I believe that every so often a person needs to look inside themselves and analyze WHY they believe the things that they do.
I had that opportunity just recently here at Blogster.
I know exactly why I am a conservative. And I can explain it to you with relative ease. More so than any post I have written this past year, this editorial is writing itself.
A post was placed on Blogster recently that was so blatantly false that it had to be challenged. Many of us conservative DID challenge it.
I am going to change the names of the people involved in this post because I do not want to be kicked off of Blogster. (LOL)
I have been here since the beginning of this site. I have seen a lot of people come and go and I have defended past Blogster owners when people were complaining about changes to TOS and enforcing the “no profane pictures” rule which stopped people from placing dirty pictures in other peoples comment section.
So it would be a shame to be kicked off of Blogster now.
But if it happens, if I am kicked off of Blogster, so be it. Sometimes; certain things MUST be said.
(Again, I am going to change the names of people involved, and the name of the post...)
The post in question was put out by a blogger named- Testicle Gazer. The name of the post was - “A president was KILLED the last time right wing people spoke out.”
The premise of the post was that conservatives should be very careful of what they say about President Obama because one of the crazy right-wing people might kill Obama.
(And this is the “rub”.)
The last time those “crazy” right- wing people were this rude, JFK was killed.
OK, this post was the pinnacle of propaganda.
First off, American justice is the rule of law in this land. It is all we have..!! The Warren Commission concluded that Oswald was the “lone gunman” that killed JFK. That is a fact.
Whether you choose to believe the Warren Commissions findings is your opinion. However, once you disregard the Warren Commissions findings and choose to believe any other reason for Kennedy’s assassination, you are using a theory.
I am seriously beginning to wonder if some people understand the difference between FACT, and theory? (But, I will get into that in a moment.)
Oswald cannot be linked to the republican party, or the democrat party. He was a loner who actually lined himself with the communist party. He spent some time in Russia and married a Russian woman.
So using facts, it would be impossible to claim that republicans caused JFK to be killed.
Many of my conservative friends tried to point out that liberals were equally, if not MORE SO, rude and crude about President Bush. This was to no avail. The liberals kept on as if they shared no blame, ever; on the political discord that appears here and on other web sites.
I guess I was looking for “at least” one liberal to recognize that: YES, wacky liberals DID treat President Bush very bad. But that never really happened. Not on this post.
Instead, I was treated to this:
(Again, I am changing the names of the people involved.)
A Female blogger, we will call her: SouthwestCad
SouthwestCad made a comment: “Those republicans do not use FACTS. They use nothing but half- truths. Never facts.”
OK, so I wanted to do a little test on SouthwestCad. I handed her an undisputed truth. I handed her a FACT that anyone can check. All the history books, all political science books, and even online reference sites will show that my fact is true. I said:
“Of the 4 American Presidents who have been assassinated, 3 have been republican, and 1 was a democrat. So if rage from an opposing political party is killing American presidents, shouldn’t you lecture yourselves..??”
This did not sit well with SouthwestCad. She came back with a thunderous reply. She basically told me that all the history books are wrong. All of the political science books are wrong. Everything is wrong BECAUSE: “The political parties SWITCHED during the 20th century.” You see: republicans are now democrats. And democrats are now republicans.
(How convenient..!!)
SouthwestCad had just said that republicans do NOT use facts. That republicans use “half-truths.”
And here is SouthwestCad using a “half-true” theory to dispute my FACT.
I’m sorry, but it is a fact- of the 4 American presidents assassinated, 3 were republican (McKinley, Lincoln, Garfield) and one was a democrat- (JFK).
I gave SouthwestCad three opportunities to clarify herself. At anytime she could have reiterated: “Yes, Mr. Babonie; what you say is a fact, however I have this theory that the political parties switched.. Blah, blah, blah.”
But she never did that. She stuck to her guns that the history books are wrong. That McKinley, Garfield, and Lincoln were democrats and were killed by angry republicans. She believes this because ‘some guys’ have a theory that the parties switched.
So the history books are wrong and SouthwestCad is right..??
This is why I am a conservative.
I enjoy reading history. I want to base my opinions on proven facts. I would never claim that President Nixon was actually a democrat, and present some half-assed theory, just so that I could make the republican party “look good.”
Nixon was a republican and he was a crook. President Bush spent too much money, he wasn’t conservative. John McCain is a nice guy, but he is a moderate, and that is why we lost the election.
I like the fact that I can speak my mind and no one will kick me out of the republican party.
I have had bloggers tell me that they like my posts, but they cannot comment because the liberal bloggers attack them for doing so.
Liberals cannot speak freely. They MUST always consider what the “political correct” response would be.
Remember, I wasn’t always a conservative. Back before the 1980's, I was very much liberal. Back then, I believed that the democrat party stood for freedom.
Man, oh man was I wrong..!!
The democrat party has a collection of people who look over the neighborhood fence, into your back yard and ask: “Hey, that is a really BIG car you have. You could kill polar bears with the carbon coming from that car. Your kids are fat. You should exercise. I want congress to remove junk food from schools. You keep your house VERY warm, you should conserve. I am gong to make congress FORCE you to conserve. Were you smoking? You know that I do not like cigarette smoke. I am going to get congress to force you to quit smoking anywhere near me.
That’s not freedom..!!
That is anything BUT freedom.
Conservatives believe in less government. The smaller the better. Americans are smart enough to know what to do. We do not need nosey neighbors telling us what to do.
