But out of power democrats are not rational. They are bloodthirsty.

If I were a journalist, I would ask: "What is an editorial doing on the front page of The New York Times." This whole story comes from a book some guy has written which will join the ranks of the other "Bash Bush Books" already written.
Being a republican, I am asking why this story was released now? Right after the Iraqi elections. (is The New York Times trying to dampen that history making election?) This front-page editorial is timed just right to influence congress's vote on the Patriot Act.
Folk's.. The simple fact that the Patriot Act has to be voted on every couple years should tell you it is a temporary tool for our government to catch terrorists AND people who help terrorist here in America.

The same is true if the FBI was watching the Internet and spotted Ted Kennedy shifting his families fortune from one off-shore account to another. (The Kennedy's have 150 million in off-shore accounts so they do not have to pay American taxes.) The FBI can do nothing about this. Now, if Ted Kennedy put that money into a known terrorists account. BINGO. The FBI would arrest Kennedy.
I want to steal a line from http://bluefunk.blogster.com/.
Hello.. Liberals.. Are you suffering brain damage??
Sorry folks, every so often we have to slow down and let the liberals catch up.
Do you remember Sept 11, 2001. That is when those Bad Terrorists killed 3,000 Americans. Ok, remember the Anthrax scare. I know you can remember this stuff, it just happened a few years ago. Think!! Think really hard. Letters were being sent to members of congress with a white powder in them.
We felt we were under a massive attack… Remember, Osama Bin Laden smiling in that video tape when he talked about the attacks.
I'm glad to hear Bush authorized "eavesdropping." At the time, it looked like terrorists were getting some inside American help.
I think people forget what it was like then. We also had the DC sniper. People were speculating that it could be terrorism.
If the president DIDN'T do some "eavesdropping" I would be very pissed off. Because, if you can remember back to that time, it looked like terrorists were getting inside help. We didn't know how many cells were right here in America. The 9/11 Report STATES THAT terrorists did use the Internet and phone service to transfer monies and information to its cells in America. The Pentagon, CIA, NSA, FBI and Bush would have been negligent if they did not act. No one has come forward with Patriot Act abuse charges, its been 4 years.
I could see democrats getting their panties in a bunch if America was getting hit with terrorism in New York, Chicago, Miami, etc. On a regular basis. Then you could say: "Hey, these guys are "eavesdropping", fighting this war, and terrorists are still bombing our cities."
We both agree, democrat and republican, that terrorists do not like us being in the Middle East. So it stands to reason that terrorists would still like to attack our cities. They are bombing London, Spain, Russia, India, and Israel. SO… WHAT WE ARE DOING IS WORKING!
For a moment, forget democratic talking points.. Forget republican talking points. Ask yourself.. "What freedoms have I lost because of this eavesdropping." Nothing!! Not one damn thing! If you are Harry Reid, you can still down load your kiddie porn. (Just don't let the local police catch you.) If you are Ted Kennedy, you can still funnel your millions in off-shore accounts and be rich forever.