Print me up some of that money

"..Treat others as you would like them to treat you.."

(Or, in politics; this MUST be the phrase that is used...)

"..Screw others, as they screwed you.."

This has to be the thought process, because I can’t see any other reason for scaring old people and children into thinking that America will crumble (and die as we know it) because one president passed a BIG spending bill..??

I did not care much for the wacky left wingers who tried to scare Americans into thinking that we killed our own people on 9/11 and blew up the WT Towers ourselves.

Nor did I enjoy liberals who claimed President Bush destroyed this great country by taking away our freedoms. (Wiretapping, Gitmo, etc..)

So, I cannot take part in the rhetoric from the right that President Obama has destroyed America by passing a BIG spending bill.

"..We cannot keep spending money like this..!! Our children will never be able to pay off this debt that we are creating. Our children will suffer..."

Who said that..??

(A) A modern "hero" of the conservative movement?
(B) A liberal "hero" during President Reagan’s era?
(C) A person opposing FDR in the 1930's?
(D) A person on the Roman Senate during 100 AD
(E) All of the above

(The answer is, of course- E)

So, I must ask you:

"..How does it feel paying off the debt of generations that have come before you..??"

Are you suffering..??

Or did you even realize that you were paying off this MASSIVE debt..??

Every American, since President Jackson, (who was the last president to actually balance the budget- 1830), has payed off the debts of the past generation. And guess what? It will always be: "The highest debt ever.."

Taxes are sure enough high. No one can deny that.

But are taxes this high because of past sending? Or current spending?

"..We can’t keep printing up money.."


Bill Gates has more money today than the United States had a dozen decades ago.

So, any idiot can understand that WE HAVE printed up money in the past.

Here is an interesting debate that I had with an individual, I would like to share it with you:

(Me) When America needs money, we print some up.

(Him) That’s stupid. You can’t just print up money. It will KILL the economy.

(Me) So when do YOU think that the United States prints up money? When we DON’T need it?

(Him) Well, no. The government has a system that they follow for printing up new money.

(Me) Yea, the system is: they print up money when they need it.

(Him) No they don’t. That would cause inflation.


There it is..!!

That evil word that strikes fear into every American.

Inflation. (Spooky..!!)

Let’s have us a little experiment, at this point.

My Grandfather use to make a dollar a day, working for the railroad. This wasn’t a bad pay for a blue collar worker in his day.

For my Grandfather to take his wife out on the town, for an evening, is as follows:

Local Theater- (no movies in those days) ten cents per person. (For a good LOCAL play.)

Dinner for two at a nice restaurant- 20- to 30 cents.

Ok, for my Grandfather to head out for a night with my Grandmother was about half a days pay.

Now, let’s look at today...

An average pay for a blue collar worker, like my grandfather, would be around $30,000 per year. Which breaks down to $125 per day.

For a blue collar worker to head out for an evening today would cost:

Movie- $7 per person- $14 bucks

Dinner for two- $60 bucks

So, for a blue collar person to have a night out, it equals $64 dollars.

Which amounts to: Half a days pay.

(How can that be..???)

How can the value of a night out be exactly the same for people today, as it was for my Grandfather- back in 1925..??

Because the value of (X) never changes.

You can raise or lower dollar amounts...

A government could raise the minimum wage and companies could run a "sale" on their goods.


This is all irrelevant because the value of (X) doesn’t change.

Let’s try one more...

When Ford was selling Model T’s, the cost of the car was roughly "one years pay" for the average worker of that day.

Today: the average, (no frills) car is priced around $24,000 to $30,000.

(Which, by the way, is the average yearly pay for an average American, today.)

How can that be..??

We have had inflation.

We have had massive national debt.

We have had all kinds of Wars.

We created the "Great Sociality" and the "New Deal."

So, how can a car cost "virtually" the same as it did in the early 1920's?

How can dinner and a movie cost the same as it did 80 years ago?

Because the value of (X) never changes.

What is the value of (X)..??

