Al Franken released his new book: "The Truth." Sure to be a hit in the liberal population. Franken, along with Michael Moore and Jerry Springer, have been the Liberals best hope at finding a counter part to Rush Limbaugh.
Jerry Springer was a politician, then turned TV show host. Most famous for his show: "Springer" in which an 'anything goes' format was used. Lesbian midgets and ugly people who cheat on other ugly people were the norm.
Michael Moore has had moderate success as an editorialist. Had a TV show in the late 70's that was canceled after 7 weeks on NBC.
Al Franken has written for Saturday Night Live for many years. Mostly working behind the scenes. He would do a few on camera bits, none took off until "Stewart Smally." Al Franken played Stewart as a liberal who has real problems taking his own advice. He would tell guests, like basketball player Michael Jordan, that he needs to calm down. Relax. Needs to be more confident. Then of course every week, Al Franken would have some nervous breakdown.
Kind of fitting that the spokesperson for liberals is a liberal who played a liberal who could give advice but never follow that advice himself.
That is true liberalism….TMB…