I learned a lot about the American political system in the last few months.
Democrats seem to enjoy a male-on-male tickle fight.
Republicans like to spend campaign money to watch lesbians tie each other up and preform simulated sex.
And President Obama wants to “drill baby drill.”
I guess if I wanted to become a politician and I had to pick a side, I would go with the republicans. Just the thought of a bald- sweaty- 50 year old guy trying to tickle me, makes me want to puke. I could never be involved in a democrat tickle fight.
I guess if someone was willing to pay my way to enter a lesbian bondage club, and I was forced to watch naked females gyrating to music on the stage, I could probably watch that. (Being that it SEEMS to be part of the job for a modern politician.)
(I never thought I would be able to use that last picture again, however politicians have made it possible.)
Wait a minute...
What was stuck right in the middle of all this congressional sex..??
Did I read that correctly..??
President Obama wants to “drill baby drill”. Obama wants to open up sections of the US coast for off-shore drilling.
(More on this in a moment, but first I want to finish up the SEX part of this editorial.)
We conservatives get a bad rap when it comes to the topic of SEX. We are not supposed to have any, I guess.
Because some of us a very religious, many of us are pro-life, and we push for “family values”; we cannot partake in sexual experiences. (At least, that is the way progressive / liberals view our situation.)
For example; remember the outrage when it was discovered that Sarah Palin had a daughter who was pregnant, AND SHE WASN’T MARRIED.
Yes, the outrage from the religious right was extreme. The right was angry because...
(Oh, wait.. The right wasn’t angry over this..??)
It was the tolerant LEFT who was angry because Sarah Palin’s daughter was pregnant. The very people who claim that they do not “judge” situations like these.
This reminds me of when Al Gore, who preaches about saving the earth; was out-ted to the general public because he owns 4 houses, flies around the world on BIG-ass jets, and bought stock in a gasoline powered car company.
Of course it was the American left who were angry. The progressives are the ones who fight against man-made global warming and they were spitting mad to find Al Gore personally wasting more fuel than the entire city of Intercourse, Pennsylvania.
(Oh..wait. It wasn’t the Left who were angry about Al Gore. It was the Right. The very people who claim man-made global warming is not a threat.)
To some people, politics has become a GAME. A game of “gotcha.”
A blogger named Endeesea made a comment on one of my editorials that politics is a game. I questioned that statement because, for me; politics has never been “a game.”
Sure, the object is to win, but not because of any game. Winning means the ability to plan out the political agenda and direct the country to where you believe would be best for all.
However, Endeesea is correct for some people. The ability to over-look what is happening in your own back yard, while pointing at bad behavior on the other side; is IN FACT a game.
There is nothing REAL about it. It’s just a game.
I have no problem with republican politicians going to a strip club. HOWEVER, they should be spending their OWN money. Not campaign money. Also, they should not be on TV talking about “family values” if they are at a strip club, and they have a wife and kids at home waiting for them.
I have no problems with Al Gore owning 4 houses, and flying on personal jets, but don’t lecture ME about saving the earth while you are doing that stuff.
I have found a very comfortable place in American politics. I am able to talk about anything.
Sure, I piss conservatives off when I talk about a Tea Party third candidate and how it could give the victory to Obama in 2012. Or when I talk about how Sarah Palin is not ready to run for president.
But I can also talk about how wrong President Obama is on many of his policies.
I do not have to hide behind a label of an “independent” voter. I am a conservative. I will probably vote republican. You know where I stand. My goal with this blog has always been to find out where YOU stand, and why? Maybe I can give you an idea that you were not thinking of; regardless of whether you are progressive or conservative.
(Which leads us to...)
President Obama says: Drill baby drill.
I wanted to check out the political blogs before I wrote this editorial, and the FUN has just begun.
Many progressives bloggers are SURE that this is an “Obama trick”, designed to sneak in the unpopular “Cap and Trade” bill, and set new reforms on oil imports. While others are calling Barack: George W. Obama.
Many conservative bloggers are sure that this is an “Obama Trick”, designed to sneak in the unpopular “Cap and Trade” bill, and set new reforms on oil imports. While others are happy that we can now drill for our own oil.
So we have found a subject that we can all (Left and Right) agree on:
Most of us agree that this is some kind of an Obama trick.
(And I thought that President Bush had trouble explaining his motives and being believed.)
If the president does allow off-shore drilling, that is great.
If the president does allow a new nuclear power plant, also great.
If the president wants to beef up the US electrical power grid, go for it.
If Obama wants to buy little tiny cars for the government to drive around in, I am all for that.
If the president wants to build a few windmills, or stick some solar panels in New Jersey, why not?
(As I am writing this, President Obama is speaking about this topic while standing in front of a new “GREEN” fighter jet for our military. This jet runs on a mixture of bio-fuel. GREAT, we can save the earth while we are bombing the shit out of someone.)
However, if all of this is nothing more than a “bait and switch” where we never see any of this stuff happen and we are given instead a Cap and Trade bill that hurts the poor and middle class; that will be the end.
The merger between the cost of the health bill and the cost of Cap and Trade on the poor will bring down the Democrat Party.
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic