"…You know something? You know something? If you—I hope I‘m not excessively criminal person, but if you—if you were giving me 30, 40, 50 phone calls a day, conversations with people, then called me in before a grand jury and said to recount what happened in each of those conversations two years later, I‘m sure you would catch me in 700 inconsistencies…"
Hearing this kind of lit a fire under my butt. I will bring it closer to home. You pick any blogger and ask them what they wrote in a post two months ago. WORD FOR WORD. This is stupid! Libby is being charged for lying about a crime that didn't happen. Plame was not in the field at the time of the leak and her husband, Wilson, had already told many people his wife worked for "the agency." It was known around DC.
But let’s take the kid gloves off. This has very little to do with Scooter Libby. People have been trying to bring down President Bush since the beginning. The Bush tax cuts were going to cripple the economy. The 9/11 report was going to show that Bush could have stopped the terrorist attack. The Downing Street memo was going to prove Bush lied. Now Fitzgerald is going to uncover that intelligence was perverted to take us to war with Iraq. Sounds a little like "The sky is falling"- Chicken Little is what the democrat's sound like!

An American Senators job is...
Vote the way the president wants. Look at only information the president gives them. A senator never questions the president.
A senator job is to check the president. Question presidential decision. Review facts independent from the president's facts.
Our founding fathers would probably tell you that number two is the correct choice. (That is the way they designed it.)
99 out of 100 senators voted to give Bush the authority to attack Iraq. Democrats want you to believe they only used Bush’s intelligence. Plus, they didn’t think Bush would remove Saddam. Wait.. They should have known better. Democrats are the ones who talk about doing something and never do it. Republicans usually say they will do something.. Then they do it.
Any one of those senators, who are so concerned now, could have stopped this back then. Do you know why 99 senators voted to give Bush the power to attack Iraq. BECAUSE THEY BELIEVED Saddam was a threat. Why else would they vote the way they did?
Democrats hope that you will forget how they voted. They hope you forget what they said about Saddam and the threat that he was. You are suppose to forgive the senators because they were caught up in the moment and relied on intelligence of that time. Bush doesn't get this forgiveness because HE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN. Bush should have went forward in time, by way of time travel, and seen the outcome.
Democrats have no solutions.. "Ask them." I ask liberals what their solution is. The answer I get is.. "I don't know.. But we shouldn't have went to war." They only thing they can do is repeat over and over.. "Bush Lied.." If they say it enough.. People may believe it. And it could be working??

To prove that Bush lied to take us to war, you will have to find someone who will testify that they told Bush that Saddam had no WMD’s. The problem is... For every ONE person you find, there are three honest people who will tell you that, at that time (2001), they were not sure if he had chemical weapons. Or how far along Saddam was on nuclear weapons. People believed Saddam had enough "Yellow cake" to make a radioactive ‘dirty bomb."
This is the problem.. People are trying to use information we have today and apply it to 2001. Hell, we wouldn’t have this info if we didn’t remove Saddam. The democrat's major form of ammunition COMES FROM the fact that we removed Saddam. Isn't that ironic! They wouldn't have this information if Saddam was still in power. UN inspectors were afraid to be in Iraq.
To believe this war is unjust. You must believe Saddam could be trusted. HE NEVER COULD BE TRUSTED. Not from day one. For 11 years the United Nations tried to get Saddam to follow UN rules. He never did. His military would regularly shoot at our pilots. Saddam had French made missile launchers. Russian rockets with a range of 150 miles. Why do people believe Saddam could never get Nuclear weapons? Iran is working on them. Korea has them. Pakistan has them. India has nukes. Saddam was getting billions of dollars from the oil for food scandal. Saddam kicked the UN inspectors out. I think a person is foolish to believe Saddam could be trusted. He is no longer a problem now, he is in prison. Just except this and move on.
Every time Saddam gets a new lawyer, Iraqi’s kill the lawyer. They have no love for Saddam and they do not want him to have a fair trial. Saddam never gave the Iraqi's a fair trial. So the people of Iraq are killing Saddam's lawyers. This should tell you something. (If you have any 'good' intelligence.)…Biff…