I guess this would make them feel better if the CIA Agent had to go to a judge and get a warrant first.
I don't think these people have a realistic view of how that is done. I am just guessing what their view is, I'm trying to understand why they are appalled by a wire tap during a WAR.
Do you think a "shifty" CIA agent walks into a "kindly" judges chambers with one piece of paper in his hands? This "shady" agent asks this judge: (A judge who looks a lot like Jimmy Stewart) "Judge, I need you to sign this!" The wise old judge looks at the young, inexperienced agent and says: "Now.. Now just hold on there.. You hold on a darn minute. I'm not signing anything till I know the facts.. You want to wire tap "Joe America's" phone line? You just better sit right down and prove to me why you need this wire tap."
Is that what you think happens??
A judge signs tons of stuff. Much of it is rubberstamped. I hate to say this, because we like to feel important, but we are just names on a paper. If the judge DOES recognize your name, it is probably not a good thing. It probably means you have a criminal record.
Put yourself in the judges shoes..
You see dozens of these warrants. You sign tons of stuff all the time. You know most of the officers and agents are good people trying to do their jobs and catch crooks.
If the officer or the agent has a clean record, you will probably sign the warrant with no delay. Unless you know the individual on the warrant, you might need to exclude yourself if you feel you would be bias.
Put yourself in the CIA Agents shoes..
You are just trying to do your job. YOU ARE NOT A CROOK. You have a guy that you are sure is communicating with terrorists. You need a wiretap now! Are you going to go to a judge who pisses around, sets the warrant down in a pile, and tells you to come back later? Or are you going to head to a judge who will see you now and sign that warrant?
So what difference will going to a judge be?? It just wastes valuable time DURING WAR.
Put yourself in the presidents shoes..

Do you??
A- Tell the CIA to start wire taping now! We must stop this attack!
B- Tell the CIA.. "Hold on now, Ahh.. Americans do not like OTHER people listening to their private conversations.. Aaah.. I think it might violate the Constitution. We better think about this. Aah. You know.. Aaah... People have a right to their privacy... Let's think about this. Can you CIA guys come back tomorrow.."
If your answer is B.. You are lying.