Republicans like lesbian bondage, democrats like male tickle fights, drill baby drill
I learned a lot about the American political system in the last few months.
Democrats seem to enjoy a male-on-male tickle fight.
Republicans like to spend campaign money to watch lesbians tie each other up and preform simulated sex.
And President Obama wants to “drill baby drill.”
I guess if I wanted to become a politician and I had to pick a side, I would go with the republicans. Just the thought of a bald- sweaty- 50 year old guy trying to tickle me, makes me want to puke. I could never be involved in a democrat tickle fight.
I guess if someone was willing to pay my way to enter a lesbian bondage club, and I was forced to watch naked females gyrating to music on the stage, I could probably watch that. (Being that it SEEMS to be part of the job for a modern politician.)
(I never thought I would be able to use that last picture again, however politicians have made it possible.)
Wait a minute...
What was stuck right in the middle of all this congressional sex..??
Did I read that correctly..??
President Obama wants to “drill baby drill”. Obama wants to open up sections of the US coast for off-shore drilling.
(More on this in a moment, but first I want to finish up the SEX part of this editorial.)
We conservatives get a bad rap when it comes to the topic of SEX. We are not supposed to have any, I guess.
Because some of us a very religious, many of us are pro-life, and we push for “family values”; we cannot partake in sexual experiences. (At least, that is the way progressive / liberals view our situation.)
For example; remember the outrage when it was discovered that Sarah Palin had a daughter who was pregnant, AND SHE WASN’T MARRIED.
Yes, the outrage from the religious right was extreme. The right was angry because...
(Oh, wait.. The right wasn’t angry over this..??)
It was the tolerant LEFT who was angry because Sarah Palin’s daughter was pregnant. The very people who claim that they do not “judge” situations like these.
This reminds me of when Al Gore, who preaches about saving the earth; was out-ted to the general public because he owns 4 houses, flies around the world on BIG-ass jets, and bought stock in a gasoline powered car company.
Of course it was the American left who were angry. The progressives are the ones who fight against man-made global warming and they were spitting mad to find Al Gore personally wasting more fuel than the entire city of Intercourse, Pennsylvania.
(Oh..wait. It wasn’t the Left who were angry about Al Gore. It was the Right. The very people who claim man-made global warming is not a threat.)
To some people, politics has become a GAME. A game of “gotcha.”
A blogger named Endeesea made a comment on one of my editorials that politics is a game. I questioned that statement because, for me; politics has never been “a game.”
Sure, the object is to win, but not because of any game. Winning means the ability to plan out the political agenda and direct the country to where you believe would be best for all.
However, Endeesea is correct for some people. The ability to over-look what is happening in your own back yard, while pointing at bad behavior on the other side; is IN FACT a game.
There is nothing REAL about it. It’s just a game.
I have no problem with republican politicians going to a strip club. HOWEVER, they should be spending their OWN money. Not campaign money. Also, they should not be on TV talking about “family values” if they are at a strip club, and they have a wife and kids at home waiting for them.
I have no problems with Al Gore owning 4 houses, and flying on personal jets, but don’t lecture ME about saving the earth while you are doing that stuff.
I have found a very comfortable place in American politics. I am able to talk about anything.
Sure, I piss conservatives off when I talk about a Tea Party third candidate and how it could give the victory to Obama in 2012. Or when I talk about how Sarah Palin is not ready to run for president.
But I can also talk about how wrong President Obama is on many of his policies.
I do not have to hide behind a label of an “independent” voter. I am a conservative. I will probably vote republican. You know where I stand. My goal with this blog has always been to find out where YOU stand, and why? Maybe I can give you an idea that you were not thinking of; regardless of whether you are progressive or conservative.
(Which leads us to...)
President Obama says: Drill baby drill.
I wanted to check out the political blogs before I wrote this editorial, and the FUN has just begun.
Many progressives bloggers are SURE that this is an “Obama trick”, designed to sneak in the unpopular “Cap and Trade” bill, and set new reforms on oil imports. While others are calling Barack: George W. Obama.
Many conservative bloggers are sure that this is an “Obama Trick”, designed to sneak in the unpopular “Cap and Trade” bill, and set new reforms on oil imports. While others are happy that we can now drill for our own oil.
So we have found a subject that we can all (Left and Right) agree on:
Most of us agree that this is some kind of an Obama trick.
(And I thought that President Bush had trouble explaining his motives and being believed.)
If the president does allow off-shore drilling, that is great.
If the president does allow a new nuclear power plant, also great.
If the president wants to beef up the US electrical power grid, go for it.
If Obama wants to buy little tiny cars for the government to drive around in, I am all for that.
If the president wants to build a few windmills, or stick some solar panels in New Jersey, why not?
(As I am writing this, President Obama is speaking about this topic while standing in front of a new “GREEN” fighter jet for our military. This jet runs on a mixture of bio-fuel. GREAT, we can save the earth while we are bombing the shit out of someone.)
However, if all of this is nothing more than a “bait and switch” where we never see any of this stuff happen and we are given instead a Cap and Trade bill that hurts the poor and middle class; that will be the end.
The merger between the cost of the health bill and the cost of Cap and Trade on the poor will bring down the Democrat Party.
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
The ONLY reason why you are attacking democrats is because you are a racist.
The ONLY reason why you are attacking democrats is because you are a racist.
“..The health bill passed and you republicans should just move on..”
“..Republicans are the party of- NO, they are not even trying to help the poor. There is just no bipartisanship with the republicans anymore..”
Oh yes there was, you were just not looking for it. 30 plus democrats voted WITH republicans to try and stop this health bill. That was a bipartisan effort- TO STOP THE BILL.
In a last ditch effort, republicans tried to add a few things into this health bill last week, but all were turned down.
Republicans wanted a guaranty that NO ONE who makes less than $250,000 per year would see a tax increase from this health bill. (A promise that President Obama made.) Democrats turned it down and would not put that in writing.
