Americans-R-Good foundation

Dr. Needlelick

Many people watched President Bush give his speech from New Orleans Thursday. After the speech some reporters asked questions of some of the hurricane survivors. These reporters looked surprised at who the survivors blamed for the slow rescue during the disaster. Some reporters even questioned the answers.
It was hard not to point the finger at someone. I’m sure each one of us had a person singled out as the prime culprit for this catastrophe. I know I did.How could we all watch the same event and come away with different conclusions?

How could so many people watch the O.J Simpson trial and believe he was guilty, only to find he was found innocent. What did the jury hear that we did not?
We witnessed the tragedy of 9/11. Why were so many people surprised by the outcome of the 9/11 commission? Did we all watch the same thing?
Millions of people watched the Michael Jackson trial and knew he was guilty. He was found innocent. What happened?
Are we being told the truth when we watch our favorite news sources? Probably. If they tried to lie, they would end up as CBS News, New York Times and Newsweek, being found out untrue. But are we being told the whole truth?
During the aftermath of the levee breach, I was switching from Fox to Cnn. One was asking why the governor didn’t get prepared, the other network was asking where FEMA and the President are. By switching between the two I got a fair and balanced report. News has become less about Who, What, Where and When. It is more about an OPINION on Why.
In a free country with free speech, I really cannot complain about news networks not covering both side of a story. They are a business.
In the next couple of weeks, we will hear more stories of great deeds that came out of this New Orleans tragedy. Church groups like the Baptists who arrived immediately and started feeding people. Nurses and doctors stayed in a dangerous area to treat the sick. Most of the police stayed to help even though they had no idea what happened to their own homes.
Years from now, people are not going to remember all the finger pointing and acusations. They will remember how Americans opened up their homes to people they didn’t even know. They opened up their checkbooks and they gave of their services.
Don’t worry about what other countries think of America. When ever they are in trouble, who do they always call? And we always help!

Thank You.