Most questions come in via comments and we answer them at that point. But some questions are asked in E-mail or the AR- voice mail.. Hot Line phone.
Also this would be a good time to look at the direction The Angry Republican will take in 2006.

Q-"Are you really that much of an ass!"
No… I am a bigger ass! Most of the Posts and comments I do are really mean. I have to edit these comments and posts down so they are not so mean. Many times, after removing all the mean stuff, the only thing that is left is.. "Thanks for the comment!"
Q- "You think you are a 'big shot', but you get very few views on your blog. Do you realize no one is reading your stuff?"
Thank you very much for the confidence booster. I am use to it! When I write Newspaper Editorials, sometimes you get no reply at all. You do wonder if anyone is reading. (Kind of the way it is on Blog Spot and Blogger.) But you keep writing. I do not comment much on other people's blogs. This is one of the problems. If you want a lot of views, you need to get out and promote your blog. I do not do this. I have a circle of political people I visit, but I do not venture much further. Plus, I am very opinionated. Some people hate that. I will never be one of the most popular blogs. I am happy being "underground!"
Q- "I own a restaurant and I have a french fryer that keeps turning off in the mornings. We have to reset it 2 or 3 times. What the hell is wrong with it?"
It sounds like the "safety hi-limit" is going bad. What you need to do is probe the grease for a temp when it kicks off in the morning. If the temp, when it kicks out, is less then 350 degrees you probably have a bad Hi-Limit. Cost is anywhere from $60 to $700. Depending on how "High tech" that fryer is. If the temp is higher then 350 when it cuts out, you have a bad thermostat and/or (T-stat system.)
Q- "Are you being paid by the Republican Party and neocons to spread propaganda to bloggers?"
No. I side with the republicans because I have yet to hear a good democratic plan.
Q- "Why is the sky blue?"
Because it is, deal with it.
Q- "Your stuff doesn't suck too bad. Do you write all the stuff for The Blue Funk and A1 Editorials? Do you spend 10 hrs a day writing this crap?"
No, I'm lucky to spend 1 hr a day blogging. Most of that time is spent writing and very little time commenting. I write some stuff for the other sites.. "Uranus" and "Mr. Suck" are my pieces. We are trying to form a political humor web site. That is why we link to each other's sites. Blogster is our home right now. Thanks for saying that we "do not suck too bad!"
Q- "Yea, I got a new water heater. I can't get a male threaded pipe to seal in a female elbow. I use that Teflon tape, freaking thing is still leaking water."
Try using Teflon and Pro Dope. Be careful.. With this much lubricant, you can crack the fitting. If that doesn't work, you have a bad thread. Can you borrow a tap and die set? Chase the threads. If not, get new fittings. The time you are spending trying to seal this old crap, you could have bought new fittings! Many places will cut and thread new pipe for you. It is not that expensive.
Q- "You must of sucked up big time with the new owners to be the first featured blogger with the new format of Blogster."
No. Actually the opposite.. I have never asked to be a featured blogger. (Even with Arthur-AKA-CB) Now, I did welcome the new owners when many were insulting them. But a lot of people did that as well. The article I wrote that got featured came to me as I saw people fighting for the right to swear and show dirty pictures in public. Still, to this day, I think that is a weird thing to fight for. I didn't know I was being featured. I came home from work and went right to my site. A comment, from Cindy, read: "Look at you, big dog, on the Blogster home page…" That's how I found out.
The future of The Angry Republican..
I think 2006 will be a hell of a year for the political channel here at Blogster. I am looking foreword to it! With the upcoming elections, I believe democrats will double their efforts to bring down Bush. It will take a team of us conservative bloggers to sift through all the accusations that democrats will make this year. I am excited to do my part.
I believe a portion of Americans do not see a real enemy out there. They do not feel terrorism is a true threat to America. I will do a series of editorials on the history of radical Islam. I know "A Political Nut", "Ancient One", and others have discussed this topic. I wanted to add my opinion to it. I feel it is just as dangerous as communism and fascism was.
I want to thank everyone who reads The Angry Republican!
I try to mix humor with politics. Sometimes it works.. Sometimes it is crap!
But it is always free!
AR- voice mail- (814) 282-5909
Mailing address- AR, PO Box 976, Meadville Pa, 16335