SO…You want Freedom?

I have been hearing the word 'freedom' thrown around lately. People talk about the constitution, the right to swear in public and publish dirty pictures. "We must be free!!"

Do you really want to be free??

When we speak about freedom, we usually are very self-centered. We talk about OUR freedoms. What about the freedoms of others? My freedom may disgust you.

Think about it….

You live in a neighborhood filled with many different people. The family, in the house on the right, loves to shoot animals. They shoot dogs, cats, rabbits, basically anything that runs into their yard. But that is what they want to do… They are free.

The people on the left of you are trying to develop a new explosive. Once, every month, they blow up their house. BOOOM! But that is what they want to do… They are free.

The guy across the street rapes women, he has been eyeing your daughter. But that is what he wants to do… He is free.

The people who live in the house behind you play loud music 24 hours a day. They swear all the time. They drink booze and puke all night long. You have noticed your kids watching that house and they are starting to swear. "My kids never swore." But that is what these neighbors want to do.. They are free.

It is impossible to be totally free. We would kill each other. The minute you put a hand on my daughter, I would shoot you. I'm free.. I could do that.

So we have to set rules.. The way our founding fathers have come up with is based on a majority. We the people, do not want to be bothered with voting every week on stupid issues, so we pick representatives to vote for us. They have, and continue to, set forth rules, which protect us from each other. We may not like these rules, but they are designed to protect somebody.

You still are free! Almost every activity that I described in the "wacky" neighborhood could be done somewhere. There is a time and place for everything. The guy who wants to shoot animals.. Most states have a sanctioned "Season" where hunters can shoot certain animals. But you can't shoot off a gun in public areas. It is too dangerous.
They family who is trying to develop new explosives live about 60 miles from my house. They are the Zambelli Family and they develop World Class firework displays.

These guys are always blowing things up.

When they are trying to develop a certain color or training new technicians, they shoot fireworks off all the time. But they have the proper licenses and they work a safe distance from causing danger to you and I.

When I was younger, they was an old farmhouse that was called "Animal House." People drank all night, music was as loud as it could be. No one ever called the cops because the house was far enough away. It didn't bother anyone.

The neighbor who want to rape women.. There is no hope for this guy.. We the people have deemed this activity wrong. But, even he could head off to Vegas and pay a hooker to play along with his twisted wishes.
So in America, you are free. But we have rules to protect each other. There is a time and a place for everything.

Even if your freedom is blowing things up!!

