so I headed there. Once in the waiting room, I saw a group of people focused on a TV. Even the tire store mechanics were in front of the TV watching something. I walked over and saw that the first tower had been hit. I thought I was watching a commercial for some new disaster movie. Then the second jet hit the Twin Towers. "This is no accident." One fellow in the room said out loud. It was then that we all knew this was an attack.
The third plane slammed into the pentagon. This is when shock dissipated in me and turned to anger. I wanted to see those bastards who planned this die.
The forth plane went down just 25 miles from were I was. The local Pittsburgh news cut away from the national news and we had no idea how big this attack was. Anger turned to fear. Many of us headed outside to watch the skies. Thinking maybe some how we could run out of the way if we saw a plane heading for Pittsburgh. I remember wondering if every city in America was a target for some terrorist's plane. People began pulling their children out of schools. For the rest of that day I looked to the skies. I have never lost my anger that someone could do this to innocent people.
There are many heroes from that day. Many people who took charge and help save lives. I wanted to focus on a hero of mine. Joe Dwyer. He is a 24-year-old hospital orderly from Wagram, N.C. When the World Trade Center was destroyed, he had a gut feeling his brother, a New York City transit cop, had been killed. When he learned that his brother was ok, Dwyer says, "I knew I had to do something." Two days later Dwyer joined the Army.
In March 2003, Dwyer was sent to Iraq as a medic. During a battle, an Iraqi boy was caught in the crossfire and shot in the leg. The boy's father was screaming for help. Joe Dwyer rushed in and grabbed the boy and carried him to safety.
There are those who are very critical of The American Soldier. When I think of the American Military, I see that picture of Joe Dwyer carrying the Iraqi boy to safety. Thanks Joe Dwyer for giving me that image to remember…AR…
I got a chance to see comedian Jerry Seinfeld in concert recently. At the end of his show he took some questions. One fellow asked Jerry: “You’re a millionaire, why would you do a show here?” People were already laughing at the question. Jerry’s reply: “Well, I am only here for awhile.... YOU, on the other hand...” The crowd was laughing so loud, Jerry had to pause. When the laughter died down, Seinfeld continued: “You have chosen to live here”
I wanted to steal that line.. “You have chosen to live here.” This line is so true. We do choose to live “here”. Mentally and physically, where ever “here” might be.
In the last three post I have done, I have been very blunt. I have talked about the events of the tragedy of New Orleans in a cold-hearted, “just the facts” type of way. I did not talk about New Orleans until I saw democrats blaming only President Bush for this tragedy. I have been called racist, uncaring and basically stupid. This has caused me to do some soul searching.
I grew up in a predominantly African-American neighborhood. Mine was about the only white face you would see. In the 1960's and 70's, blacks were told that the White Man was holding them back. ‘It was the White Man that causes black people to be poor.” So black people were not too happy to see me. They never seemed to care that I was just as poor as they were. I was beat up many times. I remember one time, several guys tried to make me drink urine from a bottle. That was time I learned to run.. VERY FAST. I had guns held to my head, just to see if they could make me cry.
Running doesn’t always work. When people gang up on you, you can’t out run them. I have been on the ground being punch and kicked by a gang of 20. When I wasn’t getting in trouble by the police, I spent everyday looking for a way to get drunk and stoned.
I learned to fight. I became good at it. I learned to be funny. “If you can make someone laugh, they are less likely to shoot you.” As soon as I could, I took all kinds of jobs. I moved the hell away from that neighborhood. I changed the people, places and things that caused me trouble.
You may think I would be bitter, but I am not. Before that time, I was shy and quiet. I didn’t fight for anything. Today, I fight for what I want. I do not wait for the government or anyone to give me anything. Actually, those guys from that neighborhood probably turned me to capitalism. I saw first hand what liberal / social programs do to people. Makes them lazy. “You are living by hand-outs and never rise above the poverty level.
So I am going to return a little “Tough Love” to people who are living in a city like New Orleans.
“If you choose to stay in that neighborhood.. Then in that neighborhood you will stay.”
But.. If you get off the booze and drugs. Get a job. Get out of that city. Change people, places and things that screw your life up. And learn. Learn something new each day. If no one will teach you, teach yourself at the library.
I wanted to close by saying that I have several black friends from that old neighborhood. They stuck up for me and we have watched out for each other ever since. They also got out of that neighborhood. It’s tough, but it can be done. Am I prejudice? I do not think so, but I could be. Am I tough on the poor? Yes. Someone has to be! “If you wait for someone to ‘lift’ you out of the ghetto, it isn’t going to happen. You have to walk out of the ghetto.”
In my travels I will sometimes end up in a bad section of a city. I see the trash on the streets. People giving you the “stink eye.” Guys drinking booze on the street corner. A chill will go up my spine. Then I think of the Seinfeld line...
