The indictment of vice presidential adviser I. Lewis "Scooter' Libby Jr. is built on charges of obstruction of justice, making false statements and perjury — and it will rest primarily on testimony from a handful of Washington reporters.
As Nixon once said.. "The cover-up is bigger then the crime." However, we still do not know if a crime has been commented. Libby has not been charged with anything. "Did liberals miss again?" You know they wanted Cheney.. Oh..Boy. Or maybe Rove.. Or the mother load.. Bush himself. Kind of reminds you of Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd.
I have a prediction.. (see.. liberals never think that far down the road.. They make it very easy for us republicans.) When things do not go right in this investigation and liberals do not see Rove and Cheney charged. They will blame that whole thing on Fitzgerald. Remember, it was a republican- Ashcroft who selected Fitzgerald for this independent counsel. Liberals were crying about that two years ago. Hillary Clinton was one of the democrats telling us that Fitzgerald couldn't be fair, couldn't be trusted. Well Hillary, you are wrong again.
But the sad thing is.. After all that Fitzgerald has done. (And being a republican, I would say Fitzgerald has been fair.) If Rove or Cheney are not charged with something, liberals will turn on him and beat the crap out of Fitzgerald.

Liberals do not care about right and wrong. They do not care about a fair trial. They have hated Bush from day one and have never stopped trying to pin something on him.
The big news today is the 'oil for food scandal.' This story is really heating up and the mainstream media doesn't seem to care about that corruption……