Why Saddam?
If you wanted to prove Saddam could be controlled by UN inspectors, you can probably find information to argue this point.
If you want to prove Saddam was a threat and needed to be removed, you can easily do that as well.
With so much evidence for either side, the invasion of Iraq will be debated for years. I believe the removal of Saddam was necessary. This is what I will try and prove here!
"..Reagan helped Saddam [sic] then we turn around and invade Iraq.."
This statement ticks me off! Japan attacked us, now we are best buddies. So what? People change, countries change.
What really gets me is this statement is not really true. Reagan removed a weapons embargo against Iraq. But Reagan didn’t trust BOTH Iraq and Iran. Iraq had dealings with the Soviets and Reagan never trusted the Russians. When the war broke out between Iran and Iraq, the Soviets temporarily cut off weapons to Iraq. Reagan removed the US weapons embargo which allowed US weapon manufacturer to sell to Israel. Who would then sell to Iraq. Henry Kissinger made the statement that summed up the feelings of the time: "The best outcome would be for both sides to lose." It was less about helping Saddam and more about making sure Iran didn’t win. Iran, after all, did hold Americans hostage.
"..Saddam thought he had America’s blessing to invade Kuwait..."
There is a theory, (and Saddam claims it) that the American ambassador to Iraq made Saddam think it was OK to attack Kuwait. We may never know if this is true but it doesn’t matter. It took months to build a coalition the fight Saddam. It took a long time to get the equipment over to the Middle East. Saddam had lots of time to say: "Opps, I made a mistake. I’ll just go now." Saddam never did and a world coalition removed Saddam from Kuwait.
"...We should have removed Saddam the first time, Bush is fixing his daddy’s F**k up.."
Yes, we should have removed Saddam the first time. But we were following the UN Resolution. This was to remove Saddam out of Kuwait and cripple Saddam’s military so he couldn’t invade anyone else. (We do not follow the UN as closely now.) I would say it was the UN’s- F**K up.
Saddam had an opportunity to change his ways, he never did.
"..We never gave inspectors enough time to do their job.."
11 years is quite enough time. Inspectors cannot do their job when Saddam kicked them out. President Bush (41) had problems with Saddam. President Clinton had to use missile strikes into Iraq. This didn’t work. After 9/11, we had to take a good look at the world around us.
"..Bush rushed us into this illegal war.."
This war is not illegal! President Bush got congressional votes for authority to remove Saddam. The UN has not formally charged the United States with any major crimes. Bush gave Saddam 11 months to let Hanns Blix inspect Iraq. Saddam blocked Hanns from inspecting 100% of Iraq. American Soldiers removed Saddam and placed him in jail. There is nothing illegal here.
"..Iran and North Korea are more dangerous then Iraq..."
Today that is true! With Saddam in jail, his military crushed, and any weapons he had either destroyed or moved into another country, Saddam is no threat now. Bush was not pulling names out of his ass when he said, just after 9/11, that Iraq, Iran and North Korea were the problem countries in the world today. Central Command and The Pentagon had been watching these three countries long before Bush became president. Some people were stunned that Bush referred to North Korea, and Iran had been quiet for years. People are not saying that anymore.
"..Bush lied about WMD’s to go to war with Saddam.."
There is no proof President Bush lied. Most people believed Saddam was up to something. No one can say he was a good man. Bush truly believed Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. If this administration was as corrupt as the left claims, they could have just planted weapons in the desert and been done with it.
Why Saddam?
He gassed his own people to death. He lied to the world. He would regularly have his military shoot at our pilots in the no fly zones. He caused three American Presidents, over a fifteen year period, to fight him in some manner. He was acting guilty, never allowing weapons inspectors to check all of Iraq. He thumbed his nose at Hanns Blix, the UN, and America. He cannot do that anymore, he is in prison.
Blame Saddam. Had he let Hanns Blix do his job. If Saddam would have given the UN any weapons he had. Saddam would still be in charge of Iraq right now. His sons would be in line for office. The rape rooms would be full. Punishment for crimes would be back to an Iraqi normal, you disappear forever. Saddam was foolish and now he sits in jail.
If you are a cop and you have three criminals before you. You cannot physically arrest all three at the same time. (and there is no back-up to come help you.) You would pick the one who has committed the most serious crimes and fight him. You take that criminal to jail. Then you deal with the others.
The leaders of Iran and North Korea watched the video of Saddam being dragged out of a hole in the ground. They do not want that to happen to themselves. If a future evil dictator sees American troops, ships and planes stacking up near its borders. When the American President, (who ever he or she might be) gives this dictator a warning, this evil dictator will remember Saddam being dragged out of the ground and thrown in jail. This will shape what that person does next.
Empty threats mean nothing. There is nothing empty about an American threat! We warned Saddam. We told him what we would do. He didn't listen. So we did what we said we would do. Our brave soldiers removed Saddam.
Saddam has only himself to blame. The rest of the world knows this to be true!
Written by Biff Babonie
Research material used
War and Peace in the Middle East.. By Avi Shlaim
American Soldier.. By General Tommy Franks
America's Secret War.. By George Friedman
"Following editorial's from this series are"
Post 1- Who Created Al-Qaeda? (Quick Link)
Post 2-Radical Islam: The beginning. (Quick Link)
Post 3- Why Saddam?
Post 4- The Forth World War
Thanks for reading The Angry Republican!