I have been wanting to do a series of posts (editorials) on our current enemies. I believe it is important to understand these people. Plus, I feel many people do not even see an enemy. Maybe they feel the enemy is not that big of a problem. Or it is too big a problem.
Or that it isn't "our" problem at all.People have said that America created Al Qaeda. How can this be?? We are good people!
By the end of this post.. You will know who created Al Qaeda.President Jimmy Carter was having a hell of a time during his presidency. An oil crisis, which caused Americans to pay high prices for gas and wait in long lines. You could not buy gas two days in a row. Inflation was sky high.
Then.. The fall of 1979 became a nightmare. Iran captured Americans and held them hostage. If that wasn't bad enough The Soviets invaded Afghanistan just one month after Iran took Americans hostages. American TV was focused on the Iran hostage crisis, the pentagon was focused on the Soviets. "To invade Afghanistan in the winter is mad. There is no plain reasoning here," is what many reporters thought. But not the pentagon. The soviets were careful planners and geopolitical thinkers.
If the Soviets were able to take Afghanistan, there would be nothing stopping them from heading west into the heart of the Middle East. This could not be aloud to take place. They would control the oil fields.
Which meant money and power.America was still weak from its war in Vietnam just five years ago. Everyone agreed a head on battle with the soviets was out of the question. People began to believe.. "Let's do to the soviets what they have done to us in the past." Everyone knows the soviets greatly helped out our enemy's in previous wars. It was time for some payback. But America couldn't just openly back Afghanistan. It had to be done covertly.
Jimmy Carter had made some "friends" in the Middle East while he was trying to sure-up an oil supply. Mainly, the House of Saud. Saudi Arabia had much to loose if the soviets were successful. Mainly, their oil fields. A deal was stuck between Jimmy Carter and the House of Saud. Saudi Arabia would provide the funds. America would provide the technology and training.
Before America and Saudi Arabia entered the picture, things looked very bad for the Afgan Freedom Fighters. "You had goat herders and drug growers shooting at soviet tanks with pistols."
A riff had grown in the Middle East. Young Islamic men began to see the older Islamic leaders as weak. The Kings and dictators were being driven in limousines. Fancy dining. Big shows. Some of these leaders were actually making Hollywood type movies. The young extreme Islamic people began to dislike the elders and believed the elders had lost the way of Mohammed.
When the "mighty bear" invaded Afghanistan. Many of the Middle Eastern Kings and dictators did nothing to stop this. They offered little support. It was the final straw for many of the young Islamic men. Young men poured into Afghanistan. The American CIA and Special Forces trained them.
These young men where very wise. They learned more then the CIA thought. They could take two broken AK-47's, strip them down, and make one functioning weapon. "Most American soldiers can't do that." The Freedom Fighters learned to do this out of necessity. It is what they had to do on the battlefield. They knew the "in and outs" of anti-tank missiles. They learned how Americans fought and how we get intelligence.
They learned everything.The Afgan Freedom Fighters stop the Soviets in their tracks.President Carter did not win his reelection. President Ronald Reagan believed Carter's covert war in Afghanistan was justified and important. Actually Reagan intensified it by lending more US support. Eventually the Afgan Freedom Fighters held off the Soviets long enough that the Soviet Union retreated. The Freedom Fighters had won.
Something happened on the battlefield of Afghanistan. The young Freedom Fighters began to call themselves Al Qaeda. Since Afghanistan was in ruins, it was easy for Al Qaeda to set up whatever government they choose. America and The House of Saud had no desire in the region. Al Qaeda picked The Taliban to run their new paradise. Be-heading became the punishment for many crimes. Women were beaten and killed for no good reason.
Some Al Qaeda members made an attempt to travel back to their home countries. They began to talk about the great victory Al Qaeda had over "the mighty Bear," how they created a paradise in Afghanistan. "Where a strict interpretation of The Koran was being followed." Many of the home countries didn't want these "Mujahideen" (Holy warriors) in their countries. They were afraid of an uprising. Al Qaeda was rounded up in many countries and escorted to the border. "If you return, you will be killed."
