Most of the book is filled with republican stereo-types. I can’t complain about this because I use liberal stereo-types all the time. (Liberals who complain about animal rights while wearing a fur coat.. The dumb guy who says YOU should save gas while he hops into a car and drives to work. Alex Baldwin who says he will leave the country if Bush is elected.. He is still here. Rosie O’Donald telling people they shouldn’t have guns while she hires a bodyguard with a gun. ETC)
I could go on and on about Michael Moore’s wrongful remarks but there would be no point in it. If you are conservative, you do not need me telling you that Moore makes things up. If you are liberal, you will not believe me! I will just share one. Moore claims republicans are self-centered because they want to keep more of their money through tax cuts. Yet, what Moore doesn’t tell you is that the red states, by way of income tax returns, generally give more money to charity then the blue states. "We are self-centered?"
So this book goes on like this.. Tons of stereo-types. Moore give democrats a road map on how to win the 2004 election. (This didn’t work out too good.)
But then.. In the very back of the book.. Buried back where few people have probably ventured. Moore tells you exactly what is wrong with liberals. GOLD MINE!
These are Michael Moore’s own words. I am not making this up. (Pg 178-bottom)
"Liberals have acted and voted conservatively so often that they have redefined the term ‘wimp.’ This is why Americans hate to vote for a liberal. A liberal leader is often an oxymoron- liberals don’t lead, they follow. Conservatives are real leaders. They have courage of their convictions. They don’t bend, they don’t break, and they never give in. They are relentless in pursuit of their ideals. They are fearless and take shit from no one. In other words, they actually believe in something. When was the last time you ran into a liberal or a democrat who stuck to a principle just because it was right. That is why most Americans don’t trust liberals. You never know which way they will bend. With conservatives, what you see is what you get, and in these scary times, that reassurance is comforting to millions."
Now folks, if I said that.. You would comment that I am a "right-wing nut job" and "who cares." But this is Michael Moore! The liberal God!
I’m not done yet..
Moore continues...(pg 189-bottom) Moore is telling you what is wrong with liberal idealism.
"Drugs are bad. They f##k you up, slow you down, and ruin your daily existence."
"Men and women are different. We are not the same."
"Your children do not have a right to privacy and you better pay attention to them."
"SUVs are not inherently evil. Getting back to nature is a bad idea. Nature doesn’t want you anywhere near it. Animals don’t have rights. Ann Coulter is crazy as a loon but she has more balls then the whole Democratic Leadership Council. Nixon was more liberal than the last five presidents. Too many liberals view the religious as superstitious fifteenth-century ignoramuses. We are wrong, and they have as much right to their religion as those among us who have no religion. This arrogance is a big reason the lower classes will always side with republicans."
To be fair to Moore, I did condense this last section to save space. But I didn’t change the meaning or direction. Moore is trying to tell you liberals why you lose elections.
Democrats will not believe this. Or they will claim I took this stuff out of context. Or just maybe they will get the book, (most libraries have it- I marked the pages) and they will see I didn’t use any tricks here. These are Michael Moore’s own words.
Liberals will not listen to a republican like myself. Maybe they will listen to Moore?
Say what you mean, mean what you say. You voted for the war in Iraq, but you do not have the balls to stand behind that vote. (Except Senator Liberman.. He has guts!) Quit trying to make people evil just because they drive a car, or cut down a tree for heat, school books and toilet paper. Stop cutting down the religious. You look arrogant and hypocritical because YOU are suppose to be kind and caring to all.
From what I hear, Moore is putting together another movie that will trash republicans. It, of course, will be strategically released during the 2006 election. It will be filled with the same republican stereo-types as the last Moore film. Democrats will line up and plop down their funds to hear the famous words.. "Bush Lied."
A movie didn’t work in 2004. It will not work now. Moore is just looking for some fast cash and you are the Mac machine. The secret to liberals winning an election was given by Moore in a book called: "Dude, where’s my country." But no liberal will believe it, or use it, or comprehend what it means...