For the tenth day in a row, it is dangerous to be WHITE at night in France. I have put off doing a post about the violence in France, mainly because I make fun of France every chance I get. I hate to kick someone when they are down. There is no sport in it.
However, there is an important lesson here. The lesson is that appeasement never works. It just puts off the inevitable for a while. Liberals are very fond of appeasement. It has become France's motto. "Just turn your head, don't say anything, don't look the bad guys in the eyes. They will go away. THIS DOESN'T WORK!
In protest.. Citizens of France hold a silent march… "A silent march?"
Silent because the French do not want to offend anyone.
This whole thing started because the French police were chasing two young people. The two Muslim youths ran into a power substation and were electrocuted. Clearly an accident. This started the riots. Bigger problems lurk here…
As in liberal New Orleans, the French liberals believe that if you over-tax the rich and give welfare checks to the poor, you have done a righteous deed. Warehousing poor people, living on welfare, in depressed neighborhoods. This creates a hotbed for violence. You know what they say about idle hands….
Whenever a conservative suggests getting able-bodied people off of welfare and out in the workforce, we are shouted back. "Those neo-cons do not care about the poor.. They only care about the rich.. They want to take away welfare…" Actually.. we do care about the poor. That is exactly why we want them to work.
I am convinced that many liberals, who speak the loudest about the poor, have never been poor. For if you were ever poor, then you would know welfare enslaves people. It is the poor bastard who goes out and gets the job at Burger King for $5.50 an hour. Fast forward 5 years and that guy is manager of Burger King- second shift. In the daytime he attends collage. Fast forward five years and he has entered society as a middleclass American.
The liberal solution.. Tax the rich even more! Then you can hand out welfare checks of all kinds. Penalize those of us who do well so you can reward those who do not. Create a whole generation of people who do not understand the value of a dollar and the worth of a HARD day's work. People who do not value YOUR property. Do not understand right from wrong.
These are the problems facing France. Years of appeasement coupled with welfare. France has painted a very pleasing picture of what THEY think they are. But now we see behind that pretty picture. Never more should liberal France dictate morals to America.
We should feel sorry for France. Because they are years ahead of us. In liberalism. This is a path we must not take.
You cannot appease evil deeds and warehouse the poor in ghettos. Those who do evil things should be brought to justice. Those who can work.. Should.