Republicans wanted to make sure that democrats would guaranty that people would see no premium raises in their health insurance costs. Democrats would not promise this, and turned it down.
What we wanted was for the democrats to guaranty all that they promised with this health bill, but no democrat will promise YOU- anything, now that the bill has passed.
Instead, we are treated to the pinnacle of hypocrisy: democrats who had trouble paying their taxes, (Tim Geithner, Charlie Rangel) are now hiring 16,500 new IRS agents to make sure that YOU PAY YOUR TAXES.
Those who called for President Bush to be impeached, or claimed that Bush was the worst president ever; are now crying because we are picking on their beloved Barack and his health bill.
Those who claimed that “Bush lied”, are now worried that we would challenge the constitutionality of this health bill.
So they have begun to attack.
(I tried to warn about this two weeks ago, now here it comes...)
The ONLY reason why you are attacking democrats is because you are a racist.
Let’s dive into the political mud, shall we:
We start out with Paul Krugman- The New York Times
“ Republican talking point has been that Democrats had no right to pass a bill facing overwhelming public disapproval. As it happens, the Constitution says nothing about opinion polls trumping the right and duty of elected officials to make decisions based on what they perceive as the merits...”
Paul Krugman is correct, in one aspect; there is no constitutional law stating that politicians MUST follow the will of the people. Once voted into office, they can vote any way that they please, so long as this bill is constitutional. However, that is what we aim to prove, that the health bill is unconstitutional with some of it’s aspects.
If Paul Krugman stopped right there with his editorial, he would have a very good debating topic. But, as many liberals often do, Krugman MUST push the topic further:
“...What has been really striking has been the eliminationist rhetoric of the G.O.P., coming not from some radical fringe but from the party’s leaders. John Boehner, the House minority leader, declared that the passage of health reform was “Armageddon.” The Republican National Committee put out a fund-raising appeal that included a picture of Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, surrounded by flames, while the committee’s chairman declared that it was time to put Ms. Pelosi on “the firing line.” And Sarah Palin put out a map literally putting Democratic lawmakers in the cross hairs of a rifle sight.
All of this goes far beyond politics as usual. Democrats had a lot of harsh things to say about former President George W. Bush, but you’ll search in vain for anything comparably menacing, anything that even hinted at an appeal to violence, from members of Congress, let alone senior party officials...”
Paul Krugman didn’t search too hard to find “angry democrats.” One might be tempted to point out the movie: “Death of a President”, which showed the assassination of President Bush WHILE Bush was still president.
However, Krugman has been writing for some time and has learned to double-check his facts; (I will explain in a second.)
The movie: “Death of a President” was filmed in Canada, (so what?) It used, I believe, a director and writers from the BBC, (so what?) This movie was never promoted here in the States, especially by any “high ranking democrats.”
See, the crafty Krugman capped his editorial by saying: “Members of congress and senior party officials.”
Even so, this movie was the ultimate “call for violence” on a president. It was directed at President Bush. You will NEVER SEE a movie made by a major studio showing the assassination of President Obama. (Or President Clinton.)
But here is where Krugman went too far...
John Boehner, the House minority leader, truly believes that this health bill is bad for America. Though, the word “Armageddon” might be a bit much, Boehner has never changed his opinion on this health bill.
However, during the Bush presidency, you had “senior democrat party leaders” giving support to Bush for the removal of Saddam from Iraq, (John Edwards, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry) yet; two years later, these same “senior party leaders” were condemning Bush for doing so. Hypocrisy.
Some of these “senior democrat party officials” claimed that our soldiers were targeting Iraqi civilians at night. That the war in Iraq was a lost cause that we could never win, and that this was an “illegal war.”
Comments like these could cause some wacked out progressive bastard to attack a republican. (Not to mention that whole: 9/11 Truthers movement that claimed Bush KNEW about the 9/11 attacks.)
What is the difference? Going on national TV and claiming that “Bush lied”, or yelling out in Congress: “You lie.” Both show disrespect. Both shouldn’t be tolerated. However, one has the GUTS to say it to your face.
At least be honest and admit that your side does the same things.
Comedian- TV personality: Bill Maher didn’t get the democrat talking points this weekend because his latest editorial is a dead-nuts call for violence against republicans:
Bill Maher:
“...Democrats should not listen to the people who are now saying they shouldn't attempt anything else big for a while because health care was such a bruising battle. Wrong, because I learned something watching the lying bullies of the Right lose this one: when they're losing, they squeal like a pig. They kept saying things like, the bill was being "shoved down our throats" or the Democrats were "ramming it through." The bill was so big they couldn't take it all at once!
And I realized listening to this rhetoric that it reminded me of something: Tiger Woods' text messages to his mistress that were made public last week, where he said, and I quote, "I want to treat you rough, throw you around, spank and slap you and make you sore. I want to hold you down and choke you while I f**k that *ss that I own. Then I'm going to tell you to shut the f**k up while I slap your face and pull your hair for making noise." Unquote.
And this, I believe, perfectly represents the attitude Democrats should now have in their dealings with the Republican Party: "Shut the f**k up while I slap your face for making noise. Now pass a cap-and-trade law, you stupid bitch, and repeat after me: 'global warming is real!'..."
(Would this not be a call for violence against republicans..??) Sure, it may be meant as a joke, but with democrats running around calling us conservatives- violent; Bill Maher’s editorial comes at a perfect time to prove the democrats are no saints.
Maher continues:
“...The Democrats need to push the rest of their agenda while their boot is on the neck of the greedy, poisonous old reptile. Who cares if a cap-and-trade bill isn't popular...”
Yes Bill, who cares if Cap and Trade isn’t a popular bill?
Who cares if the Cap and Trade bill isn’t thought out, goes against new evidence pertaining to man made global warming, and could actually HURT poor people.
Who cares Maher? After all, you are the one who is fond of saying Americans are stupid.