Real Deal

We have arrived at the time of the year when we should give thanks for all that we have. Unfortunately, this is also the time of the year when millions of school kids are fed a malicious piece of propaganda called: "The first Thanksgiving."
It will take YEARS for a child to un-learn this "history lesson." Some never do. They will grow up with this perverted view of the first settlers in The New World.
In case you forgot the old school version of The First Thanksgiving.. Here it is…
A bunch of pilgrims land here in the New World. They are stupid and white. They have no idea how to feed themselves and they spend all day praying to God. The pilgrims throw a party called: Thanksgiving. But they don't have enough food. A Native American named Samoset, who speaks English (Because Native Americans are far more advanced then the stupid white people) spies the pitiful pilgrims. He snaps his fingers… Deer and turkey arrive ready to eat. Everybody feasts.
Then the pilgrims KILL the Native Americans and take their land.
That is the First Thanksgiving.
This is so far from the truth, but many American kids learn this crap and it can haunt them for the rest of their life.
The early settlers had many Harvest Feasts. As corn or wheat matured and was ready to be 'put up.' Settlers would have a huge meal. If the hunters bagged more game then the pilgrims could use, they would have a feast. Native Americans were welcome at many of these feasts.
The first feasts took place on Roanoke Island. 1585. What the English settlers couldn't grow was supplied by ship. This was the pet project of Sir Walter Raleigh and Queen Elisabeth I. There was trading between the settlers and the Native Americans. England kept this colony well stocked until the war with Spain. The colony then disappeared.
This is where many people are confused. Some history teachers seem unwilling to define this fact:
"White settlers and friendly Native Americans never really had any problems with each other." Their relationship was mutually beneficial. Native Americans taught the settlers how to grow potatoes and corn. The white settlers helped fight off the savages. Savages were the enemy of both the settlers and friendly Native Americans. Savages were nomadic tribes who stole, raped and murdered the friendly Natives, years before white settlers arrived. The settlers had musket riffles, this was magic to the natives.
White settlers took Native Americans to England. Not as slaves, as guests. They both tried to learn each other's language. Together, they fought off the savages and both prospered in the New World.
There was one harvest feast that was recorded, many, many years after the time period I was just speaking about. Many historians believe this is where the "First Thanksgiving" schoolbook version comes from. Governor William Bradford declares a feast to give thanks to God for their first harvest. October 1621.
During this feast, the settlers invited 3 prominent natives. There was a misunderstanding and the whole tribe showed up. (87 Natives) There was not enough food to feed all the settlers and Indians. BOTH settlers and Natives headed for the woods and returned hours later with 4 deer and 2 turkeys for the feast. This would be a better example of the first 'pot luck' dinner then how it is represented today as the First Thanksgiving with white settlers not preparing enough food. But this isn't the FIRST feast between whites and natives. The first meeting took place almost a hundred years earlier.
Let me stop for a moment.. In no way am I trying to belittle the contributions of Native Americans to the early settlement. It would have been near impossible to settle North America, at that time, without the help of friendly Natives.Also, I am not talking about Western Expansion of America. That was a war and a land grab that took place much later.
I am not trying to paint a picture of a paradise between White settlers and Native Americans. Yes, there were white settlers that didn't trust any Natives. They did some evil things. Also, there are stories of savages dressing up like friendly Natives and attacking the pilgrim towns. Killing innocent people.
I just hate this version of the First Thanksgiving that depicts the white settlers as stupid people who came to American and had no idea how to survive. It isn't the truth. They were brave pioneers and many died trying to settle North America. You do them and Friendly Natives an injustice when you tell the story this way.
The REAL Thanksgiving
The first feast took place on Roanoke Island. 1585. Picture John White drawing sketches of the natives. He drew hundreds, like he would never see these natives again. Most of the food for the meal came from off the ship. But the friendly Croatian Natives brought corn and fresh turkey. Neither could understand each other, but they used a type of sign and drawings. Richard Grenville points out into the ocean, showing a Croatian where the explorers came from. As one of the three ships readies to sail back, two natives board the ship for England. These Croatians have never ventured out further then the eye can see. Now they are heading on a journey that will last 22 days. They will see wonders no native has ever dreamed.
Back on Roanoke, Croatians show the settlers all the splendors of the New World. A bond is formed on that day which will last for generations between white settlers and friendly natives.

Who is Angry??

You write the caption!!

You already know this photo will sail around liberal blogs with many different captions.

What can we have Bush saying??

If you come up with something funny.. We will put it on the picture. (and give you credit for the comment.)


Rep. John Murtha's call to pull all U.S. troops out of Iraq within six months is coming to a vote.

Tonight, the House of Representatives are voting on if we should stay in Iraq. (11/18/05) They are meeting right now. It has been said that we may know the results as soon as 9 pm (eastern time.)

There are some in congress who want a FULL pull-out of our troops from Iraq now. Others believe this is paramount to surrender.

I tried this today when I talked to some liberal friends I know at work. Ask a liberal if they support the surrender of Iraq to the terrorists. You will get a knee-jerk reaction from them. "We are not surrendering, why… We are just bringing our troops home!"

Of course I like to push things a tad bit and ask: "If you are fighting someone and they give up and go home, would you say that you won the fight?"

Of course this is when liberal brainwashing comes in and they begin to stutter and falter. They say things like: "Well, if I was fighting someone and it was a tough battle and they gave up.. I might not consider it a victory." This is of course pure BS. If someone packs up and goes home.. YOU WIN!

