America- You stupid country

Have you ever felt the need to call America: "A stupid country"..??

Well, when I saw 52% of American voters pick a president who had never run a state, or a business of any kind, or spent any time (longer than 148 days in the Senate), it was tempting to call them "stupid" for voting for Barack Obama.

But I didn’t.

I didn’t call Obama supporters "stupid" because we have all been tricked by a "fancy car salesman" who promised the moon, but sold us a lemon.

Even smart people can be tricked.

America- you stupid country.

Yes, in this editorial, am referring to Bill Maher’s comment on CNN’s Wolf Blitzer’s show. (Which you can view the video clip below.)

However, I am talking about a larger view that Liberal Democrats have about America.

Liberals "say" that they LOVE this country. However, it is easy to find many examples of how liberals actually do "hate" America. Bill Maher’s slip up on CNN is a great example. Bill actually says that America is a "stupid country."

Ask a liberal: "Do you love America."

And the liberal will reply:

"...Yes, I love this country. That is why I bitch, piss, and complain about America. I love America SO MUCH that I want to CHANGE America into something else..."

Would that line of thinking work for something else..?? Let’s say, a spouse..??

Do you LOVE your wife..??

"...Oh, yes. I LOVE my wife. That is why I complain and talk bad about my wife in public. I love my wife SO MUCH that I want to CHANGE her so that she acts like someone else..."

This logic...

This way of thinking; only works when liberals describe their "love of country."

Sometimes, a liberal will point to the founding fathers and claim that Jefferson, Adams, and Washington were "revolutionaries." These rebels fought against the British because they loved this country so much, and wanted to make it better. The modern liberal will compare themselves to the founding fathers, and claim they are doing the same thing.

They are, of course, very wrong.

The founding fathers NEVER said that they "loved" the colonies, as they were being run by the British.

They hated it.

In fact, they would tell anyone who would listen, that they despised the way the colonies were being run by the British. The founding fathers wanted to tear down the whole system, and start a new.

This is where the liberal mind set is dishonest.

It is based on a lie.

You cannot "love your country" if you want to dismantle it and start over.

You actually "hate" your country. You want something else.

This explains why liberalism fails.

Because it is based on a lie; and most people figure it out, (sometimes too late, but I think that we, ‘the American people’, caught it in time, this time.)

So, now the liberal is forced to defend the idea of "dismantling America."

The liberal says: "..I do NOT want to dismantle America, I love this country. I want to make it better.."

You reply: "You want to rip apart the American health system, correct..??"

"..Yes, it is broken. Don’t you think sick people should get medical help..??" The liberal explains.

You inform the liberal that it is against the law for a hospital to reject a sick patient without treatment. EVERY AMERICAN HAS ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE.

"..Yea, but, without insurance, one illness could wipe out a family savings.." the liberal claims.

You inform the liberal that if that same American loses their job, it could also wipe out their savings. If they gamble on the wrong horse, or walk down the wrong street in Compton California, they could lose everything. How far do you want to go in protecting people "from life..?? From living..??"

"..But, but, you hate sick people.." is the reply of the liberal.

No, I want to STOP a half-assed program, that is being RUSHED into law, from taking effect. You cannot plan national health care in a couple of weeks and expect it to work correctly.

Ask the liberal if they want to change the way Americans live, drive their cars, and the food that we eat..??

"Yes", the liberal answers. "..We need to save the earth. People cannot live in BIG houses and drive BIG cars. It is killing the bunnies and the frogs. BIG cars are making it rain in the North East, and BIG houses are making it hot in the desert. People need to eat better because they are fat and costing tons of money.."

Ask the liberal if they prefer the capitalistic system, or would they like a more socialized system, where the money is spread around (by a government worker and high taxation.) You already know the answer that the liberal will give to that question.

OK- If you want to change the way that Americans live...

If you want to dictate what we can eat, who gets treated when they are sick...

And you want to change the entire economic structure of America...

Then you want to dismantle America, and replace it with your elite, utopian dream.

Therefore, you cannot "love" your country.

This is what stops liberalism in its tracks.

That FIRST little lie.

"..I LOVE America, (but) I want to change everything about it..."

A contradiction shared by millions of liberal Americans.

A lie.

Is Bill Maher correct..??

Is America a "stupid country."

Not in the least. No country that started from scratch (just 233 years ago), who survived a Civil War, helped win several World Wars, put a man on the moon, survives racial tensions, and helped launch some of the greatest technical advances the world has ever seen; America could not be manned by "stupid people."

