The monkey and the mud puddle

In the land of the "free",

You are now "free" to question popular belief.

Remember when a group of long- haired weirdo's began to question if the earth was the center of the known universe?

At the time, the popular belief was that Earth was the center of it all and the sun, the stars, and all the heavens moved around us.

These wild- eyed men claimed the earth was just another object flying around the sun.

Religion took the blame for this one. (Keeping mankind in the dark.) The blame is somewhat unjust, as it was religion that was paying for the research of Galileo and Copernicus- as a way of "finding God" through research.

Just 600 years ago, mankind believed the earth was flat. If you sailed out too far in the ocean, you would fall off the edge.

A few people believed the earth was round and they were willing to risk their lives to prove this theory.

In each case: When "popular belief" proves to be incorrect over time, there are "people" who have a vested interest in maintaining that false belief.

In the case of the earth being the center of the universe, religion is blamed because "God would have made the Earth important."

Keeping you from sailing across a "round" earth were Kingdoms that benefited from current trade routes across land. (Besides- you will fall off the earth if you sail out too far..!!)

Today- there are many people who benefit in the Global Warming Theory and Darwinism. They have a vested interest in maintaining this popular belief.

There is no room for wild eyed, longhaired scientists and philosophers to question Global Warming and Darwinism.

1,000 years ago- mankind KNEW the earth was the center of the universe.

600 years ago- mankind KNEW the earth was flat.

Today- mankind KNOWS life started in a bubbling mud puddle and a hand full of apes received "intelligence", while no other ape ever did? No other creature ever "evolved" intelligence.

Imagine what you will KNOW- tomorrow..??

I have no bones about giving a student a well-rounded education. However, the FORCED, (without challenge) education of Global Warming and Darwinism- has no place in a free society.

It borders on indoctrination.

A student…

A teacher- should have the right to question why one monkey gained intelligence, when the other monkey (from the same region) never did.

"If mankind is causing the earth to warm up, what caused the earth to warm up 19,000 years ago, when man was NOT burning fossil fuels?"

In America today, a teacher could be in trouble for questioning Darwinism or Global Warming.

Just like the flat-earthers from 600 years ago: "You must believe that you descended from a monkey, who was formed from a mud puddle. And you are causing the earth to warm up.

You cannot question it.

A teacher will be removed from pubic schools if they question the POWERFUL popular belief that a couple of monkeys gain intelligence.

A student will receive lower grades if they challenge the Global Warming Theory.

Just except it.

Because that is the way it is in the FREE United States.

Not so fast there, Bubba…

In the land of the free, there is still some freedom.

A force that Democrats will have to deal with in the future:

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal has signed into law- The Louisiana Science Education Act.

This Act will allow Louisiana teachers to present contrary evidence against Global Warming, Darwinism, and many other "popular beliefs."

For the first time in a long time, students and teachers will be aloud to think outside the box.

In a country where students can challenge the Constitution, students can question the wisdom of great presidents, but they cannot challenge Global Warming or Darwinism..??

(Read that last paragraph again. It is so freaking ironic; it almost makes you laugh.)

This Louisiana Education Act is refreshing.

I just keep hearing better and better things about Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.

He is doing what Barack Obama should have done.

Stay in State politics for awhile and gain a track record.

I am hopeful that Jindal is not talked into being McCain's VP.

It would be the BEST thing for McCain. But the worse move for Jindal and conservatives in general.

If Bobby Jindal can remain in State politics and rack up a great State record, (like he has so far) he will be "the" conservative contender for 2012 or 2016.

But if he joins the McCain ticket today, Jindal will always be "second banana" and if McCain screws up- Jindal will also take the heat. (Similar to Gore taking the heat from Clinton.)

This was a great week for conservatives..!!

We found out that the second amendment still means that Americans have the RIGHT to own firearms. (I believe the founding fathers already spelled that out for us. But it is nice to know that a "modern court" can read he constitution.)

Global Warming and Darwinism can now be challenged in "some" American schools. (Pulling some of the strings away from the "puppet masters.")

However, the wise Supreme Court gave US constitutional Rights to non-US citizens who are NOT on US soil. They gave constitutional rights to enemy combatants during a war or conflict. (Something that the US has never done.) And Supreme Court had no authority to do so. The founding fathers spelled out very clear that only congress and the president have authority for matters involving the military and events that take place over-seas.

Still, it was a good week for conservatives.

Like they say:

Two out of three ain't bad..!!

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

The Human Refuge

All across America, we have set aside parks and forests that are designated- "Wildlife Refuge."

This is an area where "nature" is protected.

(Protected from WHO..??)

By design, these "wildlife refuges" are to protect nature- from you.

However, the "wildlife refuge" doesn't protect nature- from itself.

For example; the common house sparrow and a field mouse are much less "safe" in a nature reserve- filled with hungry owls and hawks.

If you could ask a sparrow or a mouse where they would choose to live, it would probably be right next door to you. Far away from the "wildlife refuge."

If we can drop the "humans are evil" mantra that is bred into every liberal / democrat's mind from birth, it's amazing how many hundreds of creatures have chosen to live near "us", as opposed to living deep in the forest.