But unfortunately, the ones surrendering might be Americans. Just when terrorists are screwing things up. Just last night, terrorists tried to car bomb a hotel where Western reporters stay. Terrorists completely missed the hotel and blew up a side building. No reporters were injured. We all heard about the suicide bombers in Jordan. I guess they were not aiming for the wedding party. A pair of suicide bombers detonated explosive belts Friday inside two Shiite mosques in the northern Kurdish town of Khanaqin, collapsing the buildings, killing at least 70people.

They are blowing up their own people!

I am not really worried by this vote tonight. More then likely it will result in some sort of meeting in the middle. Republicans will force the issue that leaving Iraq now.. IS SURRENDER. What member of congress wants to go down in recorded history voting for surrender? NO.. there will be quarterly war reports. Detailed progress reports. And maybe some end of war timeline.

The GOP-led Senate this week defeated a Democratic proposal to require President Bush to offer a timetable to withdraw troops from Iraq. The Senate eventually passed a statement saying 2006 "should be a period of significant transition to full Iraqi sovereignty" to offer the phased withdrawal.

The vote is in.. 403 - 3. Only three in congress voted for surrender to the terrorists. My faith in our political system is restored. With all the screaming from democrats that Bush lied. That Iraqi's don't want us there.. I was worried this might be closer.

I think we hit on something. If you ask a democrat if they want to surrender to the terrorists, they quickly say NO.. They have been brainwashed by liberals to think if we pack up and leave Iraq now, we could still call it a victory. You can't have it both ways….Biff…

White Phosphorus

FALLUJAH 2004: White phosphorous rounds, used for decades by gunners, lit up the night sky in last year's pitched battle.REUTERS TV

I am, and have always been a civilian. I have an excuse for not knowing what White Phosphorus was. This story came out of nowhere for me and I had to take a crash course on the stuff.

I have seen a post where liberals, who have served in the military, claim to know all about this stuff. They learned about it while they were in the military. They talked about how horrible WP is and how we shouldn't be using it.

I have some questions..

"Why didn't you do something about White Phosphorus way back then?" When you first heard about it. "Why now?" If you are that concerned.. Why did you wait until now?

Don't try and say you didn't know the military was still using it. I never heard about White Phosphorus until this story broke. It only took me several minutes to find information about how and why the US military uses it. You are suppose to be the anti-war = "Goodie-guys." Why didn't you do something? Why didn't you write your congressmen. Do editorials in the paper. Make people aware.

Were you upset when it was used as a smoke screen during the Clinton years? The military has used WP for decades.

The answer is very obvious.. Because no liberal reporter told you democrats to be angry during the Clinton years when White Phosphorus was used as a smoke screen. But now.. A liberal reporter did a story, which sparked a brain cell and now you are concerned.

So now we will attack the military for using WP, to get at President Bush.

People… I'm getting really tired of these "Butt-heads." (We call them Butt-heads because everything they say is punctuated with- BUT.) They say things like: "I support the troops BUT, I do not support the war." The Butt-heads say: I love America, BUT, I don't like what it stands for today." Or how about the ever popular.. Liberal Motto: "I love the military, BUT, they are using WP and torturing POW's, and causing the terrorists to hate America." You just start getting sick of freaking Butt-heads.

You do realize that Saddam's defense, in his upcoming trial, will have many shared ideas you stupid liberals are pointing out. They are probably taping CNN right now to play it in court. Saddam's defence will be that this was an illegal war. (LIE) That Bush lied. (Another Lie) That the Americans used WP. (WP is not an illegal weapon) That they tortured prisoners. All the stuff that you people are helping to come to light.

I am beginning to believe our biggest enemy isn't in a Middle Eastern Desert. The enemy is right here in America. It is the party that is out of power. They are so desperate to regain power, they are willing to aid the enemy….Biff…

More Bird Flu

I know I said I was not going to make fun of Bird Flu again. But, I can't resist. It is like someone addicted to booze. I say I will not make fun of Bird Flu. But then I see a picture.. I can't help myself…


I think I need to start a twelve-step program. I need help!

Step one: Admit I am powerless over stupid Bird Flu. My life has become unmanageable.

Step two:……..

Who are we?