However, from time to time, smart people can be fooled by a "slick car salesman" who promises "hope and change", but delivers a lemon; a health plan that is so bad that his own political party has trouble voting for it.

Bill Maher, and the rest of the liberal elitists...

Don’t feel so bad..!!

You are not stupid.

You are just misguided.

A fellow (Barack Obama) told you that he could add 47 million people on "national" health insurance, and it wouldn’t cost you any more money, and you would have a BETTER system, AND YOU BELIEVED HIM..??

Don’t feel bad, Bill Maher.

I once bought a Beta Video Tape deck because the salesman said it had better video and audio. The Beta deck now sits in storage. It still works, but you cannot find tapes for it.

(Hey, he was a GOOD salesman.)

We all get fooled from time to time.

The Prez- Saving you, from yourself

The Prez- Saving you, from yourself

"...Ask a conservative about global warming and they will point to the North Eastern United States (which is having one of the coldest summers on record.) How can it be "cooler" during global warming..??

But, they are JUST conservatives.

What the hell do they know..??

Scientists will tell you that the North East is experiencing a "special" weather pattern. The North East is actually getting warmer, scientists say (64 degrees today- the normal for today is usually 82..??) It is just that a "super- special" weather pattern is making it cooler in the North East.


Scientists will point out that Arizona, (located "smack- dab" in the desert) which is seeing 114 degrees today, IS PROOF OF GLOBAL WARMING.

Arizona IS NOT experiencing a "special" weather pattern. Arizona is PROOF of global warming.

The Arctic is also PROOF of global warming.

Forget the fact that the Arctic packed on about as much ice as it usually does each winter. The Arctic is experiencing a "different" melting pattern, this summer.

Scientists will tell you that this is NOT a "super special" weather pattern. The Arctic is proof of global warming.


If a place on earth appears warmer, it is proof of global warming.

However, if a place on earth is cooler, it is a "super special" weather pattern.

I believe I understand it all now.

(And to be honest, if my paycheck depended on government grants...

If I were a scientist who was charged with studying global warming...

I would probably tell you the same thing.)

Besides, it is better to be safe than sorry..!!"


But, what is the COST of being "safe"..??

What if YOU are wrong..??

When I think of a leader...

I envision a person who guides us through a difficult time. Maybe it is some kind of war, or a tough economic environment.

(Which, by the way, we are experiencing both today.)

When I think about a person that will tell me if my house windows leak air, or if my car burns to much gas, or if I am eating right, if I am getting enough exercise...

That is NOT a President.

That is a Mother.

President Barack Obama- "Mommy Dearest."

In my last post, I was stunned to find out that President Obama and his democratic congress wanted to check out your house and make sure it was "green" before you can sell it.

If you want to buy a house, the government will tell you which house you can buy. Forget location. Forget about your budget.

The house MUST be "green."

(Green- IE- Fuel efficient furnace, hot water heater, weather proof windows, doors, government approved insulation, hot water lines insulated from heat loss, etc.)

This reminds me of a story...

One of the saddest tales I can think of is a local Heating and Air conditioning installer who DIED from his own water heater.

(I am going to leave his name out of this story) however, his story is important.

Being in the business, this Heating repairman knew that if he added MORE insulation to his house, he could save money in heating and cooling costs.

He went overboard.

His house was so "air tight" that it killed him.

What the Obama administration forgets is that most every house in America contains radon gas.

Radon is a gas that is created naturally in the earth, and can get trapped in your "air tight" house.

Mold can also build up in your house if you do not remove the molded materials.

Without enough fresh air, your gas water heater WILL leak carbon monoxide into your house. (Which is what killed this contractor that I spoke of.) An air tight house traps this gas.

The average middle class American doesn’t have the money to "green" up their homes. Then provide proper "radon" protection. And, provide some form of "fresh air" vent or intake, etc.

Sure, the government will come around and see if your house is "green". And they will tax (fine) you if it isn’t. But will the government come back and check your radon levels? Your CO2 levels?

Will the government check to see if you are safe..??

How many times will the government show up at your doorstep and demand to check your house..??

I, being a freedom loving America, assumed that most Americans were like minded. I figured that most Americans would be outraged at this government intrusion.

After all, it is us middle class people who were already turning our furnaces down, we didn’t run our A/C units as much, and we drove our cars less; to save money.

Why would these laws target the middle class..??

But, they do.

So, this week...

From the mouth of President Obama...

This MUST bring all of the freedom loving Americans together.

President Obama said that "incentives MUST be given to employers who make sure that their employees are EATING RIGHT, getting enough exercise, if they are smoking, or involved in unsafe activities.."

