Do you really want to be free??
When we speak about freedom, we usually are very self-centered. We talk about OUR freedoms. What about the freedoms of others? My freedom may disgust you.
Think about it….
You live in a neighborhood filled with many different people. The family, in the house on the right, loves to shoot animals. They shoot dogs, cats, rabbits, basically anything that runs into their yard. But that is what they want to do… They are free.
The people on the left of you are trying to develop a new explosive. Once, every month, they blow up their house. BOOOM! But that is what they want to do… They are free.
The guy across the street rapes women, he has been eyeing your daughter. But that is what he wants to do… He is free.
The people who live in the house behind you play loud music 24 hours a day. They swear all the time. They drink booze and puke all night long. You have noticed your kids watching that house and they are starting to swear. "My kids never swore." But that is what these neighbors want to do.. They are free.
It is impossible to be totally free. We would kill each other. The minute you put a hand on my daughter, I would shoot you. I'm free.. I could do that.
So we have to set rules.. The way our founding fathers have come up with is based on a majority. We the people, do not want to be bothered with voting every week on stupid issues, so we pick representatives to vote for us. They have, and continue to, set forth rules, which protect us from each other. We may not like these rules, but they are designed to protect somebody.
You still are free! Almost every activity that I described in the "wacky" neighborhood could be done somewhere. There is a time and place for everything. The guy who wants to shoot animals.. Most states have a sanctioned "Season" where hunters can shoot certain animals. But you can't shoot off a gun in public areas. It is too dangerous.
They family who is trying to develop new explosives live about 60 miles from my house. They are the Zambelli Family and they develop World Class firework displays.

These guys are always blowing things up.
When they are trying to develop a certain color or training new technicians, they shoot fireworks off all the time. But they have the proper licenses and they work a safe distance from causing danger to you and I.
When I was younger, they was an old farmhouse that was called "Animal House." People drank all night, music was as loud as it could be. No one ever called the cops because the house was far enough away. It didn't bother anyone.
The neighbor who want to rape women.. There is no hope for this guy.. We the people have deemed this activity wrong. But, even he could head off to Vegas and pay a hooker to play along with his twisted wishes.
So in America, you are free. But we have rules to protect each other. There is a time and a place for everything.

Even if your freedom is blowing things up!!