The value of (X) is simple:

(X) equals the amount of money that you are willing to work for; to do a certain job.

If your boss pays too little a salary, you will search for a new job. Your boss will lose good employees and his business will suffer.

If your boss pays too much, (Ford, GM, etc) he will lose money and go out of business.

(X)- the actual value of (X), never changes. It doesn’t matter what dollar amount you attach to it.

The second part of this equation is: what you are willing to spend.

If a business charges too much, you will go somewhere else. If they charge too little, they go under.

So, I am not as worried as others are that America is printing up money. We have in the past and we have survived.

"...We are borrowing all this money from the Chinese. They will freaking OWN us. One day they are going to want to CASH IN, and that will be the end of America..."

Hey, I got an idea here...

Let’s all just SUCK on that lemon called: FEAR..!!

The Chinese are buying American bonds. Matter of fact, just last week the Chinese decided to KEEP buying US bonds because they do not trust the Euro, nor do they trust an investment in Japan.

OK, what do you think is going to happen here..??

Do you think the Chinese are going to ONE DAY: walk up to us with a stack of American bonds and ask to turn them in..??

They would devalue the worth of each bond by doing that..!!

Folks, think with your brain..!!

We are not forcing the Chinese to buy our bonds.

They are doing it on their own accord.

Here is when we might have to worry...

When the Chinese stop selling us their goods.

When the Chinese decide that they no longer want to sell America ANYTHING, because our money is no good.

Then, we have to worry.

When Saudi Arabia quits selling us oil, because our money is no good.

Then we have a problem.

But, we are not even close to this scenario.

(Note) And even if the Chinese stopped selling us goods; it would force us to make our own stuff. (Which would help us create jobs.)

So, quit worrying.

Big deal..!!

President Obama passed a big spending bill.

It doesn’t mean the end of the world. Least we forget that President Bush passed a $700,000 billion dollar bill before he left.

We have got to be careful NOT to turn into the "liberal lite" party and use these dam scare tactics that were used on us.

People are tired of the "fear society."

I am a conservative, make no mistake about that.

But we have gone too far.

For eight years; republicans have made people worry about terrorism.

Now, we are going to make people worry about America collapsing and turning to communism..??

Enough already.

We have to provide answers, solutions, and we have to be optimistic.

President Reagan isn’t my favorite modern President because he scared the crap out of me.

Reagan became my favorite president because he had answers and he made me see how great this country is. With Reagan in charge, there was no mountain too high to climb.

There is nothing that President Obama can do, that cannot be fixed in four years.

Barack Obama is making many mistakes and people now realize that the passing and signing of this HUGE spending bill means: NO CHANGE.

This Pelosi, Obama, Reid spending bill is business as usual; DC style.

People will see that.

We need not "frighten people to us."

Scaring people away from the democrats didn’t work in 2006 and 2008.

It will NOT work in 2010.

Stimulated by Stimulus?

Did you ever vote for something that turns into a monster..??

This monster; far too big now to control. And all that you can do is step back and get out of this monsters way.

It has happened to me and my political party.

I firmly voted for and supported the FIRST bailout bill ($600- 700 billion bucks) under President Bush. In a minute I will tell you WHY I supported this bailout, because I feel it is important to explain "how I got to that thinking."

But first...

I find it hard to really criticize the current Stimulus bill when republicans conceived of the dam process in the first place.

Yes, I’m talking about the FIRST bailout bill, however it starts much further back than that.

When George Bush took office in 2001, the federal government had a surplus of cash. (Translation- President Clinton had taxed the American people too much and the government didn’t spend all of it.)

NOTE- the national dept was still there, that didn’t disappear. However, for the fiscal year of 2000, there was a surplus.

President Bush cut taxes and wrote all tax payers a check.

Americans opened their mailboxes and found a $300 dollar check from the government and they were excited. Americans bought Chia Pets and "Snuggie" blankets and the economy was flowing.

Even the horrible attack on 9/11 was survived by a steaming economy and President Bush telling Americans to "go shopping."