Maybe Paul Krugman should have read Bill Maher’s editorial before claiming that democrats are righteous and take the high road.
Ready for more, here is Rev. Jesse Jackson:
“...These days will live in infamy, as the scenes of our elected representatives shouting, "you lie" and "baby killer" echo inside the halls of Congress. We've stooped too low when protesters begin hurling the "n" word at African American congressman, and start making direct and indirect threats at representatives who supported the historic health care legislation.
These and other radical statements from members of Congress, conservative talk show hosts and "protestors" are drawing ideological lines.. ..The irony is that those inciting the fear and leading the charge, themselves have comprehensive health care, paid for by the people..”
(Oh no you didn’t..?? Did Jackson just say that Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck have insurance paid for by taxpayers..?? Glenn Beck pays for his insurance and Rush Limbaugh is “self-insured.” Which means- he pays cash for his medical bills.)
Let’s continue with Jackson:
“..Yet, they seek to deny this same health care insurance for nearly 50 million Americans without any coverage at all..”
OK, now it is 50 million Americans who do not have insurance. (Notice how this figure changes.) When democrats first started talking about a health bill, the figure was about 40 million. THEN, when they needed to add up the cost for the health bill, (and sell it to us people) the figure dropped to 30 million. Now it has reached a high of 50 million uninsured.
Rev. Jackson, I do not want to “deny” anyone health insurance. You are free to get a job and buy whatever you want. If you want to buy a car, go for it. If you choose to buy health insurance, why not? I did. No one forced me to buy insurance, I choose to buy it and take less in my paycheck.
If you wanted to expand Medicaid a little to add a few more poor people on it, I had no problem with that.
But forcing poor people to BUY insurance..??
Rev. Jackson, are you freaking mad..??
And last, but not least- Frank Rich.
“...If Obama’s first legislative priority had been immigration or financial reform or climate change, we would have seen the same trajectory. The conjunction of a black president and a female speaker of the House, topped off by a wise Latina on the Supreme Court and a powerful gay Congressional committee chairman would sow fears of disenfranchisement among a dwindling and threatened minority in the country no matter what policies were in play. It’s not happenstance that Frank, Lewis and Cleaver, none of them major Democratic players in the health care push, received a major share of last weekend’s abuse. When you hear demonstrators chant the slogan “Take our country back!,” these are the people they want to take the country back from..”
It is so plain now...
Thank you Frank Rich for explaining it to us.
We are not angry because we are being forced to buy health insurance, or the loss of personal freedom, or the enormous government spending, no.
We are angry because a Black man, a woman, and a Gay man runs the country.
We are angry because we are racists.
Forget the fact that one of our top GOP voices is a woman- Sarah Palin.
Forget the fact that the GOP Chairman is Black- Michael Steele.
Forget the fact that before Barack Obama, the highest ranking Black people in public office were republicans- Condi Rice and Colin Powell.
I will never condone the stupidity of a few on my side yelling out stupid things in a crowd; any more than you can control every idiot on your side. So stop the bullshit.
You folks on the Left, there will come a day when you realize that the word “racist” is just as demeaning as the word “ni*er.”
(The “N” word) was used to demean a person. His, or her opinion didn’t matter because he is just “a ni*er.”
Today, the word “racist” is used to demean a person. His, or her opinion doesn’t matter because he is just a “racist.”
No one likes a sore loser, that is for sure.
However, people cannot stand a sore winner.
I would be very careful on how you play this one out.
Every American knows of someone who is involved in this movement to STOP the expansion of government, and they know that these people are not racists.
Do not let your ego write checks that your political party cannot not pay for.
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
Introducing the Angry Republic Audio Files.
By clicking on the link below- OR pressing PLAY on the player below, you can hear me read one of my editorials. Just like listening to the radio however; without all those commercials.
“..The health bill passed and you republicans should just move on..”
“..Republicans are the party of- NO, they are not even trying to help the poor. There is just no bipartisanship with the republicans anymore..”
Oh yes there was, you were just not looking for it. 30 plus democrats voted WITH republicans to try and stop this health bill. That was a bipartisan effort- TO STOP THE BILL.
In a last ditch effort, republicans tried to add a few things into this health bill last week, but all were turned down.
Republicans wanted a guaranty that NO ONE who makes less than $250,000 per year would see a tax increase from this health bill. (A promise that President Obama made.) Democrats turned it down and would not put that in writing.
Republicans wanted to make sure that democrats would guaranty that people would see no premium raises in their health insurance costs. Democrats would not promise this, and turned it down.
What we wanted was for the democrats to guaranty all that they promised with this health bill, but no democrat will promise YOU- anything, now that the bill has passed.
Instead, we are treated to the pinnacle of hypocrisy: democrats who had trouble paying their taxes, (Tim Geithner, Charlie Rangel) are now hiring 16,500 new IRS agents to make sure that YOU PAY YOUR TAXES.
Those who called for President Bush to be impeached, or claimed that Bush was the worst president ever; are now crying because we are picking on their beloved Barack and his health bill.
Those who claimed that “Bush lied”, are now worried that we would challenge the constitutionality of this health bill.
So they have begun to attack.
(I tried to warn about this two weeks ago, now here it comes...)
The ONLY reason why you are attacking democrats is because you are a racist.
Let’s dive into the political mud, shall we:
We start out with Paul Krugman- The New York Times
“ Republican talking point has been that Democrats had no right to pass a bill facing overwhelming public disapproval. As it happens, the Constitution says nothing about opinion polls trumping the right and duty of elected officials to make decisions based on what they perceive as the merits...”
Paul Krugman is correct, in one aspect; there is no constitutional law stating that politicians MUST follow the will of the people. Once voted into office, they can vote any way that they please, so long as this bill is constitutional. However, that is what we aim to prove, that the health bill is unconstitutional with some of it’s aspects.
