
Teen changes his name to: KentuckyFriedCruelty

NEW YORK (AP) — A 19-year-old PETA staffer has legally changed his name to KentuckyFriedCruelty.
Chris Garnett, youth outreach coordinator for the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, said he changed his name in support of the group's anti-KFC campaign.

"Stacked" star Pamela Anderson, who has narrated a PETA video showing the alleged abuse, supports Garnett's name change.
"I'm sure Chris can't wait till KFC stops torturing chickens so he can change his name back," the actress said in a statement, adding that the chicken abuse "is awful and has to stop."

We have found some pictures of the terrible abuses KFC has done to these poor birds..

If you have small children, you may want to move them to another room while you view these photo's…

Here we see that KFC is forcing this bird to stand next to the president of Iran.

In this next photo, which is shocking, a KFC worker is spraying this poor bird with a mixture of butter and milk.
Even more shocking… KFC kills chickens and serves them as food for humans!

"I'm with you Pam!!

Now let's go get a cheeseburger."


One of the things I am hearing liberals say is the old Michael Moore line:
"The Bush administration is trying to scare us, so they can grab more power. That is why they are talking about a war on terror. There is no war."

Some say we can never win a war on terror. That is sad.

We all agree blowing up innocent people is wrong. This is what terrorists do. They kill innocent people. They do not come at our military, head on. They hide. Plant bombs, deliberately to try to kill women and children. They have targeted children who were getting candy.

People are asking you to turn your backs on this. They say that those Arab people over there are not worth fighting for. "It is not our problem."
September 11 made it our problem. This was the terrorists second attempt at knocking those mammoth buildings down. They were successful.

Terrorists are loosing. They have commented their "Hitler Moment." By attacking fellow Arabs in Jordan and Iraq, terrorists have opened up more war fronts then they can handle. Just like Hitler, they became drunk with power, they do not have enough manpower to handle the amount they have chosen to take on. "They really thought you Americans would cut and run!!"

For the first time, terrorists cannot move freely through the Middle East. Police forces are rounding up terrorists in countries like Pakistan. More round-up will follow.

I got a chance today, to hear one of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's "fireside" speeches that he made. This one was done during the third year of WWII. "It makes you proud to be an American!" Many people said we couldn't beat Hitler. Charles Lindbergh was one who said we should pack up and come home, Hitler was too powerful. President Roosevelt's speech made it seem important to try and defeat these Germans. Many people in America believed we had no business fighting over there in Europe. "It was the Japanese who attacked us."

If you can get a chance to hear this speech, do so. Warning.. President Roosevelt refers to God and the act of praying many times during this speech. So if you think there is a separation of church and state in America, you may be offended by Democratic President Roosevelt's speech.

(See back in those days, people were more tolerant of religion.)


Since we are heading up to the end of the year.. I thought this would be a great time to answer some questions that come in.
Most questions come in via comments and we answer them at that point. But some questions are asked in E-mail or the AR- voice mail.. Hot Line phone.
Also this would be a good time to look at the direction The Angry Republican will take in 2006.

First the questions

Q-"Are you really that much of an ass!"

No… I am a bigger ass! Most of the Posts and comments I do are really mean. I have to edit these comments and posts down so they are not so mean. Many times, after removing all the mean stuff, the only thing that is left is.. "Thanks for the comment!"

Q- "You think you are a 'big shot', but you get very few views on your blog. Do you realize no one is reading your stuff?"

Thank you very much for the confidence booster. I am use to it! When I write Newspaper Editorials, sometimes you get no reply at all. You do wonder if anyone is reading. (Kind of the way it is on Blog Spot and Blogger.) But you keep writing. I do not comment much on other people's blogs. This is one of the problems. If you want a lot of views, you need to get out and promote your blog. I do not do this. I have a circle of political people I visit, but I do not venture much further. Plus, I am very opinionated. Some people hate that. I will never be one of the most popular blogs. I am happy being "underground!"

Q- "I own a restaurant and I have a french fryer that keeps turning off in the mornings. We have to reset it 2 or 3 times. What the hell is wrong with it?"

It sounds like the "safety hi-limit" is going bad. What you need to do is probe the grease for a temp when it kicks off in the morning. If the temp, when it kicks out, is less then 350 degrees you probably have a bad Hi-Limit. Cost is anywhere from $60 to $700. Depending on how "High tech" that fryer is. If the temp is higher then 350 when it cuts out, you have a bad thermostat and/or (T-stat system.)