(Which, in the most simplistic form, was exactly what the economy needed after that massive attack on the World Trade Towers.)

Congress took notice of what this little "check" did for the economy and early last year; congress wrote another check to send to your house. This time it was closer to $600 bucks.

However, this time the "stimulus" check didn’t work.

The economy didn’t get "stimulated" by THIS check.

Banks started to fail and it looked like our way of life was about to fail.


(All of the American government: IE; President Bush, democrats and republicans in congress and the senate, both John McCain and Barack Obama- all believed that we must pass a "bailout" bill.

A "stimulus check" of gigantic proportions.

Hence: the FIRST bailout. The bailout that I believed we needed to do to fix the economy.

Again, I will explain why I was onboard for this first "bailout", a bit later.

First: here is what I (and millions of others who supported the bailout) didn’t know...

That President Bush would allow Henry Paulson to just "toss" the money "out there", with no checks or balances on WHAT $350 BILLION WOULD BE USED FOR.

Clearly, this money was wasted, right..??

It never went to "stimulate" the economy. Banks didn’t loan out money as we all hoped, instead they restructured, laid workers off, and had BIG parties with huge bonuses for CEO’s.

I was just as sick as the rest of you after learning about all of this. And I supported this bailout..!!

Today, President Obama has a bigger "stimulus" bailout bill that is clearly chuck full of pork spending. Not many in politics can argue that most of this bill will actually "stimulate" the economy- today.

The bill has been trimmed from $900 to $750 billion (actual, not counting interest) and has been renamed by President Obama as a "spending bill."

There is nothing "special" about a spending bill. Every year congress creates a "spending bill." Spending money is what congress does best. However, Obama; renaming this bill from "stimulus" to "spending" is a tad bit more honest.

So, I find it hard to criticize liberals on this current bill, when it was republicans who created this monster. (And I was one of them.)

I have watched many conservative "talking heads" get slapped in the face with this little fact.

When a conservative on TV or radio begins to rant about the HUGE spending in Obama’s stimulus bill, the "token" liberal guest replies: "..Wasn’t it President Bush who formed the FIRST bailout bill..??"

This is a cold slap of reality in the face and leaves the conservative host with nothing more, but to point out stupid spending in the current Obama bill, such as: millions for the study of STD’s, or building a frisbee golf course.

Folks, it is best to just admit that things went wrong.

Just come clean..!!

Why did President Bush allow Henry Paulson to toss $350 billion dollars out into the financial community with no check on where or how this money would be used..??

We may never be able to answer that question?

However, the bigger question is...

We may never know if we stopped the "Next Great Depression" with the things that we did today..??

Yes, there are a few people reading this who can pat themselves on the back, and state: "..I was against this bailout stuff from the start, and I was right.."

Hold on there Bubba...

You might NOT be right.

As I said before, we may never know if we stopped the Next Great Depression with what we have done?

We may never know if there really was a huge problem, or how close we came to a great depression?

Which leads me to why I supported the first "bailout."

At the risk of writing a long post which no one reads, let’s start at the beginning.

I supported Mitt Romney for the presidency because I believed America was heading for tough financial times. Maybe I was listening to Glenn Beck, or maybe I saw evidence in my own business; with the rising cost of fuel, (spring 2008) I felt that Romney, with his business experience, was best suited to run this country. (Remember, this was BEFORE the banks began to fail.)

I’m not trying to blow smoke up my ass, (though- why would ANYONE blow smoke up there?) I am just trying to point out that I was "in tune" with the changing economy.

John McCain won the nomination, the US economy went into the crapper, and here we are today.

The first thing I noticed was that every government official was calling for this FIRST bailout.

It wasn’t just republicans, or just democrats; it was ALL of the American government. (With the exception of Ron Paul and a few others.)

Ok: I am an optimist. I do not believe that EVERY politician in Washington is a crook. That is impossible.

When I saw dam near every politician support this first bailout, I knew something was very desperate about this situation.

I knew at that point that I needed to educate myself with "the Great Depression" because I didn’t have all the facts.