If Paul Krugman stopped right there with his editorial, he would have a very good debating topic. But, as many liberals often do, Krugman MUST push the topic further:
“...What has been really striking has been the eliminationist rhetoric of the G.O.P., coming not from some radical fringe but from the party’s leaders. John Boehner, the House minority leader, declared that the passage of health reform was “Armageddon.” The Republican National Committee put out a fund-raising appeal that included a picture of Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, surrounded by flames, while the committee’s chairman declared that it was time to put Ms. Pelosi on “the firing line.” And Sarah Palin put out a map literally putting Democratic lawmakers in the cross hairs of a rifle sight.
All of this goes far beyond politics as usual. Democrats had a lot of harsh things to say about former President George W. Bush, but you’ll search in vain for anything comparably menacing, anything that even hinted at an appeal to violence, from members of Congress, let alone senior party officials...”
Paul Krugman didn’t search too hard to find “angry democrats.” One might be tempted to point out the movie: “Death of a President”, which showed the assassination of President Bush WHILE Bush was still president.
However, Krugman has been writing for some time and has learned to double-check his facts; (I will explain in a second.)
The movie: “Death of a President” was filmed in Canada, (so what?) It used, I believe, a director and writers from the BBC, (so what?) This movie was never promoted here in the States, especially by any “high ranking democrats.”
See, the crafty Krugman capped his editorial by saying: “Members of congress and senior party officials.”
Even so, this movie was the ultimate “call for violence” on a president. It was directed at President Bush. You will NEVER SEE a movie made by a major studio showing the assassination of President Obama. (Or President Clinton.)
But here is where Krugman went too far...
John Boehner, the House minority leader, truly believes that this health bill is bad for America. Though, the word “Armageddon” might be a bit much, Boehner has never changed his opinion on this health bill.
However, during the Bush presidency, you had “senior democrat party leaders” giving support to Bush for the removal of Saddam from Iraq, (John Edwards, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry) yet; two years later, these same “senior party leaders” were condemning Bush for doing so. Hypocrisy.
Some of these “senior democrat party officials” claimed that our soldiers were targeting Iraqi civilians at night. That the war in Iraq was a lost cause that we could never win, and that this was an “illegal war.”
Comments like these could cause some wacked out progressive bastard to attack a republican. (Not to mention that whole: 9/11 Truthers movement that claimed Bush KNEW about the 9/11 attacks.)
What is the difference? Going on national TV and claiming that “Bush lied”, or yelling out in Congress: “You lie.” Both show disrespect. Both shouldn’t be tolerated. However, one has the GUTS to say it to your face.
At least be honest and admit that your side does the same things.
Comedian- TV personality: Bill Maher didn’t get the democrat talking points this weekend because his latest editorial is a dead-nuts call for violence against republicans:
Bill Maher:
“...Democrats should not listen to the people who are now saying they shouldn't attempt anything else big for a while because health care was such a bruising battle. Wrong, because I learned something watching the lying bullies of the Right lose this one: when they're losing, they squeal like a pig. They kept saying things like, the bill was being "shoved down our throats" or the Democrats were "ramming it through." The bill was so big they couldn't take it all at once!
And I realized listening to this rhetoric that it reminded me of something: Tiger Woods' text messages to his mistress that were made public last week, where he said, and I quote, "I want to treat you rough, throw you around, spank and slap you and make you sore. I want to hold you down and choke you while I f**k that *ss that I own. Then I'm going to tell you to shut the f**k up while I slap your face and pull your hair for making noise." Unquote.
And this, I believe, perfectly represents the attitude Democrats should now have in their dealings with the Republican Party: "Shut the f**k up while I slap your face for making noise. Now pass a cap-and-trade law, you stupid bitch, and repeat after me: 'global warming is real!'..."
(Would this not be a call for violence against republicans..??) Sure, it may be meant as a joke, but with democrats running around calling us conservatives- violent; Bill Maher’s editorial comes at a perfect time to prove the democrats are no saints.
Maher continues:
“...The Democrats need to push the rest of their agenda while their boot is on the neck of the greedy, poisonous old reptile. Who cares if a cap-and-trade bill isn't popular...”
Yes Bill, who cares if Cap and Trade isn’t a popular bill?
Who cares if the Cap and Trade bill isn’t thought out, goes against new evidence pertaining to man made global warming, and could actually HURT poor people.
Who cares Maher? After all, you are the one who is fond of saying Americans are stupid.
Maybe Paul Krugman should have read Bill Maher’s editorial before claiming that democrats are righteous and take the high road.
Ready for more, here is Rev. Jesse Jackson:
“...These days will live in infamy, as the scenes of our elected representatives shouting, "you lie" and "baby killer" echo inside the halls of Congress. We've stooped too low when protesters begin hurling the "n" word at African American congressman, and start making direct and indirect threats at representatives who supported the historic health care legislation.
These and other radical statements from members of Congress, conservative talk show hosts and "protestors" are drawing ideological lines.. ..The irony is that those inciting the fear and leading the charge, themselves have comprehensive health care, paid for by the people..”
(Oh no you didn’t..?? Did Jackson just say that Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck have insurance paid for by taxpayers..?? Glenn Beck pays for his insurance and Rush Limbaugh is “self-insured.” Which means- he pays cash for his medical bills.)
Let’s continue with Jackson:
“..Yet, they seek to deny this same health care insurance for nearly 50 million Americans without any coverage at all..”
OK, now it is 50 million Americans who do not have insurance. (Notice how this figure changes.) When democrats first started talking about a health bill, the figure was about 40 million. THEN, when they needed to add up the cost for the health bill, (and sell it to us people) the figure dropped to 30 million. Now it has reached a high of 50 million uninsured.
Rev. Jackson, I do not want to “deny” anyone health insurance. You are free to get a job and buy whatever you want. If you want to buy a car, go for it. If you choose to buy health insurance, why not? I did. No one forced me to buy insurance, I choose to buy it and take less in my paycheck.