Q- "Are you being paid by the Republican Party and neocons to spread propaganda to bloggers?"

No. I side with the republicans because I have yet to hear a good democratic plan.

Q- "Why is the sky blue?"

Because it is, deal with it.

Q- "Your stuff doesn't suck too bad. Do you write all the stuff for The Blue Funk and A1 Editorials? Do you spend 10 hrs a day writing this crap?"

No, I'm lucky to spend 1 hr a day blogging. Most of that time is spent writing and very little time commenting. I write some stuff for the other sites.. "Uranus" and "Mr. Suck" are my pieces. We are trying to form a political humor web site. That is why we link to each other's sites. Blogster is our home right now. Thanks for saying that we "do not suck too bad!"

Q- "Yea, I got a new water heater. I can't get a male threaded pipe to seal in a female elbow. I use that Teflon tape, freaking thing is still leaking water."

Try using Teflon and Pro Dope. Be careful.. With this much lubricant, you can crack the fitting. If that doesn't work, you have a bad thread. Can you borrow a tap and die set? Chase the threads. If not, get new fittings. The time you are spending trying to seal this old crap, you could have bought new fittings! Many places will cut and thread new pipe for you. It is not that expensive.

Q- "You must of sucked up big time with the new owners to be the first featured blogger with the new format of Blogster."

No. Actually the opposite.. I have never asked to be a featured blogger. (Even with Arthur-AKA-CB) Now, I did welcome the new owners when many were insulting them. But a lot of people did that as well. The article I wrote that got featured came to me as I saw people fighting for the right to swear and show dirty pictures in public. Still, to this day, I think that is a weird thing to fight for. I didn't know I was being featured. I came home from work and went right to my site. A comment, from Cindy, read: "Look at you, big dog, on the Blogster home page…" That's how I found out.

The future of The Angry Republican..

I think 2006 will be a hell of a year for the political channel here at Blogster. I am looking foreword to it! With the upcoming elections, I believe democrats will double their efforts to bring down Bush. It will take a team of us conservative bloggers to sift through all the accusations that democrats will make this year. I am excited to do my part.
I believe a portion of Americans do not see a real enemy out there. They do not feel terrorism is a true threat to America. I will do a series of editorials on the history of radical Islam. I know "A Political Nut", "Ancient One", and others have discussed this topic. I wanted to add my opinion to it. I feel it is just as dangerous as communism and fascism was.
I want to thank everyone who reads The Angry Republican!
I try to mix humor with politics. Sometimes it works.. Sometimes it is crap!
But it is always free!
AR- voice mail- (814) 282-5909
Mailing address- AR, PO Box 976, Meadville Pa, 16335


One of the things I had heard people say, who are against the government "eavesdropping." They would feel better if a Judge had to sign a warrant for the wiretap.

I guess this would make them feel better if the CIA Agent had to go to a judge and get a warrant first.

I don't think these people have a realistic view of how that is done. I am just guessing what their view is, I'm trying to understand why they are appalled by a wire tap during a WAR.

Do you think a "shifty" CIA agent walks into a "kindly" judges chambers with one piece of paper in his hands? This "shady" agent asks this judge: (A judge who looks a lot like Jimmy Stewart) "Judge, I need you to sign this!" The wise old judge looks at the young, inexperienced agent and says: "Now.. Now just hold on there.. You hold on a darn minute. I'm not signing anything till I know the facts.. You want to wire tap "Joe America's" phone line? You just better sit right down and prove to me why you need this wire tap."

Is that what you think happens??

A judge signs tons of stuff. Much of it is rubberstamped. I hate to say this, because we like to feel important, but we are just names on a paper. If the judge DOES recognize your name, it is probably not a good thing. It probably means you have a criminal record.

Put yourself in the judges shoes..

You see dozens of these warrants. You sign tons of stuff all the time. You know most of the officers and agents are good people trying to do their jobs and catch crooks.

If the officer or the agent has a clean record, you will probably sign the warrant with no delay. Unless you know the individual on the warrant, you might need to exclude yourself if you feel you would be bias.

Put yourself in the CIA Agents shoes..

You are just trying to do your job. YOU ARE NOT A CROOK. You have a guy that you are sure is communicating with terrorists. You need a wiretap now! Are you going to go to a judge who pisses around, sets the warrant down in a pile, and tells you to come back later? Or are you going to head to a judge who will see you now and sign that warrant?
So what difference will going to a judge be?? It just wastes valuable time DURING WAR.


