NEW YORK (AP) — A 19-year-old PETA staffer has legally changed his name to KentuckyFriedCruelty.
Chris Garnett, youth outreach coordinator for the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, said he changed his name in support of the group's anti-KFC campaign.

"I'm sure Chris can't wait till KFC stops torturing chickens so he can change his name back," the actress said in a statement, adding that the chicken abuse "is awful and has to stop."
We have found some pictures of the terrible abuses KFC has done to these poor birds..
If you have small children, you may want to move them to another room while you view these photo's…
Here we see that KFC is forcing this bird to stand next to the president of Iran.
In this next photo, which is shocking, a KFC worker is spraying this poor bird with a mixture of butter and milk.
Even more shocking… KFC kills chickens and serves them as food for humans!
"I'm with you Pam!!
Now let's go get a cheeseburger."