If you wanted to expand Medicaid a little to add a few more poor people on it, I had no problem with that.
But forcing poor people to BUY insurance..??
Rev. Jackson, are you freaking mad..??
And last, but not least- Frank Rich.
“...If Obama’s first legislative priority had been immigration or financial reform or climate change, we would have seen the same trajectory. The conjunction of a black president and a female speaker of the House, topped off by a wise Latina on the Supreme Court and a powerful gay Congressional committee chairman would sow fears of disenfranchisement among a dwindling and threatened minority in the country no matter what policies were in play. It’s not happenstance that Frank, Lewis and Cleaver, none of them major Democratic players in the health care push, received a major share of last weekend’s abuse. When you hear demonstrators chant the slogan “Take our country back!,” these are the people they want to take the country back from..”
It is so plain now...
Thank you Frank Rich for explaining it to us.
We are not angry because we are being forced to buy health insurance, or the loss of personal freedom, or the enormous government spending, no.
We are angry because a Black man, a woman, and a Gay man runs the country.
We are angry because we are racists.
Forget the fact that one of our top GOP voices is a woman- Sarah Palin.
Forget the fact that the GOP Chairman is Black- Michael Steele.
Forget the fact that before Barack Obama, the highest ranking Black people in public office were republicans- Condi Rice and Colin Powell.
I will never condone the stupidity of a few on my side yelling out stupid things in a crowd; any more than you can control every idiot on your side. So stop the bullshit.
You folks on the Left, there will come a day when you realize that the word “racist” is just as demeaning as the word “ni*er.”
(The “N” word) was used to demean a person. His, or her opinion didn’t matter because he is just “a ni*er.”
Today, the word “racist” is used to demean a person. His, or her opinion doesn’t matter because he is just a “racist.”
No one likes a sore loser, that is for sure.
However, people cannot stand a sore winner.
I would be very careful on how you play this one out.
Every American knows of someone who is involved in this movement to STOP the expansion of government, and they know that these people are not racists.
Do not let your ego write checks that your political party cannot not pay for.
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
Introducing the Angry Republic Audio Files.
By clicking on the link below- OR pressing PLAY on the player below, you can hear me read one of my editorials. Just like listening to the radio however; without all those commercials.
Health Bill passes, so what are you gonna do about it
Health Bill passes, so what are you gonna do about it
Like millions of Americans, I too was glued to the TV last night, waiting in constipation.
“What is this all about..??” I asked myself.
Then around midnight, millions of us Americans got our answer.
Yes, of course I am talking about the new adult cartoon called: “Ugly Americans.”
Picture every scary movie creature ever created coming to New York City and looking to become an American citizen, find a job, and settle down for a “normal” life.
If you enjoy The Simpsons and South Park, you will enjoy this show.
Oh yea, also on TV last night was that Health Bill thing.
As late as 10:30pm, democrats were pacing the House floor, trying to get fellow members to vote for this bill.
Just look for yourself, as you can see in this picture several democrats “working” a fellow Representative to vote for this bill.
OK, maybe that was another picture from the TV show: “Ugly Americans”, but congress looked something like that, last night.
We were told, as late as 10pm, that a couple of democrats could still be sitting on the fence.
I must point out the fact that democrats decided NOT to use “deem and pass”, or some other tricky means to get the health care bill passed, I have got to give them credit. The basis of my last editorial was a plea to liberals NOT to use some shady method in passing a bill this size, and they gave it an up or down vote, so credit is due.
Still, (yes, there has to be a “still”) I am not happy with the bribes and “special deals” made with some congress members to get their votes. At this time, 38 states will file a suit against congress because of these “special deals” that some states get, but others do not.
Also, I am surprised that democrats stuck with this issue even after it had become so unpopular. There were many times during this last year that the health bill could have died.
However, (yes, there will always be a- “however”) along the way, this health bill lost many of the aspects that progressives were hoping for. So, can the passage really be called a success?
Some horrible things were said by Tea Party members to Gay and Black congress members, and this is sad. I remember how upset I was when liberals did the same type of thing to President Bush.
With the health bill passed, what can Americans expect in the next 60 days..??
Who the hell knows..??
Who knows because no person has ever read all 2,700 pages of this health bill, and can comprehend all aspects of it.
There is a bright spot in all of this.
I just heard on the news that 16,500 new IRS Agents will be hired right away to handle the NEW tax form that will be distributed for health care.
Americans need jobs..!!
These new, 16,500 IRS jobs will lower the unemployment rate from a high of- 9.7 %; to a more liveable- 9.7 %.
(OK, so it will have little effect on the big picture.)
But, none the less, it is an important job.
These new IRS Agents will oversee the deployment of the new tax forms. On these forms, you will have to prove that you have health insurance. If you do not, the 16,500 IRS Agents will snatch you up and force you to pay a big ass fine.
If you do not pay the big ass fine, you will go to jail. (Jail- the place in which you will receive the FREE government health insurance that you were promised.)
Isn’t that ironic, the very first step in health care is the taxation of us people.
Some say immediately young people will be able stay on their parents health plan until age 26. (Oh joy, not only are kids living at home until age thirty, they now get free meds.) Others claim that within 90 days the insurance companies will no longer be able to turn down anyone wanting insurance. (Even DEAD people will no longer be turned down for health insurance.) DEATH- being the ultimate incurable illness.
Here is what I know, I am not poor enough to receive free health insurance. I paid for my insurance before this bill came into play, and I will pay for insurance after it has passed. I will let you know if my insurance costs go down, as this bill claims.
Will America survive this new federal spending..??
Not to end on a serious note, (but I have to).
This has never been about “me.” I am not a racist. I do care for the poor and would like to help them. And I do so, but I never wanted to force you to help the poor. Maybe you do not have the money to help others?
I was doing fine before the passage of this bill and God willing, I will be fine in the years to come.