Put yourself in the presidents shoes..

Terrorists just killed 3,000 Americans. Members of congress are receiving letters filled with a powder. It could be anthrax! "This is a massive attack!" Bigger then Pearl Harbor! Congress votes to give you the power to attack. The CIA tells you that they believe terror cells in America are communicating with terrorists in other countries. They need your authority to wire tap.

Do you??

A- Tell the CIA to start wire taping now! We must stop this attack!


B- Tell the CIA.. "Hold on now, Ahh.. Americans do not like OTHER people listening to their private conversations.. Aaah.. I think it might violate the Constitution. We better think about this. Aah. You know.. Aaah... People have a right to their privacy... Let's think about this. Can you CIA guys come back tomorrow.."

If your answer is B.. You are lying.

Big Brother

This story, in which liberals have deemed "eavesdropping", is stupid. All we should have to say is.. Congress authorized President Bush to do this in a vote shortly after 9/11. Congress also authorized the invasion of Afghanistan at the same time. If we were dealing with rational people, that would be all that was needed to be said.

But out of power democrats are not rational. They are bloodthirsty.

If I were a democrat.. The first question I would ask is: "The New York Times held this story for one year?? This important story that is making all of us democrats so angry!! The Times held it?" Well, the president told the Times to hold it. "Since when has The New York Times ever done what the president asked?"

If I were a journalist, I would ask: "What is an editorial doing on the front page of The New York Times." This whole story comes from a book some guy has written which will join the ranks of the other "Bash Bush Books" already written.

Being a republican, I am asking why this story was released now? Right after the Iraqi elections. (is The New York Times trying to dampen that history making election?) This front-page editorial is timed just right to influence congress's vote on the Patriot Act.

Folk's.. The simple fact that the Patriot Act has to be voted on every couple years should tell you it is a temporary tool for our government to catch terrorists AND people who help terrorist here in America.
If President Bush is spying on terrorists and he happens to see Harry Reid downloading kiddie porn, I don't think Bush is going to give a rat's ass. Bush may not like the fact that Harry Reid is looking at 7 year old girlie pictures. But this tap is Defined Purpose. Bush could only get Harry Reid if he funneled info or money to terrorists.

The same is true if the FBI was watching the Internet and spotted Ted Kennedy shifting his families fortune from one off-shore account to another. (The Kennedy's have 150 million in off-shore accounts so they do not have to pay American taxes.) The FBI can do nothing about this. Now, if Ted Kennedy put that money into a known terrorists account. BINGO. The FBI would arrest Kennedy.

I want to steal a line from http://bluefunk.blogster.com/.

Hello.. Liberals.. Are you suffering brain damage??
Sorry folks, every so often we have to slow down and let the liberals catch up.
Do you remember Sept 11, 2001. That is when those Bad Terrorists killed 3,000 Americans. Ok, remember the Anthrax scare. I know you can remember this stuff, it just happened a few years ago. Think!! Think really hard. Letters were being sent to members of congress with a white powder in them.

We felt we were under a massive attack… Remember, Osama Bin Laden smiling in that video tape when he talked about the attacks.
I'm glad to hear Bush authorized "eavesdropping." At the time, it looked like terrorists were getting some inside American help.

I think people forget what it was like then. We also had the DC sniper. People were speculating that it could be terrorism.

If the president DIDN'T do some "eavesdropping" I would be very pissed off. Because, if you can remember back to that time, it looked like terrorists were getting inside help. We didn't know how many cells were right here in America. The 9/11 Report STATES THAT terrorists did use the Internet and phone service to transfer monies and information to its cells in America. The Pentagon, CIA, NSA, FBI and Bush would have been negligent if they did not act. No one has come forward with Patriot Act abuse charges, its been 4 years.

I could see democrats getting their panties in a bunch if America was getting hit with terrorism in New York, Chicago, Miami, etc. On a regular basis. Then you could say: "Hey, these guys are "eavesdropping", fighting this war, and terrorists are still bombing our cities."
We both agree, democrat and republican, that terrorists do not like us being in the Middle East. So it stands to reason that terrorists would still like to attack our cities. They are bombing London, Spain, Russia, India, and Israel. SO… WHAT WE ARE DOING IS WORKING!

