Strange days- when nothing seems the way it should be.
You journey through the day as if you’re walking in a dream,
all the time wondering when reality is going to kick in.
David Harris
I have been gone from the Internet for awhile. I do apologize to the people who may have been worried that something happened to me. It was rude of me to just cut off ties with the blogging world; giving no explanation for a leave. You must understand that I have never been very good with long; publicized “goodbyes.” My style is better suited to fading in, and fading out with no announcement.
I was not thrown in prison for being an evil conservative, and living high off the hog from money obtained from POOR people. (Nor did I push any old ladies in wheelchairs off huge cliffs.) Also, I am not a hack who works for Murdoch, and had to rush to Europe when the s**t hit the fan. Neither was I part of the team that killed Osama bin Laden. (Just wanted to put those puppies to bed.)
I am just a blogging idiot who got tired of fighting the same political battles, (with only few exceptions) with the same people. Don’t get me wrong, I love talking with you folks out there; but I found myself typing the SAME thing- over and over, and it became- WORK. It just was not fun anymore. So I went back to using my computer for what it was originally meant for. (Downloading Pornography.)
However, while I was watching the reality show: The Pork House, (It’s a show about three guys who BBQ pigs. Hey, don’t knock it. Last week they showed us all how to pull pork.) Anyway, they had the nerve to break into the show so that the president could give some kind of speech. You would think that the president would have the decency to wait until 11 pm to give his speech. But no… The president’s speech was about some kind of stupid debt crisis, and the total crash of the US government. (Big freaking deal. The US government has been on the verge of a “big crash” ever since I was old enough to follow politics. What’s new?)
So I was stuck, trapped like a rat. Almost every channel that I tried, President Obama was there. (Well, except for the Travel Channel and the Hitler Channel.) So, I had little choice but to listen. Or, of course, I could have watched people buy a house on the HG channel. (I chose the president’s speech.)
First off…
I have been waiting, for some time, for a NEW Ronald Reagan to appear in politics, and Thank God we have found him. Barack Obama is the new Reagan. Not only is Team Obama pointing out “fun facts” from the Reagan years, President Obama is now quoting Reagan. This is a good thing. It is good because maybe, somehow, either by accident or osmosis, if they are studying Reagan; THEY MIGHT JUST LEARN SOMETHING.
It’s true..
For example, no one ever taught me that you should NEVER buy your wife (and / or girlfriend) a mop for her birthday. I just learned this fact by study and observation. So too, Team Obama may learn from Reagan.
Next, politicians make me want to yak. (Slang for puke- chuck- vomit.) Republican politicians have allowed the debt ceiling to be raised several dozen times in the last few decades, even when the republicans held the White House and Congress, they had no problem raising those debt ceilings. BUT NOW… “Oh, no, NOW we can’t allow the debt ceiling to be raised. If we do, we would give up on all of our principals.” So, it was ok to raise the debt ceiling while a member of the Republican Party is in charge, but now; no way??
I hate to bring “bigotry” into this topic, but what other reason could explain why republicans refuse to raise the debt ceiling for President Obama? Clearly, republicans HATE people from Hawaii.
Shame on the republicans. There is NO WAY that they have the votes in the Senate to pass a balanced budget amendment. Even if they did, President Obama will veto it. So, they are pissing around, acting like they are doing something BIG. (But in reality, they are doing nothing.) Weak minding people will congratulate these republicans for doing nothing. Meanwhile, the stock market could react negatively, and world banks could lower our credit rating, which could cause large- global companies to rethink about investing in America.
Sadly, the democrats are not any better. President Obama, when he was a Senator, voted against raising the debt ceiling while GW Bush was in office. So how can any democrat say; (with a straight face) that it is terrible that republicans are not rushing to sign a debt ceiling bill? “You guys did the same f**king thing. So shut your cry-baby faces, and grow a pair.” And, for the record, stop scaring old people and the military into thinking that they will not get their checks. THEY ARE GOING TO GET THEIR CHECKS.
Both sides have done the same thing. Since the 1950’s, the “out of power party” uses this debt ceiling raise to get goodies for their party. Both Democrats and republicans have done it. And yes, the other party always bitches about it and claims that “the end is near, if we do not act quickly.”
This is what pisses me off the most; using FEAR to scare the general public into thinking that Armageddon is around the corner, if we do not act quickly. Republicans used this tactic during President Bush to get congress to sign the TARP Fund. Democrats liked this idea and decided to scare the crap out of us by saying “the end is near” if we do not pass the stimulus bill. Now democrats are using fear to get the debt ceiling increased. Stop all the scare tactics, do your freaking jobs.
Stop and think of this…
Raising the debt ceiling is nothing more than calculating a budget. You are figuring what money you will need to pay for past debts and interest; plus your future budget this year. Taken down to its basics, raising the debt ceiling is nothing more than passing a budget. With that in mind, the US Congress, (and the President) were able to pass budgets during World War’s 1 and 2. We passed many budgets during the Great Depression. Hell, even President Lincoln found a way to pass budgets during the Civil War, during a time when Lincoln lost all of the tax money that was coming from the South. Somehow, Lincoln still found a way to get budgets passed.
We have found a way to pass budgets during the worst times in American history. Yet this collection of assholes, which we elected into office, cannot seem to do their job. Shame, shame, shame.
We all know what will happen here.
Both sides will pretend that they are “fighting for us little people.” They will sign some half-assed, watered-down deal; and they will rush to the TV microphones to tell us all “what a great job they did.” (Then they will head off for an extended vacation.) Might I suggest a great vacation in the Bermuda Triangle? (Hurricane season, anyone..??)
Just sign a stupid bill, you know you are going to sign a piss-poor bill anyway. Please skip the lecture about “what a great job you did for us little people,” and go on your GREAT Bermuda Triangle vacation.
This will allow democrats to get back to blaming Bush for everything that has gone wrong. (Why did Amy Winehouse die? Because of that F**king George Bush.)
And I, The Angry Republican, can get back to watching stuff that really matters on TV: “Ancient Aliens” on The History Channel.
Strange Days my friends, let the freaking Aliens pass the US budget