Beware of what liberals accuse you of, for they are surely masters of that evil activity


Just in case you are living the GREEN life, and you have turned off your TV to save the earth. Maybe you do not read the newspapers, and you only fire up your computer once a week to see if the rest of us are still alive (out here.) Maybe you do not know what happened last week?

Or, maybe you have rationalized all of the events of last week, and basically “parrot” everything that you hear. You, yourself; never really have an opinion on things?

Either way; last week we had a tragic event take place: a deranged individual killed 6 people and wounded others in Tucson Arizona. Most of us rational people felt sick about the event, and asked questions like: “How could someone do this? Could the police have stopped this? Were there warning signs?”


Some liberals do not THINK like us normal- rational people do. These liberals heard about this horrible event in Arizona and thought: “I hate Glenn Beck, I hate Sarah Palin. How can I make this killing in Arizona a political event and blame Rush, Beck, and Palin? I know, I will say that because Beck, Rush, and Palin speak out about President Obama, and say hurtful things, it caused this kid to kill people in Arizona. Where can I find a microphone to float my theory, into the news, about evil republicans and their evil hate speech, and how republicans killed those people in Arizona?”

Liberals had no problem finding a microphone. All of the news organizations piled on to help promote the theory that Jared, the Arizona killer, was moved to KILL because of conservative talk radio. Even Fox News had Geraldo Rivera pushing the theory.


There was one problem…

Not one person was even sure if this kid listened to talk radio, or if he attended any of Glenn Beck’s shows, or if he was a Tea Party member, or if he was a republican who listens to Rush?


Liberals quickly fixed this lack of information by putting together a FAKE voter registration for Jared, which claimed that he was a republican. This is, of course, a very serious crime: forging State documents for public view could get someone a long jail sentence. When this document was found out to be a fake, liberals didn’t seem concerned about the crime that just took place in front of our eyes, and continued with their assault on the Tea Party: “If Sarah Palin would go away, if Rush would tone it down, if guns were illegal; Jared would have NEVER killed anyone.”


Again, there is one problem with this theory…

Jared didn’t listen to conservative talk radio. Jared didn’t attend Tea Party rallies, and as far as guns being outlawed, remember Jared would have no problems finding guns because he bought illegal drugs. I, having some experience in buying illegal drugs, (decades ago, when I was a- utopia searching liberal- who got stoned) I know that anyone who buys illegal drugs also knows where to get illegal guns. Maybe your drug dealer doesn’t actually sell guns, but he will know someone who does.

So, even if guns were illegal, Jared could have gotten a gun from his drug dealer. And, (more important) Jared wasn’t moved to kill by conservative Talk Radio.

Just when things were quieting down, a man was arrested in Tucson for death threats. It seems that during a Town Hall meeting, a Tea Party member: Trent Humphies; stated that all suggestions on new gun restrictions SHOULD be held off until all the dead were buried. Not liking what Trent just said, a self-proclaimed liberal, named: James Eric Fuller- stood up in the crowd, took a picture of Tea Party member- Trent, and told Trent: “You’re DEAD.”

Now, I am not sure how you define “hate speech”, however; standing up at a meeting and telling a Tea Party member “You’re DEAD” is a very hateful thing to say.

Before you think that I am about to make “political hay” from a tragedy, let me say this: I do not blame MSNBC because James Fuller told a Tea Party member that “You’re DEAD.” I do not blame Keith Olbermann or Maddow because this man is so angry. Fuller was one of the victims in the Arizona shooting. The guy is grieving, he is emotional, and anything that Chris Matthews said did not force Fuller to act violent. I do not want MSNBC to be censored, in fact; I like having MSNBC there because they give me endless amounts of material to write about.


But that is the difference between a conservative like me, and the liberals who tried to turn death and tragedy into a political event. Hence, the title of my editorial:

“..Beware of what liberals accuse you of, for they are surely masters of that evil activity..”


Above- a still picture from the movie “Death of a President”, where Bush is assassinated.