I conserve resources because energy and fuel are too dam expensive to waste. I do not need a liberal government peeking over the backyard fence and telling me how to live my life. I do not need government laws telling me what to eat and how to live.
That is why I am a conservative.
I want you to have the freedom to be who you are.
Never lose your individuality to the “progressive group think.”
Be who you are.
So I was very interested in this post about angry republicans and how “we” could cause President Obama to be killed. Because I wanted to see if one of the top liberal bloggers would acknowledge that democrats were also tough on Bush.
That didn’t happen, instead I was treated to this:
(We will call this blogger: eKY-jelly)
The blogger: eKY-jelly is stuck in the year 2004. He cannot get past that year.
It doesn’t matter what the topic of a post is; it could be about health care, or how to make the perfect lemon frosting for a cake, eKY-jelly will always reply like this: “Bush and the republicans are involved in vote caging, and torture. Bush put razor blades on peoples genitals. Bush illegally attacked two countries that had nothing to do with 9/11. And Bush took away our privacy to talk to terrorists on the phone..”
Claim down boy, we were talking about lemon frosting..!! I’m not sure what president Bush has to do with frosting a cake..??
So, I decided to challenge eKY-jelly about his beliefs. Because I wanted to see if he had dropped his beliefs to defend a political party.
I basically asked eKY-jelly: “Why are you not fighting for Gay rights now? Wouldn’t this be the perfect time to fight for Gay rights? You have a democrat president. A huge democrat congress. Now would be the time to fight for your rights. Would ML King take 4 years off from fighting for civil rights because he didn’t want to offend a political party?
The reply that I got from eKY-jelly stunned me: “Well President Obama is kind of busy right now fixing all of the messes that Bush left him, plus I have other issues..”
President Obama is too busy..??
President Obama is too busy to sign his name on a document that would repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell”..??
Obama is too busy to make a national speech about Gay Rights..?? Obama has made hundreds of speeches since taking office, speeches ranging from global warming to the proper amount of air in your car’s tire.
You see, eKY-jelly cannot speak out about Gay rights now. It would make the democrats look bad if he did. So he will let that belief slip away, for now.
But, as he said, he has other issues:
Bush is a war criminal. Bush has committed many crimes against the constitution, and eKY-jelly will tell you this (over and over again like a broken record.)
Yet, eKY-jelly will NOT demand that his democrat congress DO anything about these ‘said’ crimes.
You would think that, by the way eKY-jelly speaks out about Bush, he would be angry that a year has gone by and democrats have done nothing.
See, if eKY-jelly were to speak out about his democrat congress or President Obama, or Eric Holder’s non-action on “war crimes”; it would make the democrats look bad.
So, eKY-jelly doesn’t demand anything from his democrat congress. Only that they show up at the capital, collect their paychecks, and call themselves “democrats.”
During the Bush Administration, eKY-jelly put out posts about American troops not have the proper body armor, or armor plating for their vehicles. This is very noble standing up for the US soldiers like that, (during Bush’s presidency.)
Today, US troops in Afghanistan are concerned that the M4 Carbine riffle that they are issued will malfunction. The rifle can jam up during a fire fight. President Obama could order the military to use a more reliable weapon, but Obama hasn’t. Nine US soldiers have been killed because of this rifle jamming.
Will eKY-jelly put out a post demanding that President Obama force the military to change rifles..?? So that our troops will be safe..??
Don’t look for that to happen.
If eKY-jelly put out a post like that today, (like he did when Bush was in charge) it would make Obama look bad.
And we cannot make the liberal democrats look bad.
So liberal progressives MUST give up their beliefs to make a political party “look good.”
This is why I am a conservative.
I could never give up my beliefs just to make a political party “look good.”
When President Bush began to spend money like crazy on pork projects, we conservatives spoke up. When Bush wanted to grant amnesty to people who had broken American law, we conservatives spoke up.
And in 1992, when President HW Bush wanted to sign onto NAFTA, we conservatives spoke out by voting for Ross Perot.
I could never give up my beliefs, just to make a political party look good.
That is why I am a conservative.
The progressive says that we conservatives do not care for the poor because we prefer capitalism over social programs.
I can explain it VERY clear which method is the best.
Both socialism and capitalism could work VERY well, or fail the people.
It all depends on having honest people running the system.
Capitalism works great when honest people run the big businesses. However, when dishonest people run big business, things get ruff for us Americans.
Socialism would probably work great if all of the government officials were fair and honest. But when dishonest people run the government, socialism turns to communism, turns to hell.
Here is the difference between the two:
When a capitalistic system fails, and you find out that your boss is a crook; you can quit your job and find another boss.
When the man who sells you products is dishonest; you can buy these products from someone else.
When a business man becomes so powerful that he controls a state or a region; you can move away from that region, because you are free.
When business becomes so powerful that it controls the country; the American people elect a Teddy Roosevelt to bust up this BIG company. (We have done it before and I am sure that we will do it again in the future.)
In a capitalistic system, there is always an alternative, because you are free.
However, when a socialistic system becomes corrupt, there is no alternative.
Because the government controls the laws, they control the courts, they control the jobs, the health care, the borders, the police, the military. They control everything because they control you.
There is no place to run.
There will be no “Teddy Roosevelt” riding in on a horse to make things right.
When a socialistic system fails, you are trapped, because you have given up your freedom.
That is why I am a conservative.
That is why I will always fight for freedom and capitalism, over socialism and the expansion of social programs.