I have often wondered how democrats could have fought for slavery. How could a group of rational people defend the act of keeping Black people as slaves?
I now have my answer…
Watching democrats fight to raise taxes on business owners during this recession, has solved this puzzle. Democrats tear down a person, and make that individual “sub-human.” Democrats must have used this same tactic on Black people.
Democrats use “class-envy” to belittle people who own a business and happen to make more than 250K per year. The liberal will say things like: “The rich should be taxed higher than everyone else because they are not (human: implied) like us folks, and the billionaires do not deserve equal taxation laws because they made their money from average Americans. (Democrats fail to mention that most Americans make all their money from the rich.) And no one was twisting your arm to buy the products and services sold by these rich people.
The fairest way to go would be with equal taxation that is based on a percentage. EVERYONE would pay the same percentage. If you knew that a 3% raise in taxes would mean $200 bucks extra taken out of your paycheck, you would be less likely to vote for tax increases. You would demand that congress control spending. This system would be fair for everyone; whether you are White or Black, young or old, rich or poor; everyone would share the same- equal burden.
It is so easy to ask for taxes to be raised if it doesn’t affect you and your paycheck (directly.) Tax increases on business owners do affect you in an indirect way, but that is for another editorial.
This must be how democrats convinced southern people that slavery was OK. First, the democrats made Black people seem inferior. Then, they convinced people that Blacks wouldn’t know what to do with freedom. Democrats convinced people that Blacks would turn to crime and there would be chaos. “We cannot allow ‘THOSE’ people to have equal rights.”
Today, democrats are still doing the same thing: “We cannot allow ‘THOSE’ people (business owners) to have equal rights. (Equal tax rates.)
It is the same dam thing. Democrats separate a group of people and brainwash voters into thinking that this group of people do not deserve equal rights.
I now understand how democrats could do that to Black people because they are using the same tactic on business owners today.
AR Babonie