If you are a liberal, then you were taught that President Hoover CAUSED the Great Depression.

If you are a conservative, then you were taught that President FDR prolonged the Great Depression and WW2 is what ended it.

Both of you were given BAD information.

(And, at the same time, you are both correct.)

Both Presidents did things that saved our asses from total destruction. Yet, both did things that they shouldn’t have done.

FDR created federal banking insurance which saved us today. When banks started failing in 2008, you didn’t rush to the bank and take out your money. This panic would have CAUSED a depression because banks do not have enough money in the vault to give us our money back.

However, FDR raised taxes on big business during the depression, which caused them to lay off workers. Companies cut back on expansion and no one had cash to buy stuff. (Or they sat on their money.)

Hoover began public works projects (Hoover dam, infrastructure, etc) which quickly put thousands to work. However, Hoover had a "hands off" approach to helping business during the depression. Hoover felt the best thing to do was let these failing businesses fall. This was a massive mistake.

The US economy can withstand a couple of large companies failing. But not many all at once.

When you have a dozen financial institutions, and all three auto makers, and the housing industry heading for the toilet...

It is too much to just HOPE that things will work out on their own.

When rich people get nervous and stop spending, when average people lose their jobs, when the poor cannot find work...

It can take years to recover from this. (Maybe never. Empires have fallen over less than this.)

Capitalism is the greatest engine a country can have. However, even this engine needs a tune-up from time to time. (IE the break up of Edison Power, NBC Radio Network, Bell Telephone, etc.)

At the risk of sounding like a liberal here...

Was it socialistic for the government to get involved in the mail service..??

Or was it a way to insure that a letter could be sent from New York and arrive in California?

Was it socialistic for the government to get involved in electric companies..??

Or was it a way to make sure that every American could have electricity? (Because Edison wasn’t going to run power lines out to the family farm. There was no profit in it..!!)

Capitalism is the greatest engine the world has ever seen. The proof being what America has accomplished in just over 200 years. However, even this engine needs a tune- up, now and then.

Most historians believe that the governments "hands off" approach during the Great Depression is what caused it’s magnitude.

So, after studying the Great Depression and watching modern politicians, (democrats and republicans alike) all plead for the need for this Bailout; I knew that they had also studied the Great Depression.

Politicians were calling for exactly what historians and economists said needed to be done to fix a Great Depression.

And thus, I was on board with the first bailout.

What this bailout did was say to Americans and American companies: "..we are going to DO SOMETHING. We will stop this bad economy.."

We may never be able to show on a financial ledger that what we did today actually stopped a great depression.

But what we can prove is that we stopped the "panic" about a great depression.

The "panic", as many historians will tell you, is what caused the Great Depression to be huge.

So, I was, and I am still in favor of that first bailout.

(We may never know how close we came to meltdown?)

However, this new "stimulus" bill is as President Obama now claims: a spending bill. Nothing more.

President Obama is correct...

"Stimulus" is spending.

And this democratic bill is chuck full of "spending."

Will spending money stimulate the economy? It should. It always has.

This harkens back to that fateful time, in 2001 just after the terrorist attacks, when President Bush smiled and told Americans: "Go shopping."

This current bill is congress "going shopping."

On a very GRAND scale.

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic

How "close" is close?

As I said in the above editorial; we may never know how close we came to a "Great Depression" today?

Someday, a report might be delivered which will show how close we came to economic meltdown. For now, we can only use history and speculation.

When looking at today, it is important to understand how the Great Depression started, back in the 1920's.

Many historians point to the housing crisis in Florida as the start of the Great Depression.

In the 1920's, people discovered that Florida would be a great area to develop. Investing firms poured tons of money into Florida property and could double their money overnight by selling smaller "lots" to people up north.

Two massive hurricanes in- around 1925 killed thousands of people and caused millions of people to run like hell from Florida.

Investors lost billions in land deals in Florida.

Couple that with the Wall Street practice called: "Leveraging" (which ran mostly without regulation) and you have the recipe for a large recession.

