Conservatives take a bad rap when it comes to the topic of homosexuality. Just say the words: "Conservative" and "gay", it brings up thoughts of "Neanderthal" and one who is not progressive.

So there is nothing new or progressive about homosexuality. Actually, it is a return to the old ways.
So I have this conversation with a liberal about homosexuality. I am told by this liberal that I am not being fair.
(me) So you believe homosexuals should be able to marry and have the same rights as heterosexuals?
(liberal) Yes, they should have the same rights as anyone else. They are human and it is terrible what conservatives are doing.
(me) What about certain religions that believe men can marry multiple wives? How about Arabs who also believe in multiple wives? Are you going to allow them to legally marry?
(liberal) No, that is stupid. It is wrong to have more than one partner, besides, there are not that many of those people to change the law.
(me) Isn't that the same thing people who oppose homosexuality are saying? That it is wrong and there are not enough gay people to bother changing the law?
(liberal) No.. What?
(me) Lets move on.. You probably feel it is OK for pedophiles to marry young children, because in some cultures, it is OK to..
(liberal) I never said that. I believe that pedophiles should be locked up. That is sick. You are putting words into my mouth. I never said that.
(me) So you feel we should change the law so that gay people can legally marry, but we should discriminate against Arab people who want to marry multiple wives?
(liberal) Marrying more than one person is stupid.
(me) What do you think about that sexy female Florida teacher who had sex with her 14-year-old male student? Do you think she should rot in jail for twenty-five years?
(liberal) What.. Do you have A.D.D. You can't stick with one topic? No, she should not rot in jail for twenty-five years. What male student wouldn't want a sexy teacher hitting on him?
(me) So you think just a little probation was fine a punishment for this teacher.
(liberal) Yes, she lost her job. The kid probably enjoyed it, he is not testifying.
(me) So you believe all pedophiles should just get probation. A forty-year-old balding, potbellied, ugly male teacher who has sex with a 14 year old girl should just get probation. A slap on the…
(liberal) NO.. I didn't say that. You are putting words into my mouth. I said earlier, pedophiles are sick and need to be locked up.
(me) I want to get this right.. You believe America should shape laws to allow gay people to legally marry, but we should discriminate against multiple partner marriages because they are silly and wrong?
You believe pedophiles should be locked up because that is sick. Unless these pedophiles are sexy, white, and female. In that case they should just get probation.
(liberal) NO.. you said.. I didn't say..
(me) And you think I am being unfair..??
(End of conversation as liberal walks away, disgusted, mumbling profanities)
I really do not care what two people do behind closed doors. As long as they do not hurt anyone else.
I believe in God. Some religious people believe the Bible tells them homosexuality is wrong. Maybe it does? Maybe it is wrong? I can't answer that because the Bible also says we should not judge others. There is one, who will judge all of us, someday.
I really do not care if you are a homosexual. I try and treat everyone with respect. (Unless you make a silly political statement.)
I actually welcome a state-by-state vote on gay marriage. I believe there are a few states that would adopt gay marriage.
I am totally against activist judges taking away our right to vote.
People argue for activist judges making laws, by saying "we wouldn't have Civil Rights." Republicans voted for Civil Rights, it was the democrats who voted against Civil Rights in congress. Had activist judges NOT changed the law, America would have passed Civil Rights soon after. (Once those democrats were voted out of office.)

You get the changes in Property Rights that liberal judges just passed last year. Now, local city (or county) officials can TAKE your property and sell it to "BS Smith", who will knock down your house. Then sell your property to Wal-Mart inc for five times what they paid you for it. Your local officials will receive five times the tax on your property. Everybody is happy and you are kicked to the curb.
There is a danger in allowing activist judges shape American law. Our founding fathers set forth a way of changing laws in America. Through voting. By congress.
So I have no real problems with the gay community. I would be willing to vote on gay marriage. But I do not want judges changing the laws for anything. Including gay marriage.
If I got the chance to vote on gay marriage, you may wonder if I would vote for it?
I will answer this way..
Twenty years ago, gay people asked me to understand them. That they are people too, with rights and needs. I do understand gay people.
Today, gay people are telling me I AM WRONG. My opinion doesn't matter. I am a neanderthal. I should be ashamed.
For a friend, there are many things I will do to try and help. And yes, even vote to change American laws.
But, for a person who insults me. Tells me my opinion doesn't matter..
I will not help this individual.