It turns my stomach. Just the thought of these pictures is making me want to chuck right now. BUT… In the interest of science… These photos must be seen by all.
Many people have pet birds. YOU WILL NEED TO KNOW WHAT TO LOOK FOR. These disgusting photos just may save your life.
I hope your small children are out of the room.. Here we go…

If you see a bird like this. GET AWAY.
You know, I hate bird flu. Bird Flu pisses me off. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.
Your chances of being hit by a bus are far greater then catching bird flu in America. You have better odds winning the lottery AND getting hit by lightning on the same day.. Then getting bird flu in America.
BUT, (since I am the only person making fun of bird flu) I have decided to stop making fun of bird flu. I'm getting paranoid.
We have 20 million doses of Tamiflu being readied here in America. 7 billion dollars being spent to ready our hospitals for an epidemic with about 300 million doses of Tamiflu ready by 2007. There are no worries!! If you have an inside bird, it is not going to get Bird Flu. It would have to be exposed to a sick bird. If you have chickens, turkeys or you feed wild birds. WASH YOUR HANDS after being around birds. We will be fine.