So I comment and get called a "redneck."
I like that!
Here is the idea being pushed:
"Americans blew up our own buildings during 9/11 so we could go to war."
Here is one photo showing how a jet could never fit into the hole of the pentagon.
So.. it must have been a cruise missile that made this hole in the pentagon. And liberals wonder why we think they are stupid! meanderthalis, I have an experiment for you. Take a pop can and put it under your car tire. Drive over it! What happens? The soft rubber tire smashes the metal can.
When a light-weight, aluminum jet slams into a steel beamed, cement walled building. (That was constructed to be a bomb shelter.) "There isn't going to be much left of that jet."
But this propaganda site goes on. That the jets crashing into the World Trade Towers couldn't have brought them down. Something else must have done that!
Here is the quote:
David Ray Griffin states:No Prior Collapse Induced by Fire. The official theory is rendered implausible by two major problems. The first is the simple fact that fire has never---prior to or after 9/11---caused steel-frame high-rise buildings to collapse.This is completely false! Just after 9/11, a scientific study done on a British building that was due for demolition, showed that the "multi-interlocking deck design" of the World Trade Towers would not stand the "heat" from an intense fire. (A fire from jet fuel.) Because the deck design was riveted, instead of riveted and welded, it collapsed from heat. The steel didn't melt, it warped causing the rivets to 'pop.' (This was proved in the study.) The weight of multiple decks, (Floors) falling down on the floors below, caused the entire collapse.
The builders of the WT Towers, Minoru Yamasaki, never planned for a fully fueled jet to slam into it. It was not thought of in the 1970's. However, they believe that a jet, with little fuel, lost in fog while trying to land at JFK, would never have brought down the WT Towers. A jet taking off from JFK, full of fuel, never gets near the towers. The builders never thought anyone would fly jets, full of fuel, purposely into the Towers.
Manning has an excellent take on this! For the US government to have done this to the America people, here's what would have happened…(you got to read this!)
Click here for Manning's post
For anyone following this, I have a great site from an engineer's perspective.
Click here for Nova!
But, the fact remains. Osama masterminded this event. Terrorists carried it out.
So now, meanderthalis gets a little 'pissy.' Here are some of his replies. (Edited down, of course.)
"Seems to me this scares you a bit. Goes against everything you believed about your terrorist nation."
"As for angryrepublican, you are whining like a little child. Its a bit difficult to stomach, but there it is, in black and white."
"I'd like to see your reference. If it exists. If you can't be bothered to back up what you say, shut up."
That's funny, the guy asks me to read his sight, then tells me to 'shut-up' when I comment.
" And you are an expert on aeroplanes, and jet fuel, right. So we should trust you. How simple. Trust the redneck. He knows the answers."
"Come on, be fair. Have I called you a redneck?? I mailed you the link so that you could respond to something that you (????) feel strongly about."
( i regret calling him a redneck, he seems to have taken it too seriously)
Actually no! I haven't taken it too seriously. I am having great fun with this stuff!
meanderthalis, The one site you offer to people is a 'tongue in cheek' left wing site. Most people understand that much of what is shown on that site is.. Well.. Not true. That is what Serendipity does.
The other site, "scholars for 9/11 truth.org." Has been out for a while.
They are a group of liberals who are trying to discredit the president.
James H. Fetzer, Ph.D, says: "As long as these photographs are authentic and those measurements are correct—which concerns the quality of the evidence for not q and appears to be rather difficult to dispute—then no Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon.49 Q.E.D. " This guy never visited the crash site! He is using photos and hoping the measurements are correct.
Folks, I just thought this was wild stuff and wanted to share it with others.
Americans blew up our own buildings on 9/11.
Hey, every once in a while I like to read some fiction!
meanderthalis, you may think I am picking on you. I am not. The simple fact that I am doing a post on this subject means, (In a twisted, condescending sort of way) that I am interested in this topic.
I just can not stand anti-Americanism. If you would have calmly discussed this theory to me, the aftermath would have remained in a gentlemen fashion. But you call Americans fools, a terrorist nation, rednecks, etc.
"Man, dems is fighten' words."
Of course I am going to attack you! I have placed in your comment section a bunch of references on The World Trade Towers. If you would like to discuss this some more, hell, I'll play along. But when the Super Bowl starts, you will have to play with yourself.
meanderthalis post is titled: "Have you seen this?"
Serendipity's web page here
"scholars for 9/11 truth.org." here
If you want news and facts taunted with lies, check out "Bad News!"
For the site, where this came from, with tons of comments, click here- angryrepublican