What I worry about is the millions of Americans who were led to believe that this bill will mean FREE health care for them. It will not.
The problem with this health bill is that you MUST create a dividing line. I do not care how generous that you think you are; with this bill (as it is written) some people will receive free health insurance, and others will make just enough money to NOT get free help.
Not only do these people NOT have health insurance, but they now have to pay a government fine for not having insurance.
This boggles my mind..!!
That a government would suggest taxing poor people who do not have health insurance AND MILLIONS OF AMERICANS WOULD SAY: “Yea, that’s a good idea.”
These are the people that I feel sorry about; the people just above the democrats dividing line. These people were led to believe that they would receive free help, and instead will receive a government fine (tax).
As a conservative, I do not feel sad or threatened. We did our best. Every republican in congress voted no on this bill. What more could we have done? We spent hours on these blogs trying to teach people that this bill, as written, is wrong.
Time will tell.
And I do not believe that it will take as much time as you think for people to realize that this was a bad bill.
They just wouldn’t listen to us. They called us racists and obstructionists.
Now, they will see with their own eyes how bad this bill really is.
Will you be hurt by this health bill?
Time will tell.
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
Like millions of Americans, I too was glued to the TV last night, waiting in constipation.
“What is this all about..??” I asked myself.
Then around midnight, millions of us Americans got our answer.
Yes, of course I am talking about the new adult cartoon called: “Ugly Americans.”
Picture every scary movie creature ever created coming to New York City and looking to become an American citizen, find a job, and settle down for a “normal” life.
If you enjoy The Simpsons and South Park, you will enjoy this show.
Oh yea, also on TV last night was that Health Bill thing.
As late as 10:30pm, democrats were pacing the House floor, trying to get fellow members to vote for this bill.
Just look for yourself, as you can see in this picture several democrats “working” a fellow Representative to vote for this bill.
OK, maybe that was another picture from the TV show: “Ugly Americans”, but congress looked something like that, last night.
We were told, as late as 10pm, that a couple of democrats could still be sitting on the fence.
I must point out the fact that democrats decided NOT to use “deem and pass”, or some other tricky means to get the health care bill passed, I have got to give them credit. The basis of my last editorial was a plea to liberals NOT to use some shady method in passing a bill this size, and they gave it an up or down vote, so credit is due.
Still, (yes, there has to be a “still”) I am not happy with the bribes and “special deals” made with some congress members to get their votes. At this time, 38 states will file a suit against congress because of these “special deals” that some states get, but others do not.
Also, I am surprised that democrats stuck with this issue even after it had become so unpopular. There were many times during this last year that the health bill could have died.
However, (yes, there will always be a- “however”) along the way, this health bill lost many of the aspects that progressives were hoping for. So, can the passage really be called a success?
Some horrible things were said by Tea Party members to Gay and Black congress members, and this is sad. I remember how upset I was when liberals did the same type of thing to President Bush.
With the health bill passed, what can Americans expect in the next 60 days..??
Who the hell knows..??
Who knows because no person has ever read all 2,700 pages of this health bill, and can comprehend all aspects of it.
There is a bright spot in all of this.
I just heard on the news that 16,500 new IRS Agents will be hired right away to handle the NEW tax form that will be distributed for health care.
Americans need jobs..!!
These new, 16,500 IRS jobs will lower the unemployment rate from a high of- 9.7 %; to a more liveable- 9.7 %.
(OK, so it will have little effect on the big picture.)
But, none the less, it is an important job.
These new IRS Agents will oversee the deployment of the new tax forms. On these forms, you will have to prove that you have health insurance. If you do not, the 16,500 IRS Agents will snatch you up and force you to pay a big ass fine.
If you do not pay the big ass fine, you will go to jail. (Jail- the place in which you will receive the FREE government health insurance that you were promised.)
Isn’t that ironic, the very first step in health care is the taxation of us people.
Some say immediately young people will be able stay on their parents health plan until age 26. (Oh joy, not only are kids living at home until age thirty, they now get free meds.) Others claim that within 90 days the insurance companies will no longer be able to turn down anyone wanting insurance. (Even DEAD people will no longer be turned down for health insurance.) DEATH- being the ultimate incurable illness.
Here is what I know, I am not poor enough to receive free health insurance. I paid for my insurance before this bill came into play, and I will pay for insurance after it has passed. I will let you know if my insurance costs go down, as this bill claims.
Will America survive this new federal spending..??
Not to end on a serious note, (but I have to).
This has never been about “me.” I am not a racist. I do care for the poor and would like to help them. And I do so, but I never wanted to force you to help the poor. Maybe you do not have the money to help others?
I was doing fine before the passage of this bill and God willing, I will be fine in the years to come.
What I worry about is the millions of Americans who were led to believe that this bill will mean FREE health care for them. It will not.
The problem with this health bill is that you MUST create a dividing line. I do not care how generous that you think you are; with this bill (as it is written) some people will receive free health insurance, and others will make just enough money to NOT get free help.
Not only do these people NOT have health insurance, but they now have to pay a government fine for not having insurance.
This boggles my mind..!!
That a government would suggest taxing poor people who do not have health insurance AND MILLIONS OF AMERICANS WOULD SAY: “Yea, that’s a good idea.”
These are the people that I feel sorry about; the people just above the democrats dividing line. These people were led to believe that they would receive free help, and instead will receive a government fine (tax).
As a conservative, I do not feel sad or threatened. We did our best. Every republican in congress voted no on this bill. What more could we have done? We spent hours on these blogs trying to teach people that this bill, as written, is wrong.
Time will tell.
And I do not believe that it will take as much time as you think for people to realize that this was a bad bill.
They just wouldn’t listen to us. They called us racists and obstructionists.
Now, they will see with their own eyes how bad this bill really is.
Will you be hurt by this health bill?
Time will tell.