The Angry Republican specializes in editorials, politics and crap.

The sick minds behind this stuff are Biff Babonie and Truth Master B
ALSO comments by:
Dr Needlelick and The Blue Funk


We finally have pictures of a sick bird. You may want to take your small children and place them into another room. I will warn you. This picture is VERY graphic. We will show you not only the exterior of the poor sick bird, we will take you inside the evil bird.

It turns my stomach. Just the thought of these pictures is making me want to chuck right now. BUT… In the interest of science… These photos must be seen by all.

Many people have pet birds. YOU WILL NEED TO KNOW WHAT TO LOOK FOR. These disgusting photos just may save your life.

I hope your small children are out of the room.. Here we go…


You will notice the extra big head. Super-sized feet. The skeleton of this sick bird is completely deformed.

If you see a bird like this. GET AWAY.

You know, I hate bird flu. Bird Flu pisses me off. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.

Your chances of being hit by a bus are far greater then catching bird flu in America. You have better odds winning the lottery AND getting hit by lightning on the same day.. Then getting bird flu in America.

BUT, (since I am the only person making fun of bird flu) I have decided to stop making fun of bird flu. I'm getting paranoid.

We have 20 million doses of Tamiflu being readied here in America. 7 billion dollars being spent to ready our hospitals for an epidemic with about 300 million doses of Tamiflu ready by 2007. There are no worries!! If you have an inside bird, it is not going to get Bird Flu. It would have to be exposed to a sick bird. If you have chickens, turkeys or you feed wild birds. WASH YOUR HANDS after being around birds. We will be fine.

The Awakening ..part two..

Who could defend a person like Scooter Libby? Ben Stein gave it a shot. He said:
"…You know something? You know something? If you—I hope I‘m not excessively criminal person, but if you—if you were giving me 30, 40, 50 phone calls a day, conversations with people, then called me in before a grand jury and said to recount what happened in each of those conversations two years later, I‘m sure you would catch me in 700 inconsistencies…"
Hearing this kind of lit a fire under my butt. I will bring it closer to home. You pick any blogger and ask them what they wrote in a post two months ago. WORD FOR WORD. This is stupid! Libby is being charged for lying about a crime that didn't happen. Plame was not in the field at the time of the leak and her husband, Wilson, had already told many people his wife worked for "the agency." It was known around DC.
But let’s take the kid gloves off. This has very little to do with Scooter Libby. People have been trying to bring down President Bush since the beginning. The Bush tax cuts were going to cripple the economy. The 9/11 report was going to show that Bush could have stopped the terrorist attack. The Downing Street memo was going to prove Bush lied. Now Fitzgerald is going to uncover that intelligence was perverted to take us to war with Iraq. Sounds a little like "The sky is falling"- Chicken Little is what the democrat's sound like!
I have one question..
An American Senators job is...
Vote the way the president wants. Look at only information the president gives them. A senator never questions the president.
A senator job is to check the president. Question presidential decision. Review facts independent from the president's facts.
Our founding fathers would probably tell you that number two is the correct choice. (That is the way they designed it.)
99 out of 100 senators voted to give Bush the authority to attack Iraq. Democrats want you to believe they only used Bush’s intelligence. Plus, they didn’t think Bush would remove Saddam. Wait.. They should have known better. Democrats are the ones who talk about doing something and never do it. Republicans usually say they will do something.. Then they do it.
Any one of those senators, who are so concerned now, could have stopped this back then. Do you know why 99 senators voted to give Bush the power to attack Iraq. BECAUSE THEY BELIEVED Saddam was a threat. Why else would they vote the way they did?
Democrats hope that you will forget how they voted. They hope you forget what they said about Saddam and the threat that he was. You are suppose to forgive the senators because they were caught up in the moment and relied on intelligence of that time. Bush doesn't get this forgiveness because HE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN. Bush should have went forward in time, by way of time travel, and seen the outcome.
Democrats have no solutions.. "Ask them." I ask liberals what their solution is. The answer I get is.. "I don't know.. But we shouldn't have went to war." They only thing they can do is repeat over and over.. "Bush Lied.." If they say it enough.. People may believe it. And it could be working??
Lucky for us.. Bush is not running for reelection. This whole democratic effort is futile.
To prove that Bush lied to take us to war, you will have to find someone who will testify that they told Bush that Saddam had no WMD’s. The problem is... For every ONE person you find, there are three honest people who will tell you that, at that time (2001), they were not sure if he had chemical weapons. Or how far along Saddam was on nuclear weapons. People believed Saddam had enough "Yellow cake" to make a radioactive ‘dirty bomb."
This is the problem.. People are trying to use information we have today and apply it to 2001. Hell, we wouldn’t have this info if we didn’t remove Saddam. The democrat's major form of ammunition COMES FROM the fact that we removed Saddam. Isn't that ironic! They wouldn't have this information if Saddam was still in power. UN inspectors were afraid to be in Iraq.
To believe this war is unjust. You must believe Saddam could be trusted. HE NEVER COULD BE TRUSTED. Not from day one. For 11 years the United Nations tried to get Saddam to follow UN rules. He never did. His military would regularly shoot at our pilots. Saddam had French made missile launchers. Russian rockets with a range of 150 miles. Why do people believe Saddam could never get Nuclear weapons? Iran is working on them. Korea has them. Pakistan has them. India has nukes. Saddam was getting billions of dollars from the oil for food scandal. Saddam kicked the UN inspectors out. I think a person is foolish to believe Saddam could be trusted. He is no longer a problem now, he is in prison. Just except this and move on.
Every time Saddam gets a new lawyer, Iraqi’s kill the lawyer. They have no love for Saddam and they do not want him to have a fair trial. Saddam never gave the Iraqi's a fair trial. So the people of Iraq are killing Saddam's lawyers. This should tell you something. (If you have any 'good' intelligence.)…Biff…

