Bill Bennett's statement on abortion was a big topic here at The Angry Republican . At first I was hearing only the sound bite and it was in real poor taste. I later got a chance to hear the unedited version and you know what…. It still was in poor taste.
Bill Bennett said:
"…(If) you wanted to reduce crime ... if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down." Bennett then said that aborting all African-American babies "would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do," then added again, "but the crime rate would go down."
I realize a lot of folks on the right are trying to explain why Bennett said what he did. "He was doing a live radio show… Mistakes happen." "It's taken out of context.. He was doing a hypothetical.."
I do not think Bill Bennett is a racist. I'll bet he wishes that he could take those words back. Just a stupid thing to say and he probably should apologize right away.
I also believe that Louis Farrakhan is being racist by saying White People blew up the levees in New Orleans.
I worry that we have become too politically correct in this country. Isn't free speech a term for speaking freely? You cannot say what comes into your mind. Not today. You must first run any statement you are going to make through a filter. You must make sure it doesn't offend anyone. If you offend one person, you are kicked out of society.
Political Correctness is killing individuality…..Biff…
We are getting some heated comments........
Stop apologizing for him. He said it twice: abort black babies and the crime rate will go down. That is pure racism and if you can't recognize it, then you should become an angry Democrat. When you assume, as he did TWICE that mere birth makes you prone toward negative behavior, you are a RACIST. There is nothing politically incorrect about it, it is RACISM. Equivocators like you are making the Republican Party look like the idiots the Democrats have been saying they are. Congratulations.
comment by badgerpop
Badgerpop, I said that it was a stupid thing to say.. Bill Bennett should apologize right away! (Like that will make any difference to democrats.)
What he said was the truth! Theoretically speaking. It is the truth…
If all WHITE women aborted their children, the crime rate would go down.
If all Italian women aborted their children, the crime rate would go down.
Anytime you lower the population, you have fewer people looking for jobs and reduce stress from over crowding. Fewer people buying things means the price of goods comes down. Parents have an easier time raising children and therefore crime would go down. But this is theoretically speaking. I do not believe abortion solves anything.
I understand what he was trying to say. HE SAID IT IN A VERY STUPID MANNER.
My take on the whole situation is I fear we are getting too politically correct in this country. If Bill Bennett or Louis Farrakhan wants to speak their mind, go ahead.
Speaking of which, I noticed you completely stayed away from Farrakhan saying White people blew up the levees to destroy the Black community. That is a very racist thing to say.
A little too politically incorrect for you!! That's too bad…AR…
comment by angryrepublican
With you all the way man! I believe Bennett was taken very much out of context. Besides, the Dems can say just about anything they want about Christians and be completely left alone. What gives with our media anyway? Keep up the good work!
comment by countryboy
I'm against P.C. but foot in mouth and head up ass at the same time, good trick.
comment by grumpy
We all agree that Bill Bennett, and many other conservatives, sometimes say stupid things. Liberals gleefully get worked up in a dither and conservatives admit that a statement was wrong. When liberals make stupid or incorrect statements the media ignores it and the liberals will not admit that a statement was stupid or incorrect. Liberals defend every statement by Howard Dean, Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, Ted Kennedy, Cindy Sheehan and a host of others as Gospel, no matter how outrageous. Democrats can say "Bush doesn't care about black people and left them to die" and there is no complaints but if a conservative mentions the black crime rate, he is a racist.
comment by apoliticalnut
You are a big ass!!
comment by ???????????
I heard this to-I had not heard of him before this-oh well-leave it to the media to stick someone's foot in their mouth for them-LL
comment by lovelylinda
Yeah, Bennet made a stupid comment. Farakhan on the other hand made a 'RACIST' COMMENT. But since he is Black, he will not be held accountable. Yes, it is a double set of standards. Only blacks can say nigger and get away with it. Only blacks can make racists comments and get away with it. Now I'll probably be called racist for saying what I just said, OH WELL.
comment by longthought
P.C. ah yes, we must all be politically correct, however it's ok to go home, beat your kids, cuss you wife, kick the dog.... as long as it is done correctly!
comment by mentalhealthrn
You da MAN!!! You handled it well! Dems can say anything, no biggie! Republican slips, WWIII.
comment by agnosticrepublican
I think Bennet actually exposed the racism of the Pro-Choice movement rather than his own biases. Dem's have been very successful in wrapping themselves in the "race-friendly" shroud, but the whole "Abortion lowers crime" line IS racist, and it's coming from the left.
comment by redstatelucy
In other News.........................
Judy Miller.. Ahhh... Oh Hell... Your going to see her all over the place. Get use to it.