As part of the Obama health care program:

Employers should make sure that their employees are eating right and NOT eating junk.

Your boss should make sure that you exercise.

And your boss should find out if you are smoking (cigarettes or weed) at home.

This "Obama government" wants to rule your house. You might as well send Obama a copy of your front door key.

This proposal from Obama and the democrats should get the attention of even the far left liberals. (IE- the weed smoking at home. BIG Obama no, no. One joint has almost same amount of carcinogenic as a cigarette. Very bad for your health.)

I can almost feel Barack Obama peeking into my house, right now. Checking out my water heater. Seeing if I did some "sit-ups" today. Can you picture Obama lifting the lid of a pot on the stove, checking to see what you have planned for dinner..??

Americans MUST be joined against this.

Liberal and conservative.

The liberal hippies of the sixties were all for personal freedom.

Today, those same liberal hippies want the government to inspect their water heaters and their refrigerators. "What kind of food do you have in their, Mister Hippie..??"

We must unite and stop these democratic bills.

People MUST be made aware of what was in those bills. (The bills that their senators passed, but didn’t read.)

Maybe I am wrong.

Maybe people do not care much for freedom.

Maybe Americans want to be told what to eat, where to live, when to exercise, how warm to have their house, and when they can take a vacation with their car.

Maybe I am wrong about Americans.

As I always say:

If you can’t beat them, (don’t join them) but find a way to make money off of them.

(Remember, I am a capitalist.)

I have created a NEW company, called: "Obam-a-Co."

We build and sell a product called: "Narc-o-matic."

See, it will be impossible for your boss to tell if you are exercising at home, (as President Obama demands.) Unless your boss actually shows up at your home and watches you exercise, this Obama wish is impossible.


Not with my new Obam-a-Co "Narc-o-matic" system.

Narc-o-matic is connected to your treadmill, your exercise bike, and your refrigerator. If you DO NOT exercise, Narc-o-matic automatically calls your boss, (and President Obama) and tells them that you are just sitting on the couch. A third call also goes out to a local government worker who can "peek" into your windows and verify that you are not exercising.

And just try and stick a cheesecake in your refrigerator... (I dare you..!!)

"Narc-o-matic" not only calls your boss, (and President Obama), but "Narc-o-matic" also calls local police who can rush to your house and confiscate the "said" cheesecake.

Once the "offending" cheesecake is safely removed from your home, a "sweet team" of government workers will console you on the evils of cheesecake. "Just one cheesecake will bankrupt the national medical care system, you will get fat, and be a burden on all of us."

Narc-o-matic is a Trademark of "Obam-a-Co Enterprises."

I plan on making a trillion dollars off of "Narc-o-matic", considering every home will need one.


Just in case this idea doesn’t pan out and you Americans wise up and push for freedom, I have another idea...

The: "Sticker Picker."

With my new "Sticker Picker" device, you are able to remove those "Obama for President" bumper stickers from your car.

(And then you can pretend that you didn’t vote for all of this loss of freedom.)

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic

Today, we still fight for freedom

President Obama said he didn't see any controversy in the fact that he did not issue a formal public statement upon Jackson's death, and said he was unaware of any dissatisfaction in the black community with Obama’s very late response.

President Obama said:

"I know a lot of people in the black community," Obama said. "I haven't heard that."

Well, Mr. President...

I know a lot of people in the Black Community, too. I grew up with many Black friends. Should I get some kind of badge..??

Matter of fact, I know quite a few people in the White community. What the hell does that have to do WITH ANYTHING..??

A comment from a reader comes in:


I voted for change (Obama); however I did not vote for this. I fell under his spell, but the spell is broken. I think our president would rather be a movie star than president. I can not wait until 2012.


Neither can we..!!

(The worm is starting to turn.)

"...Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it..."

"...Those who DO STUDY history, are doomed to KNOW that history is repeating itself. (Because of the idiots we have running the country, who didn’t learn from history.)..."

Today, we have a lot of people who will learn a very valuable lesson.

I believe that last year was the first year that I made the point that: "On this day, back in 1776, our founding father declared ‘Independence’ from Britain.

However, declaring independence and winning independence are two different things."

Winning independence came MUCH later than July, 4th, 1776.

50 percent of the American population, at the time, were terrified at the prospects of fighting a war with the British.

They didn’t want to do it.

Today, we face a similar problem. (Thankfully, without the gun and canon fire.)

Today, 50 percent of the American population seem willing to sit back and watch freedom slip away.

Here is what REALLY pisses me off:

People who were so vocal about President Bush’s wiretapping laws and how they felt it was unconstitutional.

