There is a storm brewing. A perfect storm for some. A disaster for others. This perfect storm is John McCain.
I have heard many people at Blogster mention how they would like to see a third party enter into this monopoly called the two party system. If McCain splits from the Republican Party, we may see a viable third party. Will he split? Will 2008 be the year McCain has had enough?
There are no indications at this point that McCain would leave the Republican Party. But it is no secret that John McCain has a desire to be president. He has had one major problem. He is middle of the road. Too conservative to be a democrat. Too liberal to be nominated in the Republican Party.
If McCain became an independent, he would be a formidable foe. I have talked to many people who want to vote democrat, but they do not want to vote for Hillary Clinton. Believe it or not, I have heard some republicans grumbling lately. If republicans nominate someone like Jeb Bush, there could be a bolt of conservatives to an independent candidate.
John McCain would not have an easy road ahead if he chose to split. First off, lack of funds. This has been the problem with any third party candidate. McCain would never be able to compete with the Big Two on campaigning and advertising. But, McCain has had no problem getting his message out. He can walk onto David Letterman’s show anytime. Even John Stewart gives McCain respect. He could travel around doing local and national talk shows for as long as they will have him. The liberal side of the media seems to like John McCain. (That is until they see him as a threat to Hillary Clinton.)
Another problem John McCain would face: He would have to be everything to everybody. He could never make a mistake. The Big Two would step on him. He could never say: “I voted for the 87 billion before I voted against it.” McCain could never enter a debate mumbling: “It’s hard.. Politics is hard.. It’s just hard work.. We are working hard...” John McCain would have to hit his mark every time.
Since Blogs are all about personal opinion.. You may be wondering if I could ever vote for McCain. The answer is yes. If he becomes the republican nomination I would vote for him. If John McCain ran as an independent, it would have to be the perfect storm. If republicans ran Jeb Bush and McCain was speaking more conservative then Bush, I could vote for the independent McCain. Let Me Explain...
There is nothing wrong with Jeb Bush. He is probably a nice fellow. I have only minor problems with the current president. I believe George Bush has handled the war on terrorism well. Bush has tried to stick to many campaign promises. I do not agree with the spending. But I see why it is happening. My major problem is that president Bush still acts like he is running for president. This administration has never acted like a majority. President Bush spends too much time trying to make liberals like him.Just the name “Bush” has become so stigmatized to middle America, I do not believe ANY ONE with the name BUSH can win in 2008. Again, Jeb Bush is probably a great person. He is young enough to be able to run in the future. There is no need to run Jeb in 2008. There are too many qualified republican candidates out there to gamble an important election on obtaining a Bush family presidential dynasty. (Besides, if republicans ran Jeb Bush, liberals wouldn’t have to change their “I hate Bush” bumper stickers. Why make it easy on them? Make liberals print up new stickers.)
I have spent the last two posts on possibilities for the 2008 presidential race. There is, of course, the “Slug-Fest.... Mud Slinging contest” coming up in 2006. The Big Two will out-due themselves this time fighting for a few important congressional seats. “If you think other countries have a bad opinion of America now... Wait until the 2006 attack ads hit the airwaves.” The 2006 election will make even the most fanatical political addict hate politics.
But... I think the 2008 presidential race will be one of the most exciting races in the last half a century…Biff…