Bits & Bites

Forget about democrat and republican for a minute. We are all Americans while you read this…

The mission "Able Danger" which was an intelligence mission, identified key terrorists before Sept 11, 2001. Some people want to blame Clinton for not paying attention while others point to Bush. But.. What if terrorists have found that they can slip into this country during the switch-over of a president. When America changes presidents, many top officials in the pentagon also switch over. Part of December, January and February are a confusing time in the state dept, pentagon and the White House. People are using up vacation time, cleaning out their desks, etc.

Remember the first attack at the world trade tower? Early in the Clinton presidency-1993. Just after a presidential switch-over. Plus, there was NO attack after the 2004 election. No major changes were being done at the pentagon or the administration. If this is correct.. I hope the people in charge pay attention during December 2008, January and February 2009. I hope they are not too busy cleaning out their desks and planing a big trip to Hawaii.

OK.. Go back to hating liberals and conservatives!!


A study at UC Berkeley shows that conservatives fall asleep better at night and do not wake up as much in the middle of the night. Liberals have a hard time getting to sleep, they toss and turn. Conservatives get better rest and have lucid dreams. Liberals tend to have nightmares and thoughts of homosexuality. This is no joke! This was a study done at the Berkeley sleep lab.
We took this study a bit further and found out that conservatives make decisions and stick to them. They get jobs and they keep them. They set goals and reach them. This might explain why conservatives have no anxiety and fall asleep. Liberals tend to dwell in a gray area, not ever really making up their minds on anything. They constantly complain about the economy, environment and bugs. When we are winning a war in Iraq, liberals say we should pull out. No wonder they are tossing and turning.Maybe parents could use this study. If their children are having trouble sleeping and the kids can't make up their minds on anything, parents could send these children to a special school that could absolve them of liberalism while they are still young.


Old Pat Robertson is in hot water.
Funny, I can remember several liberals making a comment that we could have sent a hit squad into Iraq and killed Saddam instead of going to war with the whole country. Nobody ever bats an eye when a liberal suggests this. But when a religious person or a conservative speaks like this, it's the end of the world, "stop the press" get those cameras rolling. It was all over the news.
What this proves is that conservatives are held to a higher standard. That is why people are so "shocked" when a conservative or religious person would say this. With a liberal, nobody expects much from him or her so when they say something shocking, it never makes the news.

Keep taking the high road republicans. This is why we win elections…AR…