Leveraging: (the best way to define it; is to describe it)

Say you have a successful business that has a value of one million dollars. We will call this business: "The Factory."

OK, a brokerage firm (which we will call: "Firm A") buys 51 percent of the stock in the successful "Factory" business.

Brokerage "Firm A" then lists itself on the stock market and sells off 49 percent of it’s shares.

"Firm B" (which is actually "Firm A" with a different name) buys up some shares of "Firm A" and causes a run on the stock. This "run" on stock causes an influx of cash. Firm B lists itself on the stock market and sells off 49 percent of its stock while holding on to 51 percent; to keep a controlling hand.

"Firm C" (which is actually Firm A and Firm B: with a different name) buys up stock in Firm B. This causes a run on the stock from Firm B. "Firm C" lists itself on the stock market and sells off 49 percent.

"Firm D" (which is actually Firm A, Firm B, and Firm C- with a different name) begins to buy up stock from Firm C, which causes a "run" on the stock, which gives cash to the...

(And so on, and so on; you get the picture.)

Leveraging caused a one million dollar company to be worth $50 million down the line. (If you count all the brokerage firms that were riding on this companies back.)

But it was all on paper.

49 million dollars was just paper.

The actual company: "The Factory": (the machines, the building, the sales, and the land; was only worth one million dollars.)

Many of the "leveraging" brokerage firms had invested in Florida land deals. When the housing crisis happened in Florida, this caused the stock to fall on these brokerage firms.

As the stocks were falling on these leveraging firms, those who got out lost millions. Those who stayed in- lost it all.

Worse yet, the original company: "The Factory" (which may have been profitable) was sold off or "chopped up" for cash. Which caused massive unemployment.

I have just given you one example. However, this practice of leveraging was taking place all over the market.

Some traditional banks had invested in these "leveraging firms", and they too lost millions.

When some banks closed, it caused Americans to rush to the bank to withdraw their cash. Banks didn’t have enough money and closed their doors.

Yada, Yada, Yada: we entered the Great Depression.

Now, I realize that this is a very simplistic version of the Great Depression. There were so many other factors involved.

But from this rudimentary description of the Great Depression, we can place it side- by- side with today to gauge how close we came.

The practice of leveraging reminds me a lot of today with Freddie and Fanny Mae "bundling" bad mortgagees with some good ones and selling them around the world.

As I said above...

We may never know how close we came to a Great Depression of 2008..??

But, when I saw the look of terror in President Bush, Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, and Barack Obama’s eyes...

I knew that something was up.

(These people never agree on anything..!!)

But they all agreed on one thing.

To quickly throw cash into the private sector.

It didn’t matter whether we borrowed it, or printed it up.

We tossed a trillion dollars at the private sector, and we did it fast.

Which is what many historians and economists believe FDR and Hoover should have done.


Democrats and Republicans are fighting over what spending is taking place, in the current "stimulus" spending bill.

(Which tells me that things are back to normal.)

Crisis diverted..??

The Great Depression of 2008 defeated..??

We may never know how close we came.

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic

Obama- I screwed up

None so blind as those who cannot / (will not) see.

Some top democrats do not mind raising taxes on us Americans, because top democrats do not pay these taxes. (How much proof do you need..??)

Who’s not paying taxes?

President Obama’s cabinet picks: Nancy Killefer, Tom Daschle, Tim Geithner...

Oh, let’s not forget Gov Richardson; who had to bail out of Obama’s cabinet early on because of "Pay to play" type scandals. (You donate to my campaign and I will give you these multi- million dollar state contracts.)

Should we throw Hillary Clinton in there, for good measure? (Though I think that Hillary HAS paid her taxes?)

Where is the "hopey change" that you people were talking about..??

All I see is business as usual.

I have tried to give President Obama the benefit of the doubt. I have tried to focus on social issues on my web site and see what Obama will do.

However, you democrats are NOT making it easy for a guy like me to sit back and give President Obama the "space" to prove himself.

I have to ask this question...

