The stand-off we have with terrorists is similar to a poker game with many people bluffing. Iran is trying to bluff and tell us they have a very good hand. Osama makes an audio tape and tells us he is still in the poker game. We all know President Bush will ante up.
But then you have Democrats…
Let me ask you something.. Did you ever (accidentally) bring a bimbo-chick to a poker game..?? I am not talking about a smart girl. A smart girl understands the art of bluffing. They know the game of poker. But, a bimbo-chick never thoroughly grasps the concept of bluffing.
Democrats are acting like a bimbo-chick..
So.. al-Qaida's, Ayman al-Zawahri joins the poker game with this statement..
Hundreds of suicide bombings in Iraq have "broken the back" of the U.S. military.
This statement is totally untrue. The American military is as strong as ever. Even a democrat should be pissed off about this statement.
But Zawahri could claim his statement is true by just repeating Democratic Rep John Murtha's statement that the US military is "tapped out."

You can oppose republican policies without under minding the war on terrorism.
There is a way to do that…