Here is the news story I am talking about!
The basic idea is this…
In his latest album, "Living With War," Young mentions Obama in the song "Lookin' for a Leader." In it, Young sings of the nation's need for a new leader, singing, "Yeah maybe it's Obama, but he thinks that he's too young."

During the eight years of President Hillary, Barack Obama could be on a permanent "goodwill tour" of America. Obama is intelligent, I have to give him that. He is a good speaker. He made, what I believe, was the best speech during the 2004 DNC convention.

There is just one small problem..
Hillary is still trying to be everything to everybody. This ends up making her nothing, to no one.
When I'm out working, I try and talk to people. Many democrats are not too excited to vote for Hillary. They will not vote for a republican, they admit that. But they might stay home if Hillary is their choice. Which brings us to the problem Hillary is facing.
You can't please the big unions in those huge factories and still please environmentalists. You can't please the anti-war crowd and still please those who feel you must fight for freedom. You can't please the Bible crowd and still hold on to pro-choice and the gay rights movements.
And so…
Hillary will walk up to the stage. Lick her finger and hold it in the breeze. She will see which way the wind is blowing. She will make speeches tailor made for that audience. The problem is, republicans (those mean bastards) will have recordings of the many different speeches she will make. They will be played back-to-back, and America will see the "Kerry Syndrome" all over again.
But… It is much harder to think (really hard) and list the things you believe. Then, announce to America: "This is what I believe in. If I am going to be president, I will work towards these goals." If people do not like one of your goals, then you make speech after speech trying to explain why your ideas are good for America. If you cannot do this, then you do not get elected.
I remember one time I received a comment that read: "You conservatives are too stuck in your old-fashion, stupid ways. You need to loosen up and go with the flow. Change is a good thing!"
Well… Change is good for fashion designers. People like new cloths. Change is good for cars and interior decorators.
But no one wants a politician who flops around. "Say what you mean, mean what you say!" If you cast a vote for someone, you would like to think they will do what they promised.
Change might be OK for some things. Indecision is never good for a president!