(Because there has to be at least a thousand democrats in American politics, to pick from...)

Can’t you liberals pick a handful of democrat leaders to fill Obama’s cabinet WITHOUT picking a crook..??

My God man, it’s getting embarrassing.

The world is laughing at the American democrats.

"..They voted for Hope and Change and they got a 900 billion dollar stimulus bill that builds a frisbee golf course in Austin and adds more neon lights in Vegas.."

That is what the world is saying.

What pisses me off the most is how I had to listen to liberals "preaching" how crooked and evil the republicans are. That’s all I heard from liberals for the past 8 years.


Where are these BIG liberal bloggers at..??

Where the hell are you..??

I could name these bloggers, but what is the point? Everyone reading this knows the ones that I am talking about.

Where the hell are you now..??

Most liberal bloggers have their blinders firmly in place. They choose to only see corruption when it is convenient for them. They are commenting about their job, their dog, or their personal life. Anything- to keep their minds off of President Obama.

Obama says: "I screwed up.."

Those liberal bloggers who are willing to comment; conclude that this is just "unfortunate." It is a "glitch", a "hiccup." Some comment on how refreshing it is that Obama ADMITS that he screwed up.


The guy that you hired as president has tried to place 4 crooks into HIGH government office, and you are "just" happy that he said he "screwed up"?

Geee, I was worried for a minute. But now I see that Obama is willing to admit that he was wrong. (Though, he doesn’t seem to STOP surrounding himself with crooks.)

To us conservatives; this comes as no surprise.

We were the only ones who were willing to look into Obama’s past. We already knew the types of people who Obama surrounded himself with. We have known it all along.


Here is the best way that I can describe Barack Obama to the millions of voters who walked into the voting booth on November, "blind as a bat" and voted for Obama:

Obama is, (and always has been) a "pay to play" politician.

You scratch my back, I scratch yours.

Obama needed Rev. Wright to gain popularity in the Black community. When he no longer needed Wright; he dumped him.

Obama needed Ayers to lift him up in the Chicago "elite- intellectual" community. Obama dropped Ayers like a rock when he was no longer needed.

So, why are you surprised today that Obama has surrounded himself with crooks..??

So here we sit.

Liberal bloggers are writing stories about their dogs and jobs. Hoping that no one notices all the shit that has gone wrong in Obama’s first two weeks as prez.

Conservative bloggers are desperately reporting anything and everything that goes wrong with Obama. As if somehow, the last four months could be reversed.

Middle America is walking with their heads down, thinking; "I voted republican, now I voted for the democrats, and nothing is changing.."

Change is coming.

But it will take a few years.

However, I still can’t believe I had to listen to liberals tell me how corrupt republicans are...

When liberals cannot even form a presidential cabinet without stumbling over crooked democrats.

God, that makes me laugh. What poetic justice.

"What can a liberal say..??"

I guess if I were a liberal, I would be talking about my dog and job too.

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic

The STEELE curtain

The STEELE curtain

How the hell can you talk about football and the new RNC leader on the same post..??

When the weekend news is about the Republican National Committee Chairman Michael STEELE and (at the same time) the Pittsburgh STEELERS are in the Super Bowl.

Having lived most of my life just a one hour drive from Pittsburgh, you can imagine that I have been a Steelers fan for many years.

(Except for the time that I lived in LA and watched the SF 49'ers and Joe Montana,) I have focused on Chuck Knoll, Bill Cowher, and now Mike Tomlin; as these men have "somehow" brought the Steelers to the big game.

I’m not sure how they do it..??

Pittsburgh is NOT a "big money" city. We lose some great players over the years because we cannot offered them the big money deals.

The Steelers have been a very lucky and scrappy / ruff team, with some players who become very loyal.

That has to be the reason, because they could make better cash somewhere else.

Maybe some players stick around because Pittsburgh becomes their best chance to make it to the Super Bowl?

Whatever the reason is, I have never seen a team that gets into the Super Bowl, like the Steelers do.

So, I was already happy and looking forward to this weekend...

