The wind is blowing..Lets riot!!
This story out of Toledo, Ohio is really ticking me off. A National Socialist Movement called white supremacist Neo-Nazi's wanted to march in down town Toledo. OK.. Stop right there. Two words-- Socialist and Nazi's.. I hate these people already. Anyway, they wanted to march down the streets of Toledo. Local officials told the "Nazi's" they couldn't march in the street. HOWEVER, the city couldn't stop the Nazi's from marching on the sidewalk. Actually, any group can have a demonstration on city sidewalks as long as they get permission first. (Except maybe the group: Naked people against Pornography.. You must have cloths on.)
The White-Nazi's arrived in town to protest Black Gangs who attack white people. So what did the Black Gang members do to counter-protest?? They attacked white people. Not the Socialist-White-Nazi's. Gangs attacked innocent white people who live in that community. They over-turned cars. Broke into apartments and looted. Bashed into a convenience store. Burned down a local bar. The owner of the bar, Louis Ratajski is 86 years old. Ratajski and his nephew left 'Jim & Lou's Bar' as a crowd gathered in front, pelting police with rocks and breaking the windows. "I was shaking. I feared for my life," said Ratajski's nephew, Terry Rybczynski.
The Mayor of Toledo, Jack Ford, tried to calm gang members but was then threaten at gun point. Mayor Ford said: They were mostly "gang members who had real or imagined grievances and took it as an opportunity to speak in their own way," Ford said."I was chagrined that there were obvious mothers and children in the crowd with them," he said.
So.. Mothers are now bringing their children to the riots.
Look.. I have no problem with Black Power groups who meet and talk about their culture and the positive things they have done for the community. I have no problem with White Power groups who do the same. We should remember where we came from. I do not care for White supremacist groups. No one is superior. But everyone has a right to speak his or her opinion.
I am getting tired of people who believe that a riot is the best form of protest. If a hurricane smashes into the city.. "Let's loot the neighborhood." If the White Nazi's come to town.. "Let's Riot." "The wind is blowing from the east, bust that window and I will grab a TV."
If you wanted to write a book on how to create a ghetto. This story would fall into chapter one. Louis Ratajski is not going to reopen Jim & Lou's Bar. Not in that neighborhood. The corner store that people use to pick up bread and milk. They will pack up and leave. Good, descent people will move away. The only people who will remain are the gangs, the drug dealers and criminals.
It is sad to see another American neighborhood go to hell because people are unwilling or unable to teach children the difference between right and wrong.
Here are some comments on this editorial..
you'd think these neo-nazi's would hire a pr firm to come up with a new name. they could have been collecting teddy bears for the poor and they still would have been attacked just because of their name. i guess the neo-nazi movement doesn't attract the mensa crowd.
comment by rubyrocks at: 10/16/2005 9:44:00 AM
you went a little easy on this topic.the nazis are nazis....ignore them but watch them.The looters are criminals and have NO constitutional rights to their actions.If they are violent, shoot them, if they are looting, arrest them.This social bleeding heart liberal thinking of political correctness needs to stop.
comment by absolutelyfortunate at: 10/16/2005 10:59:00 AM
I would love to see the IQ average of each group. Why not call in the National Guard? Oh, I'm sure this will be Bush's fault...
comment by mentalhealthrn at: 10/16/2005 9:54:00 AM
As usual the liberals are ready to blame the pen for the misspelled words.
comment by ancient1 at: 10/18/2005 3:02:00 PM
Do you suppose anything has been learned over the past forty years? The left rioted at the convention, in LA and in support of Rodney King. Why deny the right its chance to do the same?What is that old law of physics? An action is responded to by an equal action?Please don't think. It makes men go bald!LOL!
comment by percivel at: 10/18/2005 8:23:00 AM
Hmmm. This is a tough one and in this political correct society we must watch what we say! Isn't it funny how riots just organize and happen out of the blue? Like you said, it's the innocent bystander that gets the worst of it. Ohio has been a hot bed for racial tensions for over 5 years now. It's a place that even if video shows that the police were right, they are still proven wrong...example is the criminal who attacked police and died and the police were at said to be at fault.
comment by arrogantbastard at: 10/17/2005 7:51:00 PM
I think the skinheads realized that their actions would provoke some kind of protest, and that it would likely get out-of-hand. Would the mayhem have taken place had the neo-nazis not been present? Probably not. That's not saying that it wouldn't have happened eventually, when some other bigoted and/or highly opinionated group raised a stink in Toledo, but I think this was a case of the neo-nazis deliberately making a self-fulfilling prophecy to "prove" their ridiculous point. "This man is scum because he is going to punch me when I call him scum."
comment by vitriolaholic at: 10/16/2005 5:57:00 PM
..first leaf falling , let's riot!... paperboy missed the porch, let's riot!... very nice, I liked it. Let's riot!!!
comment by ancient1 at: 10/16/2005 5:18:00 PM