You would think by now that I would be use to the way things get reported. "A certain SLANT" in the news. But it still blows my mind.
Read these two headlines.. (I'm not making this up) Both come from the wire. One is USA Today, the other is AFX…
USA TODAY. Democrats won hotly contested governor's races Tuesday in Virginia and New Jersey on an Election Day closely watched for hints of how the 2006 races might shape up. Tim Kaine and ...
NEW YORK (AFX) - Billionaire Michael Bloomberg has been elected for a second term as mayor of New York City, following a campaign notable for the incumbent's lavish use of his personal fortune. The Republican ...
When the mainstream media are talking about a democratic victory, it is a "hotly contested" win that was "closely watched" for OF COURSE, signs of things to come in 2006.
But when the media talks about a republican victory, there is no talk about things to come in 2006… Instead, we are reminded that he is "BILLIONAIRE" Michael Bloomberg. And this statement is the killer… "… campaign notable for the incumbent's lavish use of his personal fortune…"
Are they saying people in New York City are so stupid that they would vote for anyone, just because they saw a bunch of commercials on TV. Bloomberg didn't win because he is better, he won because he spent more money. This is ridiculous!!
I thought by now with CBS News ratings in the toilet for slanting the news, CNN heading down in ratings for leaning left and of course The New York Times basically working for the DNC, SOMETHING would change?? Not yet I guess.
I know democrats get confused and wonder why conservative / republicans speak so loud and cut down the mainstream media. But this is just one example of the thousands of reports I see out there. It is like being on a golf team and the other team is given this HUGE handi-cap.
Republicans, don't take this stuff to heart. Get a thick skin.. Keep your head high. You will see dozens of reports like this one in the weeks to come. Don't let it get you down. Most Americans now see the left leaning slant in the media. That is why the ratings are slipping for CNN, NBC News, CBS News, MSNBC, etc…Biff…