If just half of the crimes, that the democrats claim Bush did, are true…
Bush would be the greatest mind of our time.
Let's start at the beginning…
Bush went AWOL while serving his countryForget the fact that there is no evidence proving this. A couple of guys don't remember seeing him for a couple of months. Big Deal! We must just assume it to be true. You have to give Bush credit for being able to go AWOL and not screw up his military record. Many guys have tried and failed. Bush pulled it off. PLUS, he had that pesky CBS News on his ass. But they never caught Bush.
Genius factor… 02%
Bush's IQ after achieving this AWOL and not getting caught- 110-IQ
Stealing the 2000 electionThis would not be an easy thing to do. Planning to steal an election. There have always been rumors that JFK had some "strange" help in Illinois. (Mafia) If you were going to fix an election, the Mafia may be able to help.
Bush didn't use the Mafia to steal the 2000 election. He used The United States judicial system. This is an amazing feat. Think about it. The judges had to be placed in the right situation during the Reagan years, waiting there for just the right moment.
Forget the fact that 2 conservative judges voted to keep counting. It was a liberal and an independent judge who turned the tide and voted to stop the count, Bush won.
How could you make a judge, who doesn't belong to your party, so loyal that he would be willing to screw up his whole career?
And Bush got away with this whole 2000 election theft thing.
Brilliant planning!
The Genius factor for this is… 26%
Bush's IQ for planning this theft… 146-IQ level
Big tax cuts for the richThis crime is truly amazing!! Bush somehow got big tax cuts to the rich.. And Bush hadn't even changed the tax code yet. When democrats were saying, "Big Tax cuts for the rich," the only cut that took place was that little $600 dollar check we received. None of the other tax cuts went into effect. I still do not understand how Bush pulled that off. Giving big tax cuts to his rich buddies and not getting caught. Bush got all of congress to go along with it.
Kudo's Mister Bush- Brilliant!!
The Genius factor for this crime is at least.. 36%
Bush's IQ, to be able to pull this off and not get caught.. 152-IQ level
Lying about WMD's to attack Saddam
Now this is a well thought out crime. No petty con-man could pull this one off. Bush had to somehow get France, Germany, Russia, Britain and a dozen other countries play a long and say Saddam had WMD's. But that isn't the brilliant part.. Bush had to get key democrats to also say Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. But here is the truly profound part.. Bush somehow made Bill Clinton part of this crime way back in 1998. Clinton also said Saddam had WMD's. Clinton couldn't have any loyalties to Bush. So he must have paid Clinton big gobs of money. Or maybe, just maybe.. Bush set Clinton up with Monica. "Think about it!!" I bet Bush handed out truck-loads of cash to make all those democrats say Saddam had WMD's.
Just the planning alone is ingenious!!
For not getting caught with this crime, Bush's Genius factor is…77%
Bush's IQ for thinking of this plan.. 172-IQ level
Rigging Ohio, stealing a second election
Stealing one election would be a triumph. (In an evil kind of way.) But two elections? This is record book material here. Deserving of several "Atta-boys."
It is said that Bush rigged up Ohio voting machine to give him the win. Yet, no machine has ever been dragged into a courtroom as evidence of this crime. Other folks say Bush caused democratic voters to stay home. I can only figure that maybe Bush sent out a bunch of flyers telling democrats that the Tuesday election was moved to Wednesday. This caused many Ohio democrats to stay home.
Another crime that Bush has gotten away with!!
The Genius factor for stealing 2 elections.. 107%
Bush's IQ.. 265-IQ level
Bush ignores hurricane Katrina because he hates Black people
Never mind the fact that FEMA has never been a first responder to any American disaster. Bush wasn't concerned about that. Here is what makes this crime so intriguing. The mayor of New Orleans was a democrat. The governor was also democrat. Bush, because he hates Black people, had to make sure the mayor DIDN'T use the school busses to save people. Bush also had to make sure the democratic governor didn't call in the National Guard.
I figure Bush slipped both of them a mickey. Bush freaking knocked them both out.. Big Time. To comment this crime.
Genius factor… 173%
Bush's IQ.. 375-IQ level
Bush forces Congress to vote to stay the course in Iraq
This one is truly brilliant!! See, many democrats were running around, demanding that troops be reduced or even removed from Iraq. What Bush did was force democrats to vote on it. This pissed the democrats off. "How dare you force us to vote on stuff we were demanding.. We were just talking about troop reduction.. We didn't want to actually do anything about it. We just wanted to talk about it.." the democrats said. So Bush forced them to vote.
Here is the genius.. Bush had no way of knowing how the vote would turn out.. (Or did he?)
I believe that Bush used the Mafia for this one. I think Bush sent a couple of goons to each member of congress.. "You guys better vote to stay in Iraq or we bust your face…" is what those Bush-Mafia goons probably said. Hence.. you have your 403-3 vote to stay the course in Iraq with no timed withdraw.
Genius factor.. 987%
Bush's IQ for pulling all this stuff of and not getting caught.. IQ… 675-IQ level
So… As you can plainly see. For Bush to pull off all these crimes that the democrats claim he did.
He is, without a doubt, the smartest man on the planet.
Who else has an IQ of 675?