What pissed me off the most about the disgusting display by liberals over the Arizona shooting, and blaming republicans for the killer’s actions; is that we had to watch liberals assault President Bush for 8 years. From creating a movie showing President Bush being shot and killed (Movie: “Death of a President), to liberals writing a book called: “How to assassinate President Bush.” (If you liberals do not believe me, do a Google search on the book or the movie, it is true. You liberals wrote this stuff.) Could you imagine a conservative writing a book called: How to assassinate President Obama?


Liberals here at this web site called President Bush a liar, a murderer, and a war criminal. Bush has never been charged in a court of law for lying, or war crimes; so calling Bush a war criminal or a liar is HATE SPEECH because none of this has ever been proven. Worse yet, calling Bush a war criminal could cause a sick minded person to take justice into his own hands (if I use YOUR theory.)


Liberals do not see the nasty things that they are doing, yet they accuse us conservatives of the same act. Why is it OK for you to talk trash about President Bush, but we cannot do the same for President Obama?

The point of this editorial, which I hope to reach, is that there is nothing new in modern political dialogue. (And, a side note would be: you whiney ass liberals dished it out for 8 years during President Bush, now you know what it feels like to be the receiver.)

Same as it ever was

A brief American history lesson: The man who would be president- Alexander Hamilton

I call Hamilton “the man who would be president” not necessarily because I agree with him politically, but because he probably would have been elected as president sooner or later, except that he ended up DEAD.

How did he die, you might ask?

Alexander Hamilton (then- Secretary of the Treasury) died in a gun duel with Vice President Aaron Burr.

These two Founding Fathers could not agree on the political direction of America. They fought heated debates. There was bad blood between each family. And they wrote “hateful” speeches against each other. The only thing that Burr and Hamilton could agree on is the way to solve this political debate: for one of them to die.

So they stood back to back in a field in New Jersey, they took ten paces from each other, they turned and they fired at each other.


A witness to the duel made this statement, later on: “Three died that day. Hamilton died from Burr’s gunfire. Burr’s political life died, and he lived out the rest of his life in exile. And the American Federalist Party, all died that day, in a field in New Jersey.”

The Hamilton- Burr duel is a mere exclamation point in long-line of heated political debate in American politics. To say that political rhetoric is any more heated today than it was during the time of the Founding Fathers is to reveal your lack of knowledge in history.

Granted, Burr never called Hamilton: “Hitler.” (Primarily because Hitler wasn’t born until 100 years after Hamilton’s death.) Yet, they did liken each other to the King of England. (Which carried a lot of weight in those days. It is kind of like calling someone- Hitler.)


Please, remember this…

Freedom of speech is NOT truly free, if you must be careful of what you say.

(Which means..)

If you must be careful of what you say, then there is no freedom of speech.

If Glenn Beck says something that is untrue of George Soros, Soros can sue Beck. The American court system solves the problem of liars in the media. (Notice, Soros has yet to sue Beck for any statement Beck has made.)

If Rush Limbaugh says “I hope Obama fails”, he hasn’t really said anything hateful. It is Rush’s opinion that the country would be better off if President Obama’s policies fail.

Shame on all of the people who tried to make a tragedy into a chance to score political points, as we now know politics had nothing to do with the killings in Arizona.

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic

Interested in talking monkeys, the mud puddle of life, and Darwinism? Please check out my editorial on the subject. LINK



The new Bill of Rights


Is everything today, negative..?? Sometimes the news headlines can scare the crap out of you.

New York City is contemplating whether to ban table salt from all city restaurants. Many of us Americans are still in withdrawal from the banning of trans-fats in restaurants. (There’s nothing better than a “freedom fry” cooked in synthetic lard. What’s that big deal? There is a hospital around each corner, chuck full of artery stints.)


If many global warming people had their way, you would be told what size car you can drive, how warm (or cool) you could keep your house, what you can eat, and when you are legally allowed to pass gas.


Yes folks, I know...

It would seem that this time in which we live in is filled with negative ideas.