And then- Friday; I was really surprised that the republicans nominated Michael Steele as the new Chairman of the RNC. (Republican National Committee.)

Steele was the person that I was hopeful would get the republican leadership position, and I will tell you why in a minute.

Yes, I realize that Michael Steele and the Pittsburgh Steelers share very little in common with each other. (Other than a section of their names.) But, it is two subjects that I am happy about, and I wanted to talk about both of them. Besides, the: "Steele Curtain" kind of fits.

Why Michael Steele..??

Steele is the perfect person for the direction that we must take.

Let’s face it, the republican party has been like a ship with no captain.

The party has drifted FOR YEARS relying on things that "we did in the past." Hoping that people would vote republican, because: "Hey, what would Reagan do..??"

Well, I’m sorry to say that Reagan might not vote for this current Republican Party?

I have listened to Michael Steele for many years. He is very smart man and a hell of a good guy. I like his ideals and his image of the future for the Republican Party.

Listen to these words from Steele:

"..For so long we’ve allowed the Democrats to define us. We’ve allowed the media to define us, And so it’s important for us to be able to establish with clarity what we believe..."

Steele went on and had this to say about President Obama:

"I would say to the new president, congratulations. It is going to be an honor to spar with him," Steele said. "And I would follow that up with: How do you like me now?"

Folks, you gotta love it..!! ("How do you like me now?")

Yes, as modern as we are today...

There are those who are still prejudice. (I know, I know. But they are out there.)

Oh, I’m not talking about the "Archie Bunker" types. White guys who hate everyone who is not White.

I’m not talking about the "Fred Sanfords" of the world who hate everyone who isn’t Black.

I’m not talking about these bigots.

Actually, there is something that is comforting about these racists. They do not hide their racism. They stick it out there, for all to see. You know who you are dealing with and you can move on with your life.

It is the ones who hide their racism that scares me:

The news reporter who is afraid to comment on an Obama cabinet appointment because "Obama is Black, and people might think that I am picking on a Black man.."

The editorial editors that are afraid to print an editorial cartoon of President Obama, because: "Well, they are making his ears really big and that might offend someone.."

These are the racists that scare me the most because they hide. They actually tell you that they are very "sympathetic to minorities", but yet they capitulate the divide between Whites and Blacks even more.

I have always felt that I am on equal ground with everyone else.

It is up to each of us to define our worth in life. Skin color (to me) has nothing to do with this definition.

With this comes the realization that a Black person is my equal; then I am equally free to criticize a Black President. (Just the way that I have done with the many White presidents we have had.)

As much as I would have hoped that today we would treat all men equal. We still have problems in this area.

There are things that a "White man in a business suit" cannot say on national TV about a Black President. (The TV editors would NOT allow it.)

If republicans elected another White guy as their chair, (or even a White female) we would still have to watch our words carefully.

When trying to cut the spending on some social program, democrats would hit us over the head with: "You’re a freaking White guy in a business suit. What the hell do you know about the suffering in the Black community..??"

We have taken away that weapon from the Democratic Party with the appointment of Steele.

Now, when a democrat tries to say that republicans do not care for the Black community, Steele can fire back: "Aaahh, do you need glasses? Let me take you to Chicago. To one of the poorest sections of town. I will PROVE to you that social programs keep people poor. People do not need a hand out. They need a hand up. President Obama has been giving people "hand outs" for years in Chicago and there are MORE poor people today, than 20 years ago.."

What can President Obama say to that..?? We have taken away his weapon.

The left will attack Michael Steele on a personal level. (Because they cannot defeat his ideals.)

This can be expected.

However, Michael Steele brings intelligence and wit to this old party.

Lets face it folks...

There are things that us old White people cannot say on national TV.

Michael Steele can say these things that we cannot.

Steele takes the issue of "skin color" out of the equation.

With skin color gone, what is left is a debate on the issues.

An "equal" debate on the issues.

Isn’t that what we ask for in a country..??

An equal debate..!!

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic

Prediction- Steelers over the Cardinals 17- 10