For a moment, forget democratic talking points.. Forget republican talking points. Ask yourself.. "What freedoms have I lost because of this eavesdropping." Nothing!! Not one damn thing! If you are Harry Reid, you can still down load your kiddie porn. (Just don't let the local police catch you.) If you are Ted Kennedy, you can still funnel your millions in off-shore accounts and be rich forever.
How many times can the Democratic Party "cry wolf" before people do not even listen to them anymore?

Bush is a genius

If just half of the crimes, that the democrats claim Bush did, are true…

Bush would be the greatest mind of our time.

Let's start at the beginning…

Bush went AWOL while serving his country

Forget the fact that there is no evidence proving this. A couple of guys don't remember seeing him for a couple of months. Big Deal! We must just assume it to be true. You have to give Bush credit for being able to go AWOL and not screw up his military record. Many guys have tried and failed. Bush pulled it off. PLUS, he had that pesky CBS News on his ass. But they never caught Bush.

Genius factor… 02%

Bush's IQ after achieving this AWOL and not getting caught- 110-IQ

Stealing the 2000 election

This would not be an easy thing to do. Planning to steal an election. There have always been rumors that JFK had some "strange" help in Illinois. (Mafia) If you were going to fix an election, the Mafia may be able to help.
Bush didn't use the Mafia to steal the 2000 election. He used The United States judicial system. This is an amazing feat. Think about it. The judges had to be placed in the right situation during the Reagan years, waiting there for just the right moment.
Forget the fact that 2 conservative judges voted to keep counting. It was a liberal and an independent judge who turned the tide and voted to stop the count, Bush won.
How could you make a judge, who doesn't belong to your party, so loyal that he would be willing to screw up his whole career?
And Bush got away with this whole 2000 election theft thing.
Brilliant planning!

The Genius factor for this is… 26%

Bush's IQ for planning this theft… 146-IQ level

Big tax cuts for the rich

This crime is truly amazing!! Bush somehow got big tax cuts to the rich.. And Bush hadn't even changed the tax code yet. When democrats were saying, "Big Tax cuts for the rich," the only cut that took place was that little $600 dollar check we received. None of the other tax cuts went into effect. I still do not understand how Bush pulled that off. Giving big tax cuts to his rich buddies and not getting caught. Bush got all of congress to go along with it.
Kudo's Mister Bush- Brilliant!!

The Genius factor for this crime is at least.. 36%

Bush's IQ, to be able to pull this off and not get caught.. 152-IQ level

Lying about WMD's to attack Saddam

Now this is a well thought out crime. No petty con-man could pull this one off. Bush had to somehow get France, Germany, Russia, Britain and a dozen other countries play a long and say Saddam had WMD's. But that isn't the brilliant part.. Bush had to get key democrats to also say Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. But here is the truly profound part.. Bush somehow made Bill Clinton part of this crime way back in 1998. Clinton also said Saddam had WMD's. Clinton couldn't have any loyalties to Bush. So he must have paid Clinton big gobs of money. Or maybe, just maybe.. Bush set Clinton up with Monica. "Think about it!!" I bet Bush handed out truck-loads of cash to make all those democrats say Saddam had WMD's.
Just the planning alone is ingenious!!

For not getting caught with this crime, Bush's Genius factor is…77%

Bush's IQ for thinking of this plan.. 172-IQ level

Rigging Ohio, stealing a second election

Stealing one election would be a triumph. (In an evil kind of way.) But two elections? This is record book material here. Deserving of several "Atta-boys."
It is said that Bush rigged up Ohio voting machine to give him the win. Yet, no machine has ever been dragged into a courtroom as evidence of this crime. Other folks say Bush caused democratic voters to stay home. I can only figure that maybe Bush sent out a bunch of flyers telling democrats that the Tuesday election was moved to Wednesday. This caused many Ohio democrats to stay home.
Another crime that Bush has gotten away with!!

The Genius factor for stealing 2 elections.. 107%

Bush's IQ.. 265-IQ level

Bush ignores hurricane Katrina because he hates Black people

Never mind the fact that FEMA has never been a first responder to any American disaster. Bush wasn't concerned about that. Here is what makes this crime so intriguing. The mayor of New Orleans was a democrat. The governor was also democrat. Bush, because he hates Black people, had to make sure the mayor DIDN'T use the school busses to save people. Bush also had to make sure the democratic governor didn't call in the National Guard.
I figure Bush slipped both of them a mickey. Bush freaking knocked them both out.. Big Time. To comment this crime.

