I believe the party that is out of power is out of control. This constant tearing down of an American president is killing this country. I do not mind so much the "talking heads" on TV or even the radio talk show hosts getting little jabs in. I'm not talking about Bloggers either. I think we would miss not commenting on politics. I would!
But when former presidents take part in the slander. It has gotten out of hand. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton are crossing the line. These two are airing America's dirty laundry for the world to see. Most former American Presidents had dignity. Not these two tired democrats. They take a swipe at Bush any chance they can get. Carter and Clinton are burning down the house they have to live in. AND THEY DO NOT CARE!
When President Carter was in trouble during his presidency. Americans were being terrorized by Iran. Oil prices sky rocketed. You had to wait in line to get gas. Nixon and Ford could have beamed Carter over the head with nasty comments. But they didn't do that. Do you liberals know why? It is called respect for a sitting president.
When Clinton was lying under oath and being impeached. Bush 41 REFUSED to utter a single negative word in public. Can liberals grasp why Bush 41 would do that? It is called love of country. It is called taking the high road.
You would think a former president would do things to help this country. Instead, Carter and Clinton are promoting negative gossip like two old ladies. YES GOSSIP! Liberals may not know this but in America you are innocent until proven guilty. Cheney, Rove and Libby are innocent, as it stands right now. Liberals are confused..
You ask why democrats lose elections? Because they lack dignity. They listen to people like George Soros- "Move On. Org." Soros tells Americans that we should pay more taxes. He is the 25 richest man in America.. YET.. Most of his money is in off-shore banks. He pays very little taxes for being 25 richest person in America. Liberals listen to Ted Kennedy. "A politician for the people." His family fortune is also mostly off-shore. Out of 500 MILLION dollars, the Kennedy's paid only $ 140,000 in taxes. That's sad. The big money-democratic party wants YOU to pay more taxes. But they don't pay more taxes.
Well, if you liberals want to pay more taxes, go ahead. Just cross off your "personal deduction" on the 2005 tax form. You will pay about $3,000 more in taxes. "If that is what you want to do?"
"Will Bill Clinton cross off his personal deduction and pay more taxes?? I wonder??