How can anyone be happy upon hearing about all the things that they can NO LONGER do..??

However, there is HOPE in all this CHANGE.

You might remember Barack Obama talking about the Bill of Rights when he was running for president? Remember Obama explaining how the Bill of Rights is a negative document, filled with stuff that people CANNOT do.


President Obama has talked about the need for a NEW Bill of Rights which would be positive. This new Bill of Rights would talk about all the things that you have a “Right to do.”


Well, here at The Angry Republic, we have inside people who got a hold of a draft copy of the NEW Bill of Rights, and I would like to share it with you, today.

(This is so exciting..!! I love having an exclusive..!!)


The NEW American Bill of Rights

Article 1

You have the right to other people’s “stuff.”

Life is unfair, and some people have MORE “stuff” than you do. To make life more fair, you now have the right to take your neighbor’s stuff. (NOTE) The framers of this Bill had thought about allowing you to go to your neighbor’s house and take the stuff that you feel that you deserve. However, it would be difficult to tell who is a thief, and who is exercising their constitutional right to take “stuff.” Therefore, we will continue with the current taxation system that is in place. (ALSO NOTE) If you look around your neighborhood and you have MORE STUFF than your neighbors do, then you are excluded from this Right.

Article 2

You have the Right to have free health insurance.

(NOTE) You do NOT have a right to FREE Health Insurance if we (the government) believe that you make too much money, or we do not like you, or some glitch takes place in the government computer system.


Article 3

(NOTE) Article 3 is being left blank at this time. In the future, when democrats need votes to win an election, they will suggest that “Americans have a Right to FREE food.” Democrats will tell Americans that 100,000 people die everyday because they didn’t have FREE government food. When gullible Americans elect the democrats, Article 3 will be offered. FREE government food.


Article 4

(NOTE) Article 4 is being left blank at this time. Future democrats will need a way to win elections. Democrats will tell people that every American “has a Right to FREE housing.” Then, after you have elected the democrats, they will spend several years fighting with each other over the details of Article 4, (just like with the current Health Care Bill) and some piss-poor, watered down version will appear here, in the future.


Article 5

You have the Right to have pride.

Every American has a right to be proud. If a person says anything that makes you “feel bad” about yourself, that person will be jailed for one year. During incarceration, the “pride killing” criminal will be subjected to sensibility counseling and forced to watch the movie: “All about Steve”, featuring Sandra Bullock. (NOTE) Article 5 does not end free speech in America. However, if you choose to use free speech, you could go to jail, IF; any other person “feels bad” after you spoke, and; providing that they have a better lawyer than you do.


Article 6

You have a Right to work.

It is unfair that some people have a job and others do not. It is unfair that some people have better jobs, and other people cook hamburgers. By taking down everyone from those “high levels” in employment, we can make the bottom level jobs seem better than what they actually are.

People will “feel” better.

With the health care bill, we can attack doctors and nurse’s paychecks and lower them under the guise of “saving the taxpayer’s money”, or we will call it: “health reform.” We have already gone after business executive’s high pay using guilt and high taxation. The rest of you “high earners”, we are coming for you. (NOTE) Article 6 does not include lawyers and people working in Hollywood. Since you folks usually vote democrat, you are free to earn as much as you like.


(ALSO NOTE) Article 6 only applies to people who “want to work.” If you do not want to work, stay home and refer to Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8.

Article 7

You have a Right to win.

Everyone wants to win.

Unfortunately, most of you poor bastards will spend your entire life losing. You will lose at the casino, and you will never win a lottery. Your luck will not be any better with sports, you will lose races, football games, tennis; you will lose virtually everything that you hold dear in life.

This is a sad prospect, and it makes one wonder why you poor bastards keep breathing?

To counter this emotion, the government will enact the National Lottery.

The “National Lottery” is free to everyone who is standing within the USA borders, and everyone will win- something.