These very same people have no problem with the "invasion of personal privacy" for global warming laws by President Obama.

President Bush invaded our phone lines to stop terrorists.

President Obama will invade your home and car to stop global warming.

There is NO difference between the two.

If you were upset about one presidents invasion of constitutional privacy, then you must be upset about the other.

If you believe that Bush was wrong, but Obama is right, then you are using our liberty and the constitution like masturbation. (For your own self- gratification.)

Why would 50 percent of the population allow freedom to be expelled..??

Because they do not understand what freedom they will be losing.

In the middle of the night, 300 NEW pages were added to the "Cap and Trade Bill" that the House passed this week.

No member of congress had an opportunity to study ALL of this Bill. The House PASSED this Bill without reading it.

(Which seems to be the norm for this Democratic Congress.)

Freedoms that you are losing:

If you want to buy or sell a home, it MUST be "green." (Environmentally friendly.)

If you are very, very rich, this will not effect you because you can afford to "green up" your home.

If you are one of Obama’s poor, we tax payers will be paying for your "green- house."

However, the middle class, who isn’t wealthy, will be killed by this bill.

What if you lose your job, but you find a new job in another city; you cannot sell your old home until you pay to "green it up." You will spend tens of thousands of dollars to add insulation, a high efficient furnace and water heater. Double pane windows, etc.

(But Obama will give you a $1,500 tax credit, which might buy the furnace.)

The 1,500 page "Cap and Trade Bill", (which no member of congress read) will increase the cost of gas and electricity.

Because no American oil refinery has been built in America in 30 years, they will most likely NOT reach Obama’s "green" standards. Instead of building new refineries, (which will cost billions) Gas stations will raise the price of gas and pass the cost on to you.

The same is true with electricity.

This will not effect Obama and his family. They are far more richer than George Bush, Dick Cheney, or any of us. The super rich, like Obama, will just pay the high cost of fuel.

Obama’s poor will also not be effected by this "cap and trade" bill because we tax payers are already paying for their electricity and natural gas bills.

It is the middle class that will suffer from this bill.

The middle class:

Who were already cutting costs, by lowering their furnace, turning down their water heater, and driving their car less.

Republicans claim that the average family will see an increase of $2,000 per year from "Cap and Trade."

Democrats say: "Nawww, you might see a $300 dollar increase, trust us.."

Guess what, I do not "trust" the democrats.

Barack Obama said that there would be "no new taxes for people making $250,000 per year", and that was a lie. (IE- cigarette taxes, cap and trade taxes, etc.)

Why would so many people sit back and allow this to happen..??

Maybe you are a liberal who rents an apartment and you think that this will not effect you..??

You are wrong.

I own a couple of apartments.

In the city that these apartments are located, they are already taking about mandatory "safety and green" inspections for landlords. (But not for owner- occupants.)

OK, let’s forget the "unconstitutionality" of inspecting one group of people’s homes (landlords) but NOT inspecting the other group (owner- occupants) but if I have to spend thousands to "green up" my rental properties, I will double the rent.

This is not a guess.

I am not a politician who is telling you what you want to hear.

I am telling you a fact. The truth.

I, and millions of other landlords, will double your rent.

If the city, the state, and Obama’s federal government force me: the landlord, and you: the tenant, to green up the property; the government will force you to leave while the property is under construction. I will spend thousands in improvements. When you return from your motel stay, your rent will double.

If you paid $1,000 per month plus utilities, I will now charge you $2,000 plus utilities.

There is nothing that we can do about it, the feds are in control, now. They will say what constitutes "green."

Ask yourself: "Is this what you voted for..??"

What was wrong with we Americans trying to conserve fuel on our own..??

Why do we need the Nazi "jack boot" laws to force you to conserve..??

Can’t you do that on your own..??

Do you need a freaking law to save the earth..??

Couldn’t you force, with guilt, your liberal Hollywood buddies and Al Gore to STOP wasting fuel on private jets, owning 5 homes, and driving BIG vehicles..??

Why do we needs laws for this..??

Laws that hurt the middle class.

On this 4th of July, we find ourselves in another battle for freedom.

Our founding father won us this freedom with their blood and their lives.

We must fight to hold on to this freedom.

To my conservative friends...

In the next few months, you will begin to see many democrats crossing over. Their eyes will be open and they will have awakened, they will realize that America is heading down a path that was already tried in Europe and failed.

We must welcome these liberals.

There is no time for "I told you so."

To beat (and replace) Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama; we will need everyone.

And that includes all the democrats who are now beginning to see.