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
Pelosi says: Whip it good, to hell with the constitution
Pelosi says: Whip it good, to hell with the constitution
When a reporter asked Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi if she will be “whipping” her fellow House members (on the health care vote), Ms Pelosi replied:
"..I never stop whipping..”
Pelosi added:
“..There is no beginning, there's no middle and there's no end..” (To the whipping.)
Ouch. Why did we give Ms Pelosi the whip..??
Democrats turned Dennis Kucinich (Ohio) and Dale Kildee (Michigan) into YES votes this week, however could they still be 9 votes short..??
The Health Care Bill, (yes, I refuse to call it “health reform” because it has no public option and nothing in the bill will lower the cost of what insurance companies can charge you, so where is the “reform”..??)
This Bill is beginning to remind me of one of those monster movies in which everyone thinks that the evil beast is dead. Everyone turns their backs on the beast, and the monster rises up to kill again.
Such is the way of the Health Bill.
One minute we are told that the House does NOT have enough votes to pass it. The next minute we are told that they have the votes.
However, they may not even NEED votes, (those silly little old fashion things.)
Speaker Pelosi has not ruled out a using a procedure called: “Self- Executing Rule.”
(Or, as republicans are calling it: “The Slaughter Rule.” NOTE- republicans only call it that when democrats use it.)
What this procedure entails is that because the Senate passed their version of health care- 60 yea, 40 nay; and the House passed a similar bill, the House can just “pretend” that they signed the Senate version (without actually voting on it) and hand the Senate version to the president to sign, with a few amendments.
What’s the BEEF..??
Democrats claim that this method is used all the time.
Republicans claim that this is unconstitutional.
As usual, both are wrong, and both are right. (They are just not telling you the whole truth.)
Republicans were the ones who actually created this method (Self- Executing Rule) way back in the 1930's.
However, it has NEVER been used for something this BIG, which would affect every American, and force people to BUY a consumer product.
This procedure, which has been used by both parties, is probably unconstitutional.
(Why do I say “probably unconstitutional”..??)
OK, to simplify, (I am very good at “simple”) by LAW, congress MUST pass a federal budget. It is unconstitutional for congress to NOT pass a federal budget. So if that first republican congress (in 1933) used the “Self- Executing Rule” to raise the national debt limit to get a federal budget passed, then it would be constitutional. (Because they MUST pass a budget.)
Here is where it gets tricky; to say that this procedure is unconstitutional, you would have to know the “intent” of that congress, in using this procedure. Was congress just trying to pass a HUGE bill filled with pork projects? OR did the national debt limit need to be raised for the benefit and safety of all the states?
OK, I am NOT a constitutional scholar, so I am going to drop that debate.
However, I am not sure that you could argue that a Health Bill, WHICH (most aspects) WILL NOT TAKE EFFECT FOR 4 YEARS, would be considered “urgent.”
If all of the benefits of this Bill were to take effect immediately, and you could prove that Americans were dying if you did not act NOW, then you could say that it is urgent, and use this procedure. (Self- Executing Rule.) However, the simple fact that democrats took one year fighting over the details in this bill proves that it wasn’t “urgent.”
So, to recap: it is unconstitutional for the democrats to use this procedure to pass health care. The only time you should ever use this procedure is to get a federal budget passed, in the event that congress is in a deadlock over a budget.
Yes, the republicans have used the Self- Executing Rule in the wrong manner before, but never for something this big.
Two wrongs do not make a right.
So, the image I get from this story, (aside from the mental picture of Nancy Pelosi in S & M gear, whipping her boys into shape) is that congress no longer wants to take part in the “governing process.”
So why do we need the House of Representatives..??
I mean, if the House does not want to vote on something so important as health care, why should we have them?
We all have computers, why do we need to send someone to Washington in our behalf..??
Yes, I am making a point in a humorous fashion, however; if the House does not want to vote on the BIG issues, like health care; why do we need them anymore..??
We can easily set up a computer data base and we can represent ourselves. Whenever a Bill comes up for vote, we could give ourselves a week to read over the Bill, think about it, and then vote.
Gone would be all this crap with our representatives trying to GUESS what “we the people want?”
“...60 % of Americans polled do not care for this bill..” Oh yea, well “...75 % of Americans believe that something MUST be done..”
Just take a look at this latest poll result:
This is all crap.
Give us the Bill, we will vote on it.
Now, before you say: “..Hey AR, you are talking about changing our representative government into a pure democracy..”
Hold on a minute...
We would still leave the Senate in place. The president’s job would not change. The only change would be that “we” would become our representatives.
Think of the money that we would save:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi- $223,000 per year.
Rank-and-file members of the House receive about $70,000 per year. (It can vary.)
We have about 290 retired members of congress each receiving about $60,000 per year- FOREVER.
And we have about 123 retired congress people receiving $36,000 per year, until they die.
All members, past and present, have great benefits.
We could save millions, upon millions of dollars by getting rid of the House of Representatives, and our voices would be heard.
Of course I am joking here, but my joke is based on a belief that I have had for some time.
If I had to pick one area of our government that is screwed up the most, I would pick the House of Representatives.
The founding fathers had meant for the House to be made up of people like you and me. It was never intended to be filled with career politicians. The Senate was the place for career politicians.
Today, we have people who graduate from college after studying political science and public speaking; they take a job with one of the political parties for a few years. Then maybe they run for a local office and hold that for a few years. Their next target is the House of Representatives. They have NEVER held a “real” job. They do not understand the needs of our community.
Ultimately, it is our fault for putting these people in office. We just do not take the time to learn who these people are. Because of this, the House is manned by “carpetbaggers” who have never held a real job, (outside of politics), and they have no idea what we need.
So, if the House decides to use the Self- Executing Rule so that they do not have to vote on the issue of health care, then we should just get rid of the House. Why do we need them..??
But if the House realizes that the health bill is too big an issue to side-step the constitution, then I say give them another chance.