To be entered into the National Lottery, all you have to do is show up at any of the thousands of National Lottery locations and allow us to implant a small tracking.. (aaahh, computer chip) into your skull. This computer chip is completely harmless, and bears the markings of 666 on it’s cover. This computer chip will allow the government to find you and give you your lottery prize when you win, and the government will be able to track where you go, who you hang around with, and what type of “stuff” that you are reading. (For your own safety.)

Every minute, 8 people will win a lottery prize. This means that within 70 years, everyone in America will win this lottery. So you will be a winner, eventually. (NOTE) if you die early in life, you might not win the lottery, in which case you will probably not care about this lottery; being that you are dead.)

Prizes range from a potato peeler, to an autographed copy of President Obama’s new book: “The Greatest President EVER”.


Or you could win an all expense paid trip (for one) to Intercourse Pennsylvania, the heart of Amish Country.

Article 8

You have the Right to sit in your house and keep your f**king mouth shout.

Let face it, every time that you leave your house, you cause the streets to be over crowded, you pollute the earth, and you are always demanding things like “Rights.”

It would be much better for everyone if you would just stay home.

Article 8 states that you have the right to stay home and isolate yourself, cutting yourself off from the rest of society as a whole. The government will take care of (food, clothing, shelter) anyone who chooses to exercise their constitutional rights under Article 8. However, if you venture outside of your house, or make contact with anyone; you will lose your Article 8 rights. (NOTE) Article 8 does not apply to lawyers, democrat politicians, or Hollywood celebrities; who are free to roam around the planet and speak their minds.


Article 9

You have the Right to be right.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. You should also have the same rights as a broken clock.

Every American will have two chances to be right, no matter how wrong they are. Facts be dammed, the truth is unimportant. You will be right- twice. However, once you have used up your two “rights”, you will go back to being wrong. (NOTE) Hollywood Actors, lawyers, and Labor Union leaders are excluded from Article 9, because they donate millions of dollars to the Democrat Party.


This concludes the NEW Bill of Rights. (That is, until the 2012 election, when democrats will need to get your vote. God only knows how many MORE Rights may be added to this Bill of Rights if democrats are trailing in the 2012 election.)

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republic


If one person has a RIGHT to something he did not earn, of necessity it requires that another person not have a right to something that he did earn.

True rights, such as those in our Constitution, or those considered to be natural or human rights, exist simultaneously among people. That means exercise of a right by one person does not diminish those held by another. In other words, my rights to speech or travel impose no obligations on another except those of non-interference.

For Congress to guarantee a right to health care, or any other good or service, whether a person can afford it or not, it must diminish someone else’s rights, namely their rights to their earnings.

Walter E. Williams

Thanks for reading

The Angry Republic


Naughty or Nice list for 2010


It is time again for our annual “Naughty or Nice” Christmas list. (That is, of course, total BS. We have never done a naughty or nice list, ever. But it just sounds better if we act like it is a long standing tradition.)

As we have done for many, many years in the past (again, a boat load of crap) it is time to countdown the famous people who have done something this year, which has landed these folks into the news. Then, by using our wisdom and experience (more BS), we will tell you if this person (or thing) has been naughty, or nice, or indifferent. (Indifferent- neither nice, or naughty, just breathing and taking up space.)

Ok, let’s get started...

Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston, and Megan Fox have all been very naughty this year.




Actually, I have no proof that any of these three women have been naughty this year. But for some reason, when I think about these women “being naughty”, it just makes me feel better. (Don’t try and figure it out, it has something to do with testosterone, I do not even understand it.)

Next up- Julian Assange


For convenience and to ease your reading experience, from this point forward, we will refer to Julian Assange as: J-Ass.

Has J-Ass been Naughty, Nice, or Indifferent?

J-Ass has been- indifferent (definitely NOT nice, closer to naughty, however J-Ass is indifferent because he is basically a blob of human flesh that is taking up space.


If J-Ass were an American, we could claim that he was being unpatriotic, or even (maybe) committing treason. But he is not an American. If we can prove that J-Ass talked a US soldier into removing secret US documents, then J-Ass is in big trouble. But that might be hard to prove. If J-Ass were leaking stories that prove that global warming is a hoax, we would be patting J-Ass on the back. If J-Ass published stories about the inter workings of the Iranian government, we would want to shake J-Ass’s hand.