Bush- The awakening!

Finally, President Bush is waking up and defending the choices he made.

President Bush, in the most forceful defense yet of his Iraq war policy, accused critics Friday of trying to rewrite history and charged that they're undercutting America's forces on the front lines.

"The stakes in the global war on terror are too high and the national interest is too important for politicians to throw out false charges," the president said in his combative Veterans Day speech.

"While it's perfectly legitimate to criticize my decision or the conduct of the war, it is deeply irresponsible to rewrite the history of how that war began," the president said.
Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., who ran unsuccessfully against Bush last year, quickly challenged the president's charges.

"I wish President Bush knew better than to dishonor America's veterans by playing the politics of fear and smear on Veterans Day," said Kerry, who voted in 2002 to give Bush the authority to wage war but later voted against additional funds for Iraq and Afghanistan reconstruction. Kerry argued at the time that Bush didn't have a solid plan to restore peace.
"This administration misled a nation into war by cherry-picking intelligence and stretching the truth beyond recognition," Kerry said.

Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., said, "It's deeply regrettable that the president is using Veterans Day as a campaign-like attempt to rebuild his own credibility by tearing down those who seek the truth about the clear manipulation of intelligence in the run-up to the Iraq war."

I used the term: "Rewriting History" a while back in a post about anti-war protesters. They are trying to change FACTS to make it look like every war America has been involved in was unjust. Even WWII.
This stuff has got me so angry.. I am heading off into the other room to write a post about this stuff…Biff…

Get Angry!

Now you can "Get Angry!"

Want to yell at The Angry Republican and typing words in a comment just will not do it?

Now you can yell directly at me…


This number connects you to The Angry Republican.


We are not selling anything!! This site is free. So is the phone service. HOWEVER, this is not one of those fancy 1-800 numbers. It is not a toll-free call. You may get hit with a long distance charge, (Depending on your phone service.) We are not charging you a thing. We do not use your number for anything.

If I am out working my ass off, you will get a pre-recorded message telling you about stuff I'm working on. You can leave a message if you would like to. Sometimes, a living-breathing human being will answer the phone.