“I’m only here for a while... You, on the other hand, have chosen to live here”....AR...
Here are some comments from another Blog system...
You are right. Without going into my whole life history, I had a chance to do or die. Make a life with welfare for my kids, or put myself thru school and look ahead, not back. That was my choice. I never forget "where" I came from. Sometimes I drive thru that part of town, and it is a sober reminder to never forget where I came from... and even at my age, I will continue to learn and experience new things because once I stop... I die.
comment by mentalhealthrn
You are so right! Good for you that you didn't give up or get bitter! You excelled and went on to better yourself, and in doing so you make the world around you a better place.Jenn
comment by chihulahualover
Thank you very much!! Both of you. I kind of feel like my guts are laying out for the world to see. I am kind of a private person. I wrestled with this editorial for days. It still isn't presented well. Thank You!…AR…
comment by angryrepublican
I saw in an economics book someplace a mathematical formula that proved poverty doesn't exist. It was quite simple, divide the amount of money spent on poverty by the number of people in poverty, the result was something like fifty thousand dollars going towards every person in poverty a year. Of course its absurd to say that poverty doesn't exist cause of this equation, but it shows that money isn't the whole story. But I don't remember the numbers that well.
comment by manning
Thanks to everyone who comments!!...AR...
President Bush probably killed beloved actor Bob Denver.
Actor Sean Penn showed up to help in New Orleans. He had some problems with his performance. A reporter asked Mister Penn what was his problem, Penn replied: "I usually have no problems keeping it up. I can usually keep it up for hours. Today it will not stay up. It's leaking like crazy. "Sean Penn was talking about the boat he brought with him to help rescue survivors. The boat sprung a leak and Mr. Penn was forced to spend a lot of time trying to save the boat. Rumor has it that Bush put the hole in Sean Penn's boat. Someone saw Bush with an 18 volt Sears duel speed cordless drill. It had a 1 inch paddle bit in the chuck. NEED I SAY MORE???
No one has seen the Vice President Dick. There is a theory that the Vice President was fitted with a special wet suit that had a defibrillator for re-starting his heart. The Vice President Dick, hid under water and packed the levees with dynamite. The Vice President Dick blew the levees. REASON= To get his Big Oil Company Buddies jobs fixing stuff. They are trying to fish Dick out of The Gulf of Mexico right now. NEED I SAY MORE???
You will begin to hear Republicans pointing out that New Orleans has been run by Democrats for more than 30 years. Neo-cons will point out that Democrats had plenty of time to fix any problems in New Orleans and they never did. HOWEVER>>>> George Bush was governor of Texas, right next door to Louisiana. He said he had been to New Orleans several times. People have seen Bush coming out of one of those Voo-Doo shops. Bush had a bag full of chicken heads and special MoJo powder. Bush put a hex on the Mayor of New Orleans. NEED I SAY MORE???
This is a heck of a lot of responsibility for us republicans to handle. "Even when we are not elected as mayor of a city, we must still act like we are?" We must watch every city in every state? "There must be thousands of cities in America?" We republicans have to make sure each mayor is ready, prepared and able to handle the natural and man-made disasters lurking out there.
There must be hundreds of disasters to prepare for? If Democrats will not take responsibility for anything, we Republicans will have to get started right now..
America is drifting west, across the Pacific Ocean and will SLAM into Russia and China.
I.. The Angry Republican, will take this upon myself to warn and inform you folks of any news and info you will need to prepare for this. I will include this info in up-coming posts titled: "Continental Drift Update."
When America SLAMS into Russia, there may be a BANG. The ground may "wiggle." If you are a mayor or governor, you should prepare for this. You have tons of school and Metro busses. "Use them!" Get the sick and elderly away from the west coast. Maybe a handrail could be placed along the West Coast of America so people have something to grab onto.
I, Guido (biff-er) Babonie, suspect that Russia and China will not be happy when we slam into them. That is why I have begun to "reach out" to both China and Russia. I have sent both China and Russia a basket of flowers with a little note that reads: "Sorry for slamming into your country!!" ( Plus, I have written America's insurance policy and license number on the note..)