However, unfortunately for us, J-Ass has made America his newest target. We were not always J-Ass’s prime meal ticket. From 2006, (when Wikileaks started) until last year, two of Wikileaks prime targets were China and corrupt governments in Africa.

The REAL villains in this Wikileaks mess are..??

Villain 1


22 year old Army Intelligence Expert Bradley Manning. As of writing this, Manning is accused of stealing hundreds of thousands of documents from US military and State Dept computers, and turning this information over to Wikileaks. If found guilty, Manning should spend a long time in a military prison. (Maybe Gitmo..??) Very Naughty.

Villain 2

Whomever is in charge of security for military and State Dept computers and files. How a 22 year old soldier could walk away with thousands of secret US files is insane? Very- very naughty..!!

Villain 3

Michael Moore and others who are running to J-Ass’s defense. Remember, J-Ass is accused of (sort of) raping TWO women.” Yes, everyone consented to the sex, however the women wanted J-Ass to wear a condom. J-Ass said he put on a condom, but he didn’t, and completed the act. Is that rape, rape? Or “sort of” rape? Who the hell knows?

One woman, who is being called “Miss A”, claims that sex with Assange was “the worst sex ever.” LINK.

This is bad news for us men. If women are able to charge us men, in a court of law, with “bad sex”, it’s all over for us. However, I digress, this is no laughing matter.

J-Ass is currently running away from the law. Assange is accused of raping two women. J-Ass is NOT a “poster-boy” for justice and “fair play” in the world. Until J-Ass appears in court to face these rape charges, J-Ass is a criminal, and Michael Moore should not be running to his aid.

(Which brings us back to...)

Villain 4

Julian Assange (J-Ass)- He is not a villain for printing the US secret documents. Yes, he could have been “nice” and refused to print them. But printing these documents doesn’t make him “naughty”, it just makes him one of the thousands of people who are trying to get (richer) quicker. However, Assange is naughty for running away from his rape charges.

Next up...

Naughty, Nice, or Indifferent.

American politicians

“Don’t ask, don’t tell” about the “Bush tax cuts”, unemployment extensions, earmarks- O- plenty in the omnibus bill, the DREAM Act, and everything else that politicians have been fighting about this fall has lead us to the conclusion that politicians are- Indifferent this year. “Same as it ever was” would be the best way to describe politics.


Whether you are a democrat or a republican (and all points beyond), there is something in this latest group of “Christmas Time” government bills that will make you happy...

And there is stuff in these bills that will piss you off.

Liberals are pissed that rich people got their tax breaks extended, and they are angry that the DREAM Act was shot down. They blame republicans for this, however 5 democrats voted against the Dream Act (or were no-votes) which is why it failed to receive the votes LINK. Liberals are happy that unemployment is being extended and “don’t ask, don’t tell” will be repealed.


Conservatives are angry over (the stuff listed above) and that the Bush tax cuts were not made permanent, but conservatives are happy that we are not raising taxes on small business owners in this economy, the “death tax” might not be increased, and the HUGE Omnibus 2011 budget bill, chuck full of 6,000 earmarks, got turned down. (For now.)


Yes, congress has given everyone a reason to smile, and a reason to give the government the middle finger.


Naughty, Nice, or Indifferent

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly has been very naughty this year.


OK, so I just recycled that same joke from the beginning of this editorial, big deal? I am trying to be “GREEN” and save the earth by recycling old jokes instead of wasting computer space and electricity on creating new jokes. So shoot me.

Naughty, Nice, or Indifferent

Larry King


Aaaah come on, this is easy. For being in the media longer than most of us have been alive. Surviving 25 years at CNN (no easy task). And for being himself, which is like no one else on TV, Larry King has been “Nice” and he will be missed. (Especially, considering what CNN has lined up to replace him.)

Next up...

Naughty, nice, or indifferent.