Thanks to everybody who has visited The Angry Republican! I sure am thankful for the comments…Biff…


You would think by now that I would be use to the way things get reported. "A certain SLANT" in the news. But it still blows my mind.
Read these two headlines.. (I'm not making this up) Both come from the wire. One is USA Today, the other is AFX…

USA TODAY. Democrats won hotly contested governor's races Tuesday in Virginia and New Jersey on an Election Day closely watched for hints of how the 2006 races might shape up. Tim Kaine and ...

NEW YORK (AFX) - Billionaire Michael Bloomberg has been elected for a second term as mayor of New York City, following a campaign notable for the incumbent's lavish use of his personal fortune. The Republican ...
When the mainstream media are talking about a democratic victory, it is a "hotly contested" win that was "closely watched" for OF COURSE, signs of things to come in 2006.

But when the media talks about a republican victory, there is no talk about things to come in 2006… Instead, we are reminded that he is "BILLIONAIRE" Michael Bloomberg. And this statement is the killer… "… campaign notable for the incumbent's lavish use of his personal fortune…"

Are they saying people in New York City are so stupid that they would vote for anyone, just because they saw a bunch of commercials on TV. Bloomberg didn't win because he is better, he won because he spent more money. This is ridiculous!!

I thought by now with CBS News ratings in the toilet for slanting the news, CNN heading down in ratings for leaning left and of course The New York Times basically working for the DNC, SOMETHING would change?? Not yet I guess.

I know democrats get confused and wonder why conservative / republicans speak so loud and cut down the mainstream media. But this is just one example of the thousands of reports I see out there. It is like being on a golf team and the other team is given this HUGE handi-cap.
Republicans, don't take this stuff to heart. Get a thick skin.. Keep your head high. You will see dozens of reports like this one in the weeks to come. Don't let it get you down. Most Americans now see the left leaning slant in the media. That is why the ratings are slipping for CNN, NBC News, CBS News, MSNBC, etc…Biff…

France dictate morals to America?

For the tenth day in a row, it is dangerous to be WHITE at night in France. I have put off doing a post about the violence in France, mainly because I make fun of France every chance I get. I hate to kick someone when they are down. There is no sport in it.

However, there is an important lesson here. The lesson is that appeasement never works. It just puts off the inevitable for a while. Liberals are very fond of appeasement. It has become France's motto. "Just turn your head, don't say anything, don't look the bad guys in the eyes. They will go away. THIS DOESN'T WORK!

In protest.. Citizens of France hold a silent march… "A silent march?"

Silent because the French do not want to offend anyone.
This whole thing started because the French police were chasing two young people. The two Muslim youths ran into a power substation and were electrocuted. Clearly an accident. This started the riots. Bigger problems lurk here…

As in liberal New Orleans, the French liberals believe that if you over-tax the rich and give welfare checks to the poor, you have done a righteous deed. Warehousing poor people, living on welfare, in depressed neighborhoods. This creates a hotbed for violence. You know what they say about idle hands….

Whenever a conservative suggests getting able-bodied people off of welfare and out in the workforce, we are shouted back. "Those neo-cons do not care about the poor.. They only care about the rich.. They want to take away welfare…" Actually.. we do care about the poor. That is exactly why we want them to work.

I am convinced that many liberals, who speak the loudest about the poor, have never been poor. For if you were ever poor, then you would know welfare enslaves people. It is the poor bastard who goes out and gets the job at Burger King for $5.50 an hour. Fast forward 5 years and that guy is manager of Burger King- second shift. In the daytime he attends collage. Fast forward five years and he has entered society as a middleclass American.

The liberal solution.. Tax the rich even more! Then you can hand out welfare checks of all kinds. Penalize those of us who do well so you can reward those who do not. Create a whole generation of people who do not understand the value of a dollar and the worth of a HARD day's work. People who do not value YOUR property. Do not understand right from wrong.

These are the problems facing France. Years of appeasement coupled with welfare. France has painted a very pleasing picture of what THEY think they are. But now we see behind that pretty picture. Never more should liberal France dictate morals to America.

We should feel sorry for France. Because they are years ahead of us. In liberalism. This is a path we must not take.