Genius factor… 173%

Bush's IQ.. 375-IQ level

Bush forces Congress to vote to stay the course in Iraq

This one is truly brilliant!! See, many democrats were running around, demanding that troops be reduced or even removed from Iraq. What Bush did was force democrats to vote on it. This pissed the democrats off. "How dare you force us to vote on stuff we were demanding.. We were just talking about troop reduction.. We didn't want to actually do anything about it. We just wanted to talk about it.." the democrats said. So Bush forced them to vote.
Here is the genius.. Bush had no way of knowing how the vote would turn out.. (Or did he?)
I believe that Bush used the Mafia for this one. I think Bush sent a couple of goons to each member of congress.. "You guys better vote to stay in Iraq or we bust your face…" is what those Bush-Mafia goons probably said. Hence.. you have your 403-3 vote to stay the course in Iraq with no timed withdraw.

Genius factor.. 987%

Bush's IQ for pulling all this stuff of and not getting caught.. IQ… 675-IQ level

So… As you can plainly see. For Bush to pull off all these crimes that the democrats claim he did.

He is, without a doubt, the smartest man on the planet.

Who else has an IQ of 675?

The Art Of War

Sun Tzu style

Sun Tzu said:

"Whoever is first in the field and awaits the coming of the enemy, will be fresh for the fight; whoever is second in the field and has to hasten to battle will arrive exhausted. Therefore the clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him."

(Some anti-war people may want to read that passage again!)

A while back, in a comment, someone suggested that Bush and his administration probably hadn’t read "The art of war" by Sun Tzu. This person claimed that things are being handled badly in Iraq, so the folks planning the war couldn’t have studied war.

Well, at the time of the comment, I didn’t know if those people planing the war had read Sun Tzu. I have the answer now. "Yes, many planning this war have read "The art of War."

If you get a newer copy (Printing) of Sun Tzu strategies it will tell you in the foreword many of those who have studied The art of War.

It is amazing how much we have in common with SunTzu strategies. We hold the assessable terrain. Our military can go whereever they want to, whenever they want. The enemy leader is sitting in our prison. (Saddam) The other enemy leader is in a cave somewhere, hiding in fear. (Osama) The enemy defenses have been defeated. (Tanks, planes, etc)

If our military wanted to build a Six Flags amusement park in downtown Baghdad, there is nothing the enemy could do to stop it. The enemy could launch a car bomb at the Baghdad Six Flags, but they could not stop the project.

There are some things we are not doing that Sun Tzu suggests you should do if you are to be victorious. (Liberals are not going to like this.) First, we are not banging a Gong at nighttime. Sun Tzu lived 2,400 years ago and banging a gong was important then. It forces your enemy, even in down time, to remember that you are there. We play loud rock music.. Does that count?

Second, we must make the enemy fear us. The enemy must feel it would be better to die then to be captured by Americans. The enemy must know they will die if they attack us. But.. We do not torture prisoners. Actually we are very kind to the enemy. (Compared to other wars of the past.) This is why many of Saddam’s soldiers surrendered to our military in the early days of the war. They knew they would get hot food and a safe place to sleep.

Third, if we followed Sun Tzu's - The art of war, we would take the enemies supplies. (Oil) We would have taken the billions of dollars Saddam had stashed away. We are not doing that.

Forth: We would never retreat when we hold the main terrain. This would be seen as a sign of weakness. As said by Sun Tzu. The only time you would retreat is if the enemy forces are greater then yours. No one can say that the terrorists have a greater force then our military. Even the most misguided liberal.

I am not suggesting that America start doing these things. We are winning wars without torture and stealing land. I just think it is ironic that someone suggested that Bush and his administration hadn’t studied "The art of war," and if we did follow Sun Tzu strategies we would have to strike fear into the enemy. We would take Saddam’s resources and basically make Iraq the 51 state of America.

Sun Tzu Said:

"Security against defeat implies defensive tactics; ability to defeat the enemy means taking the offensive. Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient strength; attacking, a superabundance of strength. The general who is skilled in defense hides in the most secret recesses of the earth; he who is skilled in attack flashes forth from the topmost heights of heaven. Thus on the one hand we have ability to protect ourselves; on the other, a victory that is complete."

Liberals need Moore??

There’s gold in them there hills!!

This all started by me, deciding to read Michael Moore’s book: "Dude, where’s my country?" My plan was to use the book, (which was published in 2003) to show how wrong various Moore predictions were.