This year was supposed to be a killer hurricane season. Remember back at mid-summer, forecasters were predicting HUGE- stronger hurricanes this year. Scientists and global warming people told us that we were going to be hit with many, many hurricanes, and guess what...

(Pssst) Na-da..!!

This is a tough one for us (at The Angry Republic) to call because it depends on your perspective. If you live along the American coastline, hurricane season was very “nice” this year. However, if you are Al Gore and his man-made global warming minions, you are depressed because this year was supposed to knock your socks off with strong hurricanes, but that didn’t happen.

Hurricane season 2010- Nice

Global Warming people- Naughty (for scaring people into thinking that huge hurricanes were coming. Then sitting back with your fingers crossed, looking for these killer storms. All, so you could say- “I told you so.”) Very naughty.

Next up...

Naughty, Nice, or Indifferent

President Obama has been VERY naughty this year.

OK, so you are a dog lover. BIG DEAL.

That is no reason to hit that poor cat IN THE FACE with a snowball.


Very, very naughty Mr. President.


Next up...

Naughty, Nice, or Indifferent

A group of Arabs, bankrolled by Saudi King Abdullah, are trying to move the Ground Zero Mosque to a site that is a mile away from ground zero. This new site is located at an abandoned hospital. Plans call for most of the hospital to be reopened with the Mosque located in a side building. LINK
If this holds true, I believe this would be a great gesture by Muslims in showing that they care for our feelings and want to work with us. We need more acts of understanding on both sides.

Yes, we have had problems with Saudi Arabia, (not to mention that most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi), however this act by the Saudi King is very nice.

Next up...

Naughty, Nice, or Indifferent

100 Santas playing “Roll out the barrel” on accordions...



Ok, now it is your turn. If know of anyone who has been nice, naughty, or just a blob of flesh, taking up space; let us know in the comment section.


Merry Christmas from AR Babonie- LINK

Evil Republicans hate US heros

Who would deny benefits for the poor firefighters and police who helped during 9/11?

“Those DAM republicans. Sick bastards. I hope they all die. How could they NOT fund the poor hero’s during 9/11?”

This is a tough charge. How do you fight this? (You don’t.) You never should have to in the first place.

Let me start this out by saying that republicans couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag, even if they had a knife. Whenever you stand back, silently, and allow the democrats to frame the debate, you will lose. Democrats are doing a fine job of running with this issue, and they are winning the debate. (But democrats are not telling the people the whole truth.)

Shorty after 9/11, it was decided that we (the government) would help out ALL of the hero’s who risked their lives during 9/11, with tax funded medical care. However, congress placed a time limit on when a hero could apply for this help. Hero’s, being who they are, (hero’s) they didn’t necessarily run to the government for FREE medical care. They felt fine. They didn’t have any problems. They went home.


Today, some of these hero’s are coming up with strange cancers that cannot be explained by normal activity (smoking, foods, etc.) But, it is past the time that they can apply for this original government medical aid.

I understand what republicans are doing, I just can’t understand why republicans have chosen this issue to do it. Republicans heard us loud and clear during the last election: “Stop the dam spending.” So they are trying to be conservative and ask for committees to study this problem, and they want a detailed accounting of where the money will come from, and they want to give speeches on the matter; and they look like DAM fools. (And they are getting their asses handed to them.)

When we said “stop the dam spending”, we meant stop giving tons of money to GM, and Fanny Mae, and GE. When we said “stop the spending”, we meant stop spending 2 million dollars to study monkeys on cocaine. When we said “stop the dam spending” we meant stop spending money to build a bridge to nowhere.

We did NOT meant stop spending money on firefighters who now have cancer from saving lives during 9/11.

Do we have to spell it out for you assholes? We want you to stop spending $800 billion to bail out AIG, but it is OK to spend $8 billion to bail out hero’s like 9/11 firefighters and police. Can you understand that?

Never, never, ever say: “Duhhh, I cannot support this bill to get 9/11 firefighter’s money, because we need to study the bill.” (How freaking stupid are you?)