One member of Al Qaeda who was different from most was
Osama bin Laden. He had fought in the Afgan war like many of the others, but Osama was rich. When Saudi Arabia kicked Osama out for spreading propaganda, bin Laden stated he would bring down the House of Saud. Osama was made the leader of Al Qaeda.
Al Qaeda, which means
"the base", began to seek out new manpower and funds were ever they could. (Which ever country would have them and not kill them.) Yemen, Iran, Sudan and of course Afghanistan to name a few.
Al Qaeda is
"The Base." The base of the new Ottoman. A return to the great Islamic Empire. Many people do not realize the Islamic Empire held more land then the Roman Empire. Al Qaeda, (the way they see it) defeated the Russians. They have their own first country. (Afghanistan.) They see America as a country of pilgrims who in less then 200 years, became a great and powerful empire. England, in the 1600's, was still filled with warring tribes. 250 years later, England ruled the world. Al Qaeda can wait. They will do it one country at a time. Al Qeada's membership started to grow.
When the Soviet Union fell shortly after Desert Storm, America took credit for toppling the Russians. After all, America had been locked in a cold war with the soviets for decades. A large-scale chess game. A deadly game. Without America giving the Afgan Freedom Fighters training and weapons, the Soviets would have won. The Soviets fell because their economy could no longer support a massive weapons build up. When the Russians saw American forces in Dessert Storm, they were stunned. The "Patriot Missile" scared the crap out of the soviets. If America perfected "Star Wars," all Russian weapons were useless.
Al Qaeda didn't care for America taking credit for their victory. Radical Islam didn't understand how we could hate the Russians and then send Billions in aid, food and money to the Russians. They didn't understand how President Reagan could trade arms to Iran and then sell arms to Iraq. Mostly, they began to believe America was the problem. Osama witnessed American forces being gunned down by rebels in Mogadishu. Osama watched as Americans ran from the fight during the Clinton Presidency. Osama believed if Al Qaeda could strike America on their own soil, Americans would run away from The Middle East.
Enter the First World Trade Tower Attack- 1993This was not successful in bringing down the towers. President Clinton treated it like it was a random crime. American activities continued in the Middle East. Al Qeada began planning various attacks at American targets around the world. Embassies in Africa. The USS Cole. Bombs in Saudi Arabia. Then, in 2001. Al Qaeda was successful in killing 3,000 innocent Americans and leveling The World Trade Towers. It is what Osama wanted to do. He did it.
What Osama didn't plan on,
America didn't run. In fact..
He pissed us off.Afghanistan was the first target because it was Al Qaeda's Base. It was the first country in their attempt to reclaim a great Islamic Empire. It is gone now. Why attack Iraq? Because Saddam could have had weapons of mass destruction. Saddam was not following rules set forth by the UN. Saddam's military was firing on our pilots. Our forces were already in the area and they were "pumped up" from devastating Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. And finally,
it places Iran in "The Box."
Who Created Al Qaeda?If you are part of the
"Blame America First" crowd, then you will want to blame the US and President Jimmy Carter for training and supplying the Afgan Freedom Fighters.
If you do not blame America for every little thing that happens in this world, then you know..
Radicals created Al Qaeda. The Afgan Freedom Fighters had an opportunity to create a paradise in Afghanistan. No one would have bothered with them. Instead, they created a hellhole where be-headings were treated like a sporting event. They do not use the teachings of Mohammed. They use a perverted version of The Koran that was changed after Mohammed's death. This change in The Koran allows brother to kill brother, something Mohammed forbid. Al Qaeda tried to spread fear into other countries and their own brothers didn't want them in the homelands and would jail them on site.
There are Americans who do not believe the war in Iraq is important. Al Qaeda believes Iraq is important. If Al Qaeda can defeat the
"paper eagle" in Iraq, the way they defeated
"the mighty bear" in Afghanistan. In their minds, they will have defeated the world's only two super powers.
Nothing will stand in their way after that.
Not even China.
Written by Biff Babonie.
Research material used…
American Soldier.. By General Tommy Franks
America's Secret War.. By George Friedman
Sell Out (Corruption of the CIA).. By James Adams
Islam.. (A short History).. by Karen Armstrong.
Following editorial's from this series are"
Post 2- Radical Islam: The beginning.
Post 3- Why Saddam?
Post 4- The Forth World War
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