(Whips and S & M gear not included.)
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
When a reporter asked Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi if she will be “whipping” her fellow House members (on the health care vote), Ms Pelosi replied:
"..I never stop whipping..”
Pelosi added:
“..There is no beginning, there's no middle and there's no end..” (To the whipping.)
Ouch. Why did we give Ms Pelosi the whip..??
Democrats turned Dennis Kucinich (Ohio) and Dale Kildee (Michigan) into YES votes this week, however could they still be 9 votes short..??
The Health Care Bill, (yes, I refuse to call it “health reform” because it has no public option and nothing in the bill will lower the cost of what insurance companies can charge you, so where is the “reform”..??)
This Bill is beginning to remind me of one of those monster movies in which everyone thinks that the evil beast is dead. Everyone turns their backs on the beast, and the monster rises up to kill again.
Such is the way of the Health Bill.
One minute we are told that the House does NOT have enough votes to pass it. The next minute we are told that they have the votes.
However, they may not even NEED votes, (those silly little old fashion things.)
Speaker Pelosi has not ruled out a using a procedure called: “Self- Executing Rule.”
(Or, as republicans are calling it: “The Slaughter Rule.” NOTE- republicans only call it that when democrats use it.)
What this procedure entails is that because the Senate passed their version of health care- 60 yea, 40 nay; and the House passed a similar bill, the House can just “pretend” that they signed the Senate version (without actually voting on it) and hand the Senate version to the president to sign, with a few amendments.
What’s the BEEF..??
Democrats claim that this method is used all the time.
Republicans claim that this is unconstitutional.
As usual, both are wrong, and both are right. (They are just not telling you the whole truth.)
Republicans were the ones who actually created this method (Self- Executing Rule) way back in the 1930's.
However, it has NEVER been used for something this BIG, which would affect every American, and force people to BUY a consumer product.
This procedure, which has been used by both parties, is probably unconstitutional.
(Why do I say “probably unconstitutional”..??)
OK, to simplify, (I am very good at “simple”) by LAW, congress MUST pass a federal budget. It is unconstitutional for congress to NOT pass a federal budget. So if that first republican congress (in 1933) used the “Self- Executing Rule” to raise the national debt limit to get a federal budget passed, then it would be constitutional. (Because they MUST pass a budget.)
Here is where it gets tricky; to say that this procedure is unconstitutional, you would have to know the “intent” of that congress, in using this procedure. Was congress just trying to pass a HUGE bill filled with pork projects? OR did the national debt limit need to be raised for the benefit and safety of all the states?
OK, I am NOT a constitutional scholar, so I am going to drop that debate.
However, I am not sure that you could argue that a Health Bill, WHICH (most aspects) WILL NOT TAKE EFFECT FOR 4 YEARS, would be considered “urgent.”
If all of the benefits of this Bill were to take effect immediately, and you could prove that Americans were dying if you did not act NOW, then you could say that it is urgent, and use this procedure. (Self- Executing Rule.) However, the simple fact that democrats took one year fighting over the details in this bill proves that it wasn’t “urgent.”
So, to recap: it is unconstitutional for the democrats to use this procedure to pass health care. The only time you should ever use this procedure is to get a federal budget passed, in the event that congress is in a deadlock over a budget.
Yes, the republicans have used the Self- Executing Rule in the wrong manner before, but never for something this big.
Two wrongs do not make a right.
So, the image I get from this story, (aside from the mental picture of Nancy Pelosi in S & M gear, whipping her boys into shape) is that congress no longer wants to take part in the “governing process.”
So why do we need the House of Representatives..??
I mean, if the House does not want to vote on something so important as health care, why should we have them?
We all have computers, why do we need to send someone to Washington in our behalf..??
Yes, I am making a point in a humorous fashion, however; if the House does not want to vote on the BIG issues, like health care; why do we need them anymore..??
We can easily set up a computer data base and we can represent ourselves. Whenever a Bill comes up for vote, we could give ourselves a week to read over the Bill, think about it, and then vote.
Gone would be all this crap with our representatives trying to GUESS what “we the people want?”
“...60 % of Americans polled do not care for this bill..” Oh yea, well “...75 % of Americans believe that something MUST be done..”
Just take a look at this latest poll result:
This is all crap.
Give us the Bill, we will vote on it.
Now, before you say: “..Hey AR, you are talking about changing our representative government into a pure democracy..”
Hold on a minute...
We would still leave the Senate in place. The president’s job would not change. The only change would be that “we” would become our representatives.
Think of the money that we would save:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi- $223,000 per year.
Rank-and-file members of the House receive about $70,000 per year. (It can vary.)
We have about 290 retired members of congress each receiving about $60,000 per year- FOREVER.
And we have about 123 retired congress people receiving $36,000 per year, until they die.
All members, past and present, have great benefits.
We could save millions, upon millions of dollars by getting rid of the House of Representatives, and our voices would be heard.
Of course I am joking here, but my joke is based on a belief that I have had for some time.
If I had to pick one area of our government that is screwed up the most, I would pick the House of Representatives.
The founding fathers had meant for the House to be made up of people like you and me. It was never intended to be filled with career politicians. The Senate was the place for career politicians.
Today, we have people who graduate from college after studying political science and public speaking; they take a job with one of the political parties for a few years. Then maybe they run for a local office and hold that for a few years. Their next target is the House of Representatives. They have NEVER held a “real” job. They do not understand the needs of our community.
Ultimately, it is our fault for putting these people in office. We just do not take the time to learn who these people are. Because of this, the House is manned by “carpetbaggers” who have never held a real job, (outside of politics), and they have no idea what we need.
So, if the House decides to use the Self- Executing Rule so that they do not have to vote on the issue of health care, then we should just get rid of the House. Why do we need them..??
But if the House realizes that the health bill is too big an issue to side-step the constitution, then I say give them another chance.
(Whips and S & M gear not included.)
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic
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