Shine the Light on Liberalism
I just had the great fun of reading a liberal blog. Same old tired crap. Unfortunately there are many mistakes in his story. (It is not important that I mention whom I am talking about. All liberals puke-up the same propaganda.)
First, he has Bush giving tax cuts and focusing on Education after the two wars we are fighting. This is a lie. Everyone knows tax cuts were passed before 9/11. He claims “King Bush doesn’t pay for No Child left behind.” Lie number two (if you are keeping track.) More money is spent on education now then during King Bill Clinton. Of course liberals never mention that their buddy Ted Kennedy helped write, “No child left behind.”
Liberals are afraid of the “No child left behind” program. It forces schools to show that they are educating students. Through a series of tests- “Show me kids are improving.” If you can’t.. You loose funds. Liberals hate this. They hate grades. Competition.. “That’s bad because children are unhappy when they lose.” Liberals want gumdrop trees and Hershey Bar streams where everyone is equal. Unfortunately, these children grow up and enter the work force and fail. They fail because a boss DOES look at performance, ability and competition.
Of course this liberal also mentions the Huge National dept. It is true that President Bush is spending much more than the average Republican would like to. But what other alternative do we have? America is fighting and winning two wars. Two major US cities were destroyed. If Bush didn’t spend, you know what liberals would say: “Bush doesn’t care about Black people. He is not funding the soldiers, etc.” We have heard this stuff before.
This liberal spins the national debt and trade deficit to be one in the same. This is lie number three because he should know better. “Do you think China is writing a check to pay for the war in Iraq?” You are wrong. “Do you think Japan is handing us a Visa card to pay for New Orleans? People are under the impression that the national debt went away during Bill Clinton. IT WAS STILL THERE PEOPLE! He had a surplus. This has nothing to do with the national debt. Surplus means; a couple of economists believe all national bills could be paid next fiscal year and some money would be left over. BUT.. If you think there is ever EXTRA MONEY IN WASHINGTON.. Disney Land is looking for someone to play Goofie.
This liberal then turns to hinting that the hurricanes are a good thing for Republicans because people might allow drilling for oil in Alaska and off-shore in the Gulf. “Well, if we choose to do nothing, get use to paying more for your gas.” This is lie number four because we have been talking about new oil drilling long before the hurricanes. Lie number five.. “Bush is doing nothing to find alternatives.” We are spending more money today then during Clinton for research into alternative power sources. This is a fact.
Liberals talk about republicans “wrapping themselves in the flag.” Hey buddy, I love this country. It doesn’t matter to me if a Republican or Democrat is in charge.. I will still love this country. I may cut apart some of the liberal programs this democrat is suggesting, but I would never condemn the country, or the people who voted for this democrat, or the flag or spit on soldiers returning from a war. A liberal looking at the flag is like Dracula looking at the sun. I think it has more to do with guilt then anything else. Everyone is born with a conscience. Even liberals.
Lie number 6.. Republicans want to dismantle Social Security. Nobody at the RNC level has ever suggested this. Privatization would only allow you to invest 7%. Apparently no liberal has ever done the math on this, so I will. Lets make it easy.. You are set to receive $1,000 per month from Social Security. You are the stupidest person alive and you lose 7%... Year after year. Everything you invest in drops to zero and you never sell. Instead of receiving a check for $1,000 per month.. You will receive $ 930. “Big Whoopty Doo.” Freaking liberals are making a mountain out of a molehill.
There is a bright side to all of this.. Republicans have probably gained another red state. Anyone want to bet if the people of Louisiana will put another Democrat in office? Have a nice day!!...Biff...
We are getting a ton of comments on this one...
We will post as many as we can!!
Of course Louisiana will be a red state once the developers buy up all of the cheap land, pay people minimum wage to build on it (thanks to Bush's repeal of Davis-Bacon) and then the people who build it won't be able to afford to live there any more. This is a Republican wet dream - all of the black democratic voters in Louisiana being spread out to other states where their votes won't matter.
comment by liberalfreak at: 10/4/2005 6:57:00 PM
Shine that light! Liberals hate light.
comment by apoliticalnut at: 10/4/2005 2:00:00 PM
Utah and Nevada have huge oil reserves just discovered, how much is yet to be determined. The technology to remove oil from shale is gaining in popularity and the technology is getting cheaper.Yep education rules and we need to hold the schools responsible for the results they obtain. This world is RESULTS ORIENTED.
comment by stopthestupidity at: 10/4/2005 7:55:00 PM
Well Liberal Freak, there isn't any New Orleans resident helping to rebuild. Mayor Ray Nagin just laid off 3,000 city employee's. He called them "Non-essential." That's going to go over real well. What with all the money pouring into Louisiana…AR…
comment by angryrepublican at: 10/4/2005 7:40:00 PM
Like you last photo, but hell doesn't freeze over until the "Saints" win the Super Bowl. LOL
comment by mentalhealthrn at: 10/4/2005 9:12:00 PM
That last picture in your set is great, AR. I'm glad that such antipodal forces as Coulter and Sharpton at least have the decency to be able to be photographed together... without the hands of one around the neck of the other. The really interesting question would be... which of them suggested that they be photographed together? I'd say Sharpton, but who knows in these strange days.My personal theory is that the extreme left and the extreme right are virtually indistinguishable. The spectrum has fringes at both ends...
comment by vitriolaholic at: 10/5/2005 9:35:00 AM
Hmmmm, let's see......Given a dumbed-down populace, coupled with some naive notion that most politicians haven't been corrupted and have the country's best interest at heart, along with, the inevitable offer of a something-for-nothing personal gain / social-engineering boondoggle, (illegally financed by a federal congress bent on squandering their grandchildrens' future), that the democrat candidate is sure to promise.... yeah, 5 will get you 8 that Louisiana falls for the same old boys.And, who said an extreme right-wing conservative couldn't create a run-on-sentence?A1
comment by ancient1 at: 10/9/2005 9:44:00 AM
Gee, from your pictures, 6 flags. He must have gotten that from the amusment park. :)
comment by netwit at: 10/9/2005 6:51:00 AM
This was an enlightened message. I enjoyed it....Liberals around the country who might have read this are probably saying...."but hey, don't touch my gas money!"
comment by absolutelyfortunate at: 10/10/2005 10:05:00 PM
You da MAN!!! You wrote a good post exposing liberal lies. You got a lot of comments. AND NO ONE COULD REFUTE YOUR POINTS!!! The libs had six lies and you called them on it.
comment by agnosticrepublican at: 10/10/2005 3:23:00 PM