You cannot appease evil deeds and warehouse the poor in ghettos. Those who do evil things should be brought to justice. Those who can work.. Should.

'Snowman'... Sex Ed TV???

One of the hottest-selling T-shirts around the country shows a simply drawn snowman with a menacing expression.It's not Frosty's evil twin. The image popularized by drug-dealer-turned-rapper Young Jeezy symbolizes those who sell a white substance known on the street as snow: cocaine.
I guess I do not see the big deal here. Most people will not know what the shirt means. Those who do have probably already been corrupted. My biggest problem is the shirt sucks. Who freaken drew that snowman?

Come on people, this is America! If your going to have a cocaine snowman.. Come on! We have some talented artists out there that could have done a much better job.


At the University of California at San Diego, the student government and school TV station are facing off on televised sex. SRTV is airing graphic programs produced by senior Steven York, one of which shows him having sex with a porn actress."This material right there, that we're producing, is for a specific audience. And you know people are going to be offended, but at the same time, that's sort of the college experience," York said.

University rules states that SRTV can air "indecent" but not "obscene" material. Station manager Tiffany Wrapp backs York."Personally, I don't think sex is something that should be censored," Wrapp said.But students at the public university feel differently.

"I am embarrassed and I am outraged," said one at a student meeting. The student government voted to ban the show last week, but York did more than ignore them. Hours after the ban, SRTV ran the sex video again, this time with the face of a female student senator superimposed on the face of the porn star.

"They said, Well, this isn't illegal, it is just inappropriate.' And I said, that is really in the eye of the beholder. You know the students I talked to don't really think it is inappropriate," York said.When asked if one of California's top state schools planned to discipline any of the students involved or pull the plug on porn, the chancellor's office said, "We are not in the business of bigfooting our students ... we'll let them handle it.

"So the collages station manager feels its OK to show sex on a collage run TV channel. The chancellor of the collage says he will let the students handle it. The students are the ones complaining that it is offensive.

Correct me if I'm wrong. Students pay the tuition. It costs tons of money to attend a collage. "Liberals, what does showing sex with a prostitute have to do with higher education? What the hell are you doing to my collages?"

There is an old saying: "If you want freedom, you must police yourself. If you do not, someone will do it for you.

"Collages enjoy quite a bit of freedom. But they are abusing it. I don't mind you standing next to me. I guess I can't stop you from pissing on America. But if some of it lands on my shoes….

Liberals- "You better get a hold of this nutjob called The University of California at San Diego. They are going to screw things up for everybody.Not to mention the brainwashing it is doing to our youths. The lower standards. Moral decay.

Out of power and Out of control

I believe the party that is out of power is out of control. This constant tearing down of an American president is killing this country. I do not mind so much the "talking heads" on TV or even the radio talk show hosts getting little jabs in. I'm not talking about Bloggers either. I think we would miss not commenting on politics. I would!

But when former presidents take part in the slander. It has gotten out of hand. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton are crossing the line. These two are airing America's dirty laundry for the world to see. Most former American Presidents had dignity. Not these two tired democrats. They take a swipe at Bush any chance they can get. Carter and Clinton are burning down the house they have to live in. AND THEY DO NOT CARE!

When President Carter was in trouble during his presidency. Americans were being terrorized by Iran. Oil prices sky rocketed. You had to wait in line to get gas. Nixon and Ford could have beamed Carter over the head with nasty comments. But they didn't do that. Do you liberals know why? It is called respect for a sitting president.

When Clinton was lying under oath and being impeached. Bush 41 REFUSED to utter a single negative word in public. Can liberals grasp why Bush 41 would do that? It is called love of country. It is called taking the high road.

You would think a former president would do things to help this country. Instead, Carter and Clinton are promoting negative gossip like two old ladies. YES GOSSIP! Liberals may not know this but in America you are innocent until proven guilty. Cheney, Rove and Libby are innocent, as it stands right now. Liberals are confused..