Most of the book is filled with republican stereo-types. I can’t complain about this because I use liberal stereo-types all the time. (Liberals who complain about animal rights while wearing a fur coat.. The dumb guy who says YOU should save gas while he hops into a car and drives to work. Alex Baldwin who says he will leave the country if Bush is elected.. He is still here. Rosie O’Donald telling people they shouldn’t have guns while she hires a bodyguard with a gun. ETC)

I could go on and on about Michael Moore’s wrongful remarks but there would be no point in it. If you are conservative, you do not need me telling you that Moore makes things up. If you are liberal, you will not believe me! I will just share one. Moore claims republicans are self-centered because they want to keep more of their money through tax cuts. Yet, what Moore doesn’t tell you is that the red states, by way of income tax returns, generally give more money to charity then the blue states. "We are self-centered?"

So this book goes on like this.. Tons of stereo-types. Moore give democrats a road map on how to win the 2004 election. (This didn’t work out too good.)

But then.. In the very back of the book.. Buried back where few people have probably ventured. Moore tells you exactly what is wrong with liberals. GOLD MINE!

These are Michael Moore’s own words. I am not making this up. (Pg 178-bottom)

"Liberals have acted and voted conservatively so often that they have redefined the term ‘wimp.’ This is why Americans hate to vote for a liberal. A liberal leader is often an oxymoron- liberals don’t lead, they follow. Conservatives are real leaders. They have courage of their convictions. They don’t bend, they don’t break, and they never give in. They are relentless in pursuit of their ideals. They are fearless and take shit from no one. In other words, they actually believe in something. When was the last time you ran into a liberal or a democrat who stuck to a principle just because it was right. That is why most Americans don’t trust liberals. You never know which way they will bend. With conservatives, what you see is what you get, and in these scary times, that reassurance is comforting to millions."

Now folks, if I said that.. You would comment that I am a "right-wing nut job" and "who cares." But this is Michael Moore! The liberal God!
I’m not done yet..

Moore continues...(pg 189-bottom) Moore is telling you what is wrong with liberal idealism.

"Drugs are bad. They f##k you up, slow you down, and ruin your daily existence."

"Men and women are different. We are not the same."

"Your children do not have a right to privacy and you better pay attention to them."

"SUVs are not inherently evil. Getting back to nature is a bad idea. Nature doesn’t want you anywhere near it. Animals don’t have rights. Ann Coulter is crazy as a loon but she has more balls then the whole Democratic Leadership Council. Nixon was more liberal than the last five presidents. Too many liberals view the religious as superstitious fifteenth-century ignoramuses. We are wrong, and they have as much right to their religion as those among us who have no religion. This arrogance is a big reason the lower classes will always side with republicans."

To be fair to Moore, I did condense this last section to save space. But I didn’t change the meaning or direction. Moore is trying to tell you liberals why you lose elections.

Democrats will not believe this. Or they will claim I took this stuff out of context. Or just maybe they will get the book, (most libraries have it- I marked the pages) and they will see I didn’t use any tricks here. These are Michael Moore’s own words.

Liberals will not listen to a republican like myself. Maybe they will listen to Moore?

Say what you mean, mean what you say. You voted for the war in Iraq, but you do not have the balls to stand behind that vote. (Except Senator Liberman.. He has guts!) Quit trying to make people evil just because they drive a car, or cut down a tree for heat, school books and toilet paper. Stop cutting down the religious. You look arrogant and hypocritical because YOU are suppose to be kind and caring to all.

From what I hear, Moore is putting together another movie that will trash republicans. It, of course, will be strategically released during the 2006 election. It will be filled with the same republican stereo-types as the last Moore film. Democrats will line up and plop down their funds to hear the famous words.. "Bush Lied."

A movie didn’t work in 2004. It will not work now. Moore is just looking for some fast cash and you are the Mac machine. The secret to liberals winning an election was given by Moore in a book called: "Dude, where’s my country." But no liberal will believe it, or use it, or comprehend what it means...

Get Angry!!

Sensing there may be trouble..

The Angry Republican takes a moment to reflect..

They pick on my President, day after day. I must get back at them..

But they do not seem to have any leader..

There must be a way??

I know..

I will use the very words of the man that the liberals seem to listen to.

I will use Michael Moore to defeat the liberals..

Next post.."Liberals need Moore??"

Thanks for reading The Angry Republican!!