Scientist believe America will slam into Russia in about 1 billion years…
This should give Democratic Mayors and Governors plenty of time to prepare…AR…
Here are some comments from another Blog system:
One of the shots I saw on the news was a couple hundred schoolbuses left abandoned at their barn in new orleans. Of course its difficult to manage such operations while your packing your stuff up and heading out of town. My only problem with Bush in this situation is his apointment style, he only nominates his buddies. Its fine to appiont a friend to some positions, but things that involve crisis management you should go and find someone with experience.
comment by manning
I think most of us liberals have been too focused on the negative emotions and energy the last few weeks to be really active on the blogs and you bottom feeding neo-cons have been at it again. With Bush's ratings in the toilet and his ineptitude more than obvious, there ain't many of you left, but some will always fight the rear-guard, thinking there be some nobility in it.please hit my blog and comment on the last few posts (you can skip the review of Transporter II) as they seem topical. Otherwise I'll have to return and point out some of the obvious flaws in your logical arguements.Sorry to give you such a hard time, you be the closest thing to a logical new-conned. Will you be 75 next time I hit ya?
comment by aurelius
Good post AR. We need a little humor. You did pick up a mixed bag of comments but people should watch their tvs. Blacks in New Orleans waited for help, whites in Pass Christian, which was hit harder, started cleaning up and making plans to rebuild. The governor of Louisiana and mayor of New Orleans did a poor job, the governors of Alabama and Mississippi seem to be doing a much better job. Facts.
comment by apoliticalnut
Thanks to everyone who comments!!...AR...
I did not do a post on Hurricane Katrina until Friday. My purpose for holding back was because I tend to be very political. Out of respect, I did not want to politicize a tragedy. Now I am forced to politicize a tragedy to defend my president. It is a sad chore. Especially in this day and age of modern society. The first to make a hurricane a political event? The left. The mayor of New Orleans, left leaning bloggers, Rapper Kanye West Claims 'Bush Doesn't Care About Black People', Angelina Jolie Says Efforts for Katrina Victims (are) Not Enough. (Well, that last statement by Angelina I can understand. Efforts are never enough for anything. Plus she is mega- foxy.)
The tragedy of New Orleans started way before Hurricane Katrina. The Mississippi River has tried to change it's course and flow directly into the city for a hundred years. Water seeks the lowest point and New Orleans is a lower point. The Mississippi River not only carries water, it carries soil and debris. This soil builds up at the rivers end. THE RIVER HAS BEEN RAISING IT'S OWN DELTA LEVEL for hundreds of years. Removing soil and building levees are a temporary fix in the grand scheme of things. The river would have gotten high enough to over-come any wall you build. The levee breach was near the lake, which leads us to problem number two: New Orleans is surrounded by water and is sinking 1/2 inch per year.
If you want to blame President Bush for this disaster, you must also blame other American Presidents who also had opportunities to fix New Orleans levee system. This is not the first time New Orleans has flooded. Each time it floods, people rebuild the city and put up better levees. I am sure we will rebuild New Orleans again. This time we will put up a 'state of the art' levee system. How long will that last?
Louisiana had 6,000 active National Guard personal who could have responded to this disaster. 1,000 state police where at the governor's disposal. "But someone in the state had to call them to action." Not after the flood. BEFORE the hurricane arrived. 42 hours before the hurricane hit New Orleans, everyone knew that Katrina was heading for the city. Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco needed to call these 7,000 guards and state police to New Orleans before the storm hit. Nobody knows a city better then the mayor. It was his job to see that the sick and elderly were taken care of. (Way before this storm arrived I might add.)
In this country of the free, you have the right to do daring things. You have the right to climb the highest mountain, jump off a cliff and parachute to the base. You have the right to build a skyscraper on a fault line, build a house on a loosely packed hillside. You can live in a city that is 6 feet below sea level, build a house in a place called "Tornado Alley."
In a free country, if you choose to live in a place that could flood, can you blame the President of the United States because he didn't stop you, or remove you, or save you, or help you fast enough?…AR…
Here are some comments by other Bloggers...
Another good post AR. We all should be Angry Republicans about this mess. Notice how many liberals are also incoherent in their comments?
comment by apoliticalnut
Stupid people do stupid things, but, if they are democrats, it's not their fault, and its up to other people to take care of them and straighten out the mess they created.
comment by oldfatguy
I don't understand the propensity toward politicizing a natural disaster. I think you raise points that are sure to be discussed for years to come in our media and by our politicians; but I'd prefer we all talk about what we do now as a country and as fellow humans about the issues at hand - as history will take care of assigning blame.
comment by libelsering
Maybe because they were too poor to have radios or TVs? Or perhaps it was because they were too poor to afford a way out of town? Or maybe it was because they had nowhere else to go?Yes, I'm sure there were idiots who stuck around and have only themselves to blame. But to lay blanket-blame on everyone caught in the city during the flooding...Hopefully you've seen the sick and the injured being transported out of the city. How were they to leave, prior to the storm?
comment by vitriolaholic
There is plenty of blame to go around but let us also do what the liberals say we should never do, blame the victims for being a large part of the problem. There are outlaws in New Orleans shooting and setting fires which is hampering relief efforts. There are people who chose to remain in New Orleans. There are people who refuse to queue for food or transportation which means extra manpower is needed which means less manpower for food distribution. A mess.
comment by apoliticalnut
Thanks to everyone who commented!! I appreciate your thoughts…AR…