I guess I do not see the big deal here. Most people will not know what the shirt means. Those who do have probably already been corrupted. My biggest problem is the shirt sucks. Who freaken drew that snowman?
Come on people, this is America! If your going to have a cocaine snowman.. Come on! We have some talented artists out there that could have done a much better job.
At the University of California at San Diego, the student government and school TV station are facing off on televised sex. SRTV is airing graphic programs produced by senior Steven York, one of which shows him having sex with a porn actress."This material right there, that we're producing, is for a specific audience. And you know people are going to be offended, but at the same time, that's sort of the college experience," York said.
University rules states that SRTV can air "indecent" but not "obscene" material. Station manager Tiffany Wrapp backs York."Personally, I don't think sex is something that should be censored," Wrapp said.But students at the public university feel differently.
"I am embarrassed and I am outraged," said one at a student meeting. The student government voted to ban the show last week, but York did more than ignore them. Hours after the ban, SRTV ran the sex video again, this time with the face of a female student senator superimposed on the face of the porn star.
"They said, Well, this isn't illegal, it is just inappropriate.' And I said, that is really in the eye of the beholder. You know the students I talked to don't really think it is inappropriate," York said.When asked if one of California's top state schools planned to discipline any of the students involved or pull the plug on porn, the chancellor's office said, "We are not in the business of bigfooting our students ... we'll let them handle it.
"So the collages station manager feels its OK to show sex on a collage run TV channel. The chancellor of the collage says he will let the students handle it. The students are the ones complaining that it is offensive.
Correct me if I'm wrong. Students pay the tuition. It costs tons of money to attend a collage. "Liberals, what does showing sex with a prostitute have to do with higher education? What the hell are you doing to my collages?"
There is an old saying: "If you want freedom, you must police yourself. If you do not, someone will do it for you.
"Collages enjoy quite a bit of freedom. But they are abusing it. I don't mind you standing next to me. I guess I can't stop you from pissing on America. But if some of it lands on my shoes….
Liberals- "You better get a hold of this nutjob called The University of California at San Diego. They are going to screw things up for everybody.Not to mention the brainwashing it is doing to our youths. The lower standards. Moral decay.