Radical Islam, The Beginning..

I was trying to understand the Arab world during Mohammed's time. I know it sounds silly, but the American- "Wild West" is the best description I can come up with. (Though the American Wild West came 1,200 thousand years later!) You had great cities, like Mecca. But in between, there were hundreds of miles of nothing. Just like in the Wild West, robbery was a way of life for some in the old-Arab world. Caravans of merchants would frequently be robbed of their goods. In America, with a government that is "for the people, by the people." We could demand protection, or vote our leaders out of office. Arab's didn't have this luxury. In a land governed by Rulers, Kings, and dictators.. Arabs could not demand anything!
In the desert of Arabia was Mohammad born, according to Muslim historians, on April 20, 571. The name means highly praised. His parents died when he was young. Mohammed grew up to become a type of merchant. He also took part in robbery of goods from 'enemy' tribes. Mohammed was a very intelligent man, he saw the world in a different perspective then many of his contemporaries. Mohammed began to believe that the "Multi-God" religion that Arabs followed no longer served the Arab people. All around him, people were ruled by greed. Mohammed was disgusted by the deterioration of life in Mecca.
Being a traveler, Mohammed met Jewish and Christian people. Christians would often taunt Arab people because they never had a prophet. That God had never spoke directly to Arabs. (That wasn't a very nice thing for Christians to do??) Being an intelligent man, Mohammed did ponder this question.. "Why hadn't God spoke to the Arab people?"
Around the year 609, Mohammed was 40, he had his 'revelations' with God. This was not a peaceful event! Mohammed would shake, sweat and go blank. He once described a revelation this way: "It was like my whole soul was being ripped out of my body!" Mohammed wrote down everything he witnessed. He did not show these revelations to any outsiders. Only trusting his wives and close friends. Around 611, friends of Mohammed believe these revelations must be seen by all. The writings of Muhammad, called the Koran (Qur'an), were so logical, so well written, and so pure.. It is said that anyone who read the Koran became a follower of Islam.
This was the problem.. You had to read it.
Many of the old rulers and kings refused to read the Koran. To suggest a "One-God" religion, similar to the Christians, in the Arab world was unheard of. There were several attempts to assassinate Muhammad. For two years, they tried to starve the followers of Islam by cutting off supplies. But none of this worked. As more people read the Koran, they too, became followers. In the end, the old rulers of the 'Multi-God' religion, either joined Islam, or were cast-out and even killed.
After Mohammed's death, Islam spread across the Arab world and into territories not ever held by Arabs. Changes in belief of the Koran, allowed Arabs to kill a brother. A more Radical Islam was emerging. What lands that did not submit to Islam, were taken over in war. By the year 800, Islam held a great Empire that had more land then The Roman Empire held. Islam had split into three fractions: Sunnism, Shiism and Sufi mysticism. Each having a small different meaning of the Koran.
Almost as quick as The Islamic Empire's rise, it began to fracture. The three fractions, Sunnism, Shiism and Sufi, did not see eye to eye on matters. Plus, increased trade with the outside world caused a further split in the Islamic Empire.
The Islamic Empire basically fell into what you see today. (Aside from some border and kingdom changes.) Except.. Arabs had a new, One God (Allah), religion.
This would be the end of the story.. Except for one small thing…
OILLet me stop for a moment..From what I have read, I can find nothing wrong with Muhammad. I believe he was a decent, intelligent prophet who spoke to God. Mohammed's intent was pure. In any religion, (or country for that matter) a radical group can use a religion or government to conquer. Mohammed believed you should not force anyone to follow Islam. Followers should be willing. He believed Muslims should resect Jews and Christians because they believed in the same God. Christians just had an earlier revelation then the Arabs. First and foremost, Mohammed believed hoarding wealth would not be seen as righteous, before God, if your brothers suffer in poverty.
It is the radicals in Islam that I point out. These folks are not following the true teachings of Mohammed. They are using the religion as a means to conquer and gain wealth. I am not just picking on Islam. Christianity had The Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition. You could pick almost any country in the world and show a time in which radicals used the government to conquer. (I know.. I Know.. Some people will point at President Bush.)
Islam and Oil
If it were not for oil, the Arab world would probably resemble the continent of Africa. Warring states, opposing tribes, and poor people starving. But because of oil, Arab rulers became billionaires. Europe, America, Asia and the world were forced to focus on The Middle East.
Oil is the most traded commodity in the world. Arabs seem to hold the bulk of it.
What is happening in The Middle East is nothing new. It is a tragedy that has been played out many times in this world. It is a clash of the old against the new. Japan saw an encounter between modern Japanese and the old Samurai. In America, we saw the clash between the old- Native American Indian ways and the modern Europeans. Also, during the civil war, we saw the collision of the old south against the modern north.
So there is nothing new about the conflict in The Middle East. What is different? Most of the time we read about this stuff in history books. This is taking place in front of our eyes!
If radical Islamic leaders truly followed the teachings of Mohammed, there would be no war. Radical Islam is using the Koran to over-throw rulers and kings they do not agree with.
With the Hamas victory in Palestine. With a more radical president in Iran. With what Al Qaeda tried to do in Afghanistan and are trying to do in Iraq. You can see, radical Islam is spreading again. (The Koran is a very well written and powerful book. Do not underestimate it!)
The goal of radical Islam is to rebuild the Islamic Empire. (Make no mistake about it. They have said it many times.) They will use oil as their engine and the Koran as a tool.
This will be The Forth World War.It is interesting how little a role America will play in the start of The Forth World War. (We can be slightly egotistical at times and think things "revolve around us".)
This will be discussed in detail in the final editorial of this series.

Written by Biff Babonie

Research material used

Islam.. (A short History).. by Karen Armstrong.

USC- Compendium of Muslim Texts- Quick Link Here!

Crude Awakenings- (Global Oil Security) by Steve A. Yetiv

"Following editorial's from this series are"

Post 1- Who Created Al-Qaeda?
Post 2- Radical Islam: The beginning.
Post 3- Why Saddam?
Post 4- The Forth World War

Thanks for reading The Angry Republican!

Note: You will find spelling errors and terrible grammar used in these posts. Anything I send to the newspapers has two editors, one checks spelling and punctuation, the other checks content. For this blog, I like the feeling to be 'raw.' For better or worse, there is no editing process.