You say: “We will get funds to any hero who has become sick due to their activities at ground zero, during 9/11. But we cannot pass a bill that does MORE harm than good. Help is on its way. As soon as the democrats sit down and work on a bill that gets the maximum benefits to you without favoring certain labor unions and hospital systems, you WILL receive the help that you deserve.”

One thing that I have learned in politics: never sit back and be quiet on a political issue; it doesn’t go away. Bush tried this strategy and he was dogged during his entire second term. Even Rove has admitted that they should have fought back on these second term allegations.

In the game of politics, you have to be right, and you have to be louder than the next guy.

So, I was sitting here, writing, and I was watching MSNBC. (They “lean forward”, in case you didn’t know.) And Rep. Barney Frank was on, and he said that he wished he would have pushed the government into “helping” (regulating) apartments for the poor. You see, the government did such a FINE job in the house ownership market, getting houses to the poor; Rep. Barney thinks that the government could have brought some of that magic to rental units and rental homes.

God, all mighty..!! They just do not get it?

Also, which could be filed under the: “they just do not get it” category, congress wants to regulate the Internet. The Internet isn’t broken. It has been working fine without governments help all these years. But now, government wants a piece of the action. They will do it by way of the FCC.

My next posts have a lot to do with free speech and the government wanting to get its grubby hands on this freedom.

I hope that I have done the topic justice.

19 Senators who voted to censor the internet:

• Patrick J. Leahy -- Vermont

• Herb Kohl -- Wisconsin

• Jeff Sessions -- Alabama

• Dianne Feinstein -- California

• Orrin G. Hatch -- Utah

• Russ Feingold -- Wisconsin

• Chuck Grassley -- Iowa

• Arlen Specter -- Pennsylvania

• Jon Kyl -- Arizona

• Chuck Schumer -- New York

• Lindsey Graham -- South Carolina

• Dick Durbin -- Illinois

• John Cornyn -- Texas

• Benjamin L. Cardin -- Maryland

• Tom Coburn -- Oklahoma

• Sheldon Whitehouse -- Rhode Island

• Amy Klobuchar -- Minnesota

• Al Franken -- Minnesota

• Chris Coons -- Delaware

This should be a list of shame. You would think that our own elected officials would understand the First Amendment but, apparently, they have no problem turning the US into one of the small list of authoritarian countries that censors internet content it does not like (in this case, content some of its largest campaign contributors do not like). We already have laws in place to deal with infringing content, so don't buy the excuse that this law is about stopping infringement. This law takes down entire websites based on the government's say-so.

LINK- By Mike Masnick


What part of- Interpret the Constitution- do you NOT understand?

The sad shape of American courts

“..If you look at the values and the historical record, you will see that the Founding Fathers never intended guns to go unregulated..” Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer contended on Fox News Sunday.

Breyer believes that the only reason the Second Amendment appears in the Constitution is because founding father Madison feared that states would not ratify it, if it wasn’t spelled out for them. (The right to bear arms, and the Feds would not intervene with this right.)

We, the people, hire these justices to interpret the Constitution, and what do they freaking do? They disregard the Constitution, and what is written with in it; and try show that the Constitution is wrong because Madison was drunk one day and said he didn’t think every American should have guns. Or Jefferson wrote in a letter that there should be a wall of separation between church and state. So this must mean that we cannot have a Christmas tree in the city park.

It boggles my mind that these people SWEAR to uphold the Constitution, and then immediately begin to tear it apart.

Hey Justice Breyer, the law says that I cannot rape your daughter. But does this law REALLY mean that I cannot rape your daughter? What if she is horny and I am horny? Let’s dig around the correspondence between the lawmakers who wrote the rape laws and see if we can work around that silly little rape law.

Here is the good part; Justice Breyer says this:

“..Since the Founding Fathers did not foresee how modern day would change individual behavior, government bodies CAN impose regulations on guns..” (And forget what that silly little Constitution says.)

LINK- Strange days, too much weed smoking, Breyer knows Madison personally.