It's funny how things will come to you. I was flipping around the TV this past weekend and I land on a show with dragons. I figured this was sci-fi movie, but it ends up being a factual show that describes how scientists have found a frozen dragon. That is right!! A frozen dragon.. The fire breathing kind. The dragon of legions.
Science tried to explain how the dragon could eat platinum from a cave wall. This platinum might cause the dragon to have a "flammable breath." (I don't know if they actually explained how the "flammable breath" caught fire. What caused a SPARK..??)
But anyway..
When the huge "K29 or C3PO" meteor crashed into the earth and killed the dinosaurs, the dragons headed to the seas. They survived the mini-ice age. These sea dragons became "Sea-Monsters" of the old sailor's myths.
So, I'm thinking to myself.. "You bastards..!!"
All those years in school. Science told me that early man was fibbing. Telling myths. Myths of large Sea-Serpents and Knights fighting dragons.
Now science is saying "Oopps.. We were wrong.."
But science isn't saying "Ooopps." They are reporting these frozen dragons like.. "Oh.. by the way.. We found a dragon and so they are real, and this is probably how they lived and mated and how many eggs they laid and….."
You might say.. "Ok AR, so dragons are real. Science made a mistake. Big deal!"
But this makes me wonder how many other myths could also be true. Myths, like the dragon, that science has said could not possibly be true? But maybe more important.. What is science telling us is true, and it isn't?
The dragons held my attention for awhile. Then I started flipping around the TV again. I landed on a Mel Brooks' movie: "History of the world pt 1". In the middle of this movie, which I think is hilarious, there is a song and dance number called: The Inquisition. Brooks pokes fun at the Spanish Inquisition.
It was then that I realized…
The dragons. Mel Brooks. The Inquisition.
Today, we have an Inquisition taking place in our schools. Science has been wrong. Yet, science is taught as to be fact. I can remember a very hairy female teacher telling us dragons are not real. Then we were told about monkeys walking up right and learning to talk. These monkeys learned to make fire and then created "The Da Vince Code."
It is an Inquisition. Though you believe in God. You believe that God created everything. You head into this dark and clammy classroom. The door squeaks. The floorboards snap. You are terrified. An extremely hairy, tattoo covered teacher tells you to forget all that "God Stuff."
You try and focus. All your young life, you believed God created the world. Today, you will learn life was created in a mud puddle. A speck of organic material is churning and bubbling within that mud puddle. Like an oozing slim ball. Then that speck of organic material becomes a cell, then an ameba, then a hydra, Blah-Blah-Blah, then a monkey, then this monkey tells everyone dragons are not real.
Even though you believe in God, you are forced to learn this other religion called: "The evolution theory."
You must learn it because you must pass a test. Even though the constitution says stuff about not interfering in religion. "Forget about that constitution stuff.." You will learn the evolution theory young man!!"
If you do not learn it, you will not pass the test. If you fail the test, you may fail the subject. If you fail the subject, you may fail the grade.
Welcome to "The Scientific Inquisition"