The "what if" game is played by the insane, (and very bored people with nothing better to do.)
I’m not sure which category I fall into, but I was playing the "what if" game while reading several housing foreclosure stories.
These are terribly sad stories of people losing their homes during this present crisis. You cannot help but put yourself into their shoes. "What if" this happened to me.
These sad stories are out there, but most of these stories are falling under the radar of national attention, while democrats control the government.
"What if" republicans controlled the congress, the senate, and the white house? Would these stories of people being kicked out of their homes be mostly overlooked by the mainstream media?
To answer that, one only has to look into the year 1987, President Reagan, and the "homeless" crisis. Every MM media outlet had, at least one "homeless person" story, almost every day during that year.
So I feel very confidant in saying that the mainstream media would be pushing these foreclosure stories MUCH harder if republicans controlled things.
So, I thought to myself: "What if" the mainstream media treated democrats and republicans equal? "What if" they went after Obama and the foreclosure crisis, the way that they went after Reagan and the homeless?
"What if..??"
(Hhhmm, I wonder what that would look like..??)
Family of 9 children- home- FORECLOSED. Kicked out into the streets while President Obama drinks beer.
ARPRESS REPORTING- It was a cold, sticky, dreary, lonely, bedbug infested night. Sadness fell across this ONCE great country of ours, when news broke out that a family of NINE CHILDREN had to leave their family home; all of their dreams, and their entire future; taken from them by RICH mortgage brokers.
The Earl Family were now forced to live by the charity of others. The Earl’s; once proud and independent American people, now forced to live in the bedbug infested streets. All the while, President Obama was drinking beer with his buddies, somehow detached from the rest of us, and our suffering.
Since this awful time, President Obama has sought to stop all foreclosures pending proper investigation, however; is it far, far to late?
Is it far, far, far, far, to late, late, late, late, Mr. Obama..??
OK, I cannot go on with this joke. You get the point. If this were a republican president, the foreclosure news would receive TOP billing in the mainstream media.
I cannot believe...
We were talking about media bias in the 1980's, and here it is; 30 years later, and we are still talking about the media bias towards liberalism.
However, it will change. As more and more conservatives get into journalism, (like liberals did 20 years ago) we will see a more balanced news system.
It will take some time.
After all, many of your top news outlets are run by people who grew out of the 70's hippie movement. They got into journalism to: "change the world", not necessarily to report the news.
(We have to wait for these old hippies to retire, or get fired.)
It will be some "hot-shot", young buck who has a spark of genius, and says:
"Hey, I got an idea. Instead of trying to lead people into liberalism, let’s report the news. After we report the who, what where, when, and how; let’s have a TOP liberal and a TOP conservative debate the issue, and we can present both sides."
Gee, I wonder if anyone has thought of that yet?
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
LINK- Sad, sad foreclosure story
After buying a house for $500,000, and borrowing $300,000 in cash from equity on the home (now owing $800,000); the Earl (family with 9 children) couldn’t pay their mortgage and was evicted.
However, they broke into their old home and are "squatting" there, with the help of their attorney.
(One problem) Someone already bought the home and spent $40,000 to fix it up.
Do you feel sorry for them? Or not?