Anyone who follows politics, and writes a political blog, has to feel a sense of loss at the passing of Tim Russert. In the world of political journalism, Tim Russert made it to the top.
Even though I knew Russert had worked for the Democratic Party many years ago, today- I wasn't really sure "who's side" Tim Russert was on?
That is the sign of a good journalist. That is his trademark.
I would watch Russert quiz someone like Karl Rove and I would think to myself; "Russert is voting for Obama.."
But then Tim Russert would moderate a political debate and he would ask Sen. Obama the tough questions that no other reporter was willing to ask. I watched as liberal blog sites called Russert a "sell out" and a trader.
You were never sure which side Russert was on?
It is then that you realized:
Russert IS on YOUR side.
But he was also on "their" side as well.
He was a great American Journalist and he was on all of our sides. He asked the tough questions of any person who wanted to be in politics. Democrat, Republican, or Independent.
When so many people are writing "tell all" books, which expose dirty little secrets- (to make money.) Tim Russert's two books deal with a father and child relationship. Reminding us that it is the "little things that matter." Not necessarily the amount of time we spend together, but the quality of time we share.
I find it very ironic and sad that a man who loved this country and cared enough to write about the role of a "father" relationship, passed away on the very same weekend that is BOTH- Flag Day and Fathers Day.
Tim Russert is a model for young journalists to follow:
Don't be too conservative.
Don't be too liberal.
Ask everyone the "tough questions."