You ask why democrats lose elections? Because they lack dignity. They listen to people like George Soros- "Move On. Org." Soros tells Americans that we should pay more taxes. He is the 25 richest man in America.. YET.. Most of his money is in off-shore banks. He pays very little taxes for being 25 richest person in America. Liberals listen to Ted Kennedy. "A politician for the people." His family fortune is also mostly off-shore. Out of 500 MILLION dollars, the Kennedy's paid only $ 140,000 in taxes. That's sad. The big money-democratic party wants YOU to pay more taxes. But they don't pay more taxes.

Well, if you liberals want to pay more taxes, go ahead. Just cross off your "personal deduction" on the 2005 tax form. You will pay about $3,000 more in taxes. "If that is what you want to do?"

"Will Bill Clinton cross off his personal deduction and pay more taxes?? I wonder??

John McCain- The perfect storm

There is a storm brewing. A perfect storm for some. A disaster for others. This perfect storm is John McCain.

I have heard many people at Blogster mention how they would like to see a third party enter into this monopoly called the two party system. If McCain splits from the Republican Party, we may see a viable third party. Will he split? Will 2008 be the year McCain has had enough?

There are no indications at this point that McCain would leave the Republican Party. But it is no secret that John McCain has a desire to be president. He has had one major problem. He is middle of the road. Too conservative to be a democrat. Too liberal to be nominated in the Republican Party.

If McCain became an independent, he would be a formidable foe. I have talked to many people who want to vote democrat, but they do not want to vote for Hillary Clinton. Believe it or not, I have heard some republicans grumbling lately. If republicans nominate someone like Jeb Bush, there could be a bolt of conservatives to an independent candidate.

John McCain would not have an easy road ahead if he chose to split. First off, lack of funds. This has been the problem with any third party candidate. McCain would never be able to compete with the Big Two on campaigning and advertising. But, McCain has had no problem getting his message out. He can walk onto David Letterman’s show anytime. Even John Stewart gives McCain respect. He could travel around doing local and national talk shows for as long as they will have him. The liberal side of the media seems to like John McCain. (That is until they see him as a threat to Hillary Clinton.)

Another problem John McCain would face: He would have to be everything to everybody. He could never make a mistake. The Big Two would step on him. He could never say: “I voted for the 87 billion before I voted against it.” McCain could never enter a debate mumbling: “It’s hard.. Politics is hard.. It’s just hard work.. We are working hard...” John McCain would have to hit his mark every time.

Since Blogs are all about personal opinion.. You may be wondering if I could ever vote for McCain. The answer is yes. If he becomes the republican nomination I would vote for him. If John McCain ran as an independent, it would have to be the perfect storm. If republicans ran Jeb Bush and McCain was speaking more conservative then Bush, I could vote for the independent McCain. Let Me Explain...

There is nothing wrong with Jeb Bush. He is probably a nice fellow. I have only minor problems with the current president. I believe George Bush has handled the war on terrorism well. Bush has tried to stick to many campaign promises. I do not agree with the spending. But I see why it is happening. My major problem is that president Bush still acts like he is running for president. This administration has never acted like a majority. President Bush spends too much time trying to make liberals like him.Just the name “Bush” has become so stigmatized to middle America, I do not believe ANY ONE with the name BUSH can win in 2008. Again, Jeb Bush is probably a great person. He is young enough to be able to run in the future. There is no need to run Jeb in 2008. There are too many qualified republican candidates out there to gamble an important election on obtaining a Bush family presidential dynasty. (Besides, if republicans ran Jeb Bush, liberals wouldn’t have to change their “I hate Bush” bumper stickers. Why make it easy on them? Make liberals print up new stickers.)

I have spent the last two posts on possibilities for the 2008 presidential race. There is, of course, the “Slug-Fest.... Mud Slinging contest” coming up in 2006. The Big Two will out-due themselves this time fighting for a few important congressional seats. “If you think other countries have a bad opinion of America now... Wait until the 2006 attack ads hit the airwaves.” The 2006 election will make even the most fanatical political addict hate politics.

But... I think the 2008 presidential race will be one of the most exciting races in the last half a century…Biff…