I understand the principal behind a "wildlife refuge", in that; no one can build a shopping mall or a Hooters wing joint in the forest. (Although, more people might visit the forest if it had a Hooters Restaurant and a shopping mall.) But, I guess that is the point of a "refuge."

Keeping YOU away from it.

When are we going to build a "Human Refuge"..??

This would be a place where humans can be free.

Free to be who we are.

This self imposed "dark ages" that we force upon ourselves is quite scary to a person like myself.

Could the great pyramids of Egypt be built today?

I doubt it.

Some law or environmental restriction would outlaw the project before it got off the ground.

Could a masterpiece like Michelangelo painting of the Sistine Chapel be created today?

Not bloody likely.

Most of your top artists today shun religion. (Something they have been taught from birth.) Besides, that much effort, money, and time spent on one church would be viewed as obscene- today.

Could the aqueducts of Rome be built today? A structure that is functional- bringing water into Rome, but also beautiful? A monumental engineering feet that has lasted 1,600 years?

Probably not.

Today, with government holding the purse, we build things that will only last 100 years.

So, here we sit.

In our self- imposed "dark ages."

Humans are evil.

Mankind is no good.

And we build NOTHING that will last.

We create nothing that will remind future generations that "we were here..!!"

"We were alive once."

Oh yes, we did live.

"Do you remember- us."

At the "human refuge," you can be human.

You can do the things that humans are designed to do. Create, think, and build.

At the "human refuge," there is no BIG government limiting your creativity. You are free to explore the world. You are free to build the tallest, the fastest, and the biggest. You need not worry about the Canvas Back Duck. The duck will move out of the way. (Matter of fact, if you feed this little duck, she will probably visit you everyday- have babies, and you will have tons of Canvas Back Ducks living next door to you.)

At the "human refuge," if you worked hard and earned wealth, go ahead and build- The Pyramids. There is no "taxman" taking your money to build a bridge that will only last 50 years.

At the "human refuge," if you want to help the poor, you can. No one will force you to hand over a penny to build "swimming pools for the poor", because everyone should have a swimming pool. "It is healthy."

You can eat what you want.

You can smoke what you want.

You can marry whomever you want.

You can be human.

Great minds actually envisioned a place like the "human refuge."

It was called "The United States of America."

It is written down somewhere on dusty pages. Pages that are no longer taught in schools and no longer followed by political leaders.

The youngest are the key.

The ones who haven't been contaminated with the ideology that "humans are evil", and "mankind will destroy the earth," the youngest will be the builders and creators.

I will see it with my own eyes…

I may be an old man in a rocking chair by the time it happens, but I will smile with pride, none the less.

When a future generation breaks the chains from a "self- imposed", politically correct "dark age" and says ENOUGH…

I am good..!!

Humans are the only creatures on the face of the earth with the ability to stop a meteor from crashing into this planet. An event that probably killed more life on this planet then any other, during any time in earth's history.

We are good, and we deserve to be here.

If we do not allow ourselves to be human, and learn to grow, then we will die alongside the sparrow and the deer, being helpless to stop anything.

I visit the "human refuge" from time to time.

Today it is called: The Internet.

On the Internet; there is no big government telling me that the color "red" is not a good color for my web site. (Because red is an angry color and might offend some people.)

On the Internet; there is no big government telling me that 40% of my income should go to the taxman so that we can build a bridge to nowhere.

On the Internet; there is no big government telling me that I must limit the amount of "blog pages" because the Canvas Back Duck is running out of wetlands.

I am hopeful that this younger generation matures fast, and sets us free.

These political correct chains, from the self- imposed "dark ages" are getting mighty heavy.

John McCain and Barack Obama are promising MORE government with new rules for you to follow. Higher taxes included.

What do I plan to do about this..??

Well, I wrote this stupid editorial.

Now I plan on going outside and feeding the birds. They get mad if I am not out there at the same time each day. Generations, upon generations of birds have grown up near my house. Birds fill the trees and call out as I fill the feeder with a bucket of seeds and peanuts.

The rabbits no longer fear me as I fly by them on my motorcycle. They have grown up around me and they understand that I am goofy.

The swifts fly behind me as I mow the grass. The hundreds of bugs that I stir up with the riding mower are easy pickings for the birds to eat.

You tell me: Which is the "natural refuge"..??

A place that includes ME…

Or a place without me..??

There are hundreds of creatures that might disagree with your answer.

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

Habeas Corpus and a rat's A$$

Does Hitler have American Constitutional rights..??

If "conspiracy people" are correct and Hitler never died, is Hitler "innocent until we prove him guilty..??"

Hitler was NOT an American citizen. To my knowledge, Hitler never visited America.

How could Hitler ever have American Constitutional Rights..??

It is insane and radical to presume Hitler is innocent until some "attorney" proves him guilty.

Oh yes…

Hitler deserves his day in court.

A military court.

But not by an American court, manned by US judges and a couple of lawyers who go by the name of "Johnson, Smith, and Bubba- We get you fast cash for your pain and suffering.."

This is exactly what is taking place, today.

It is insane and radical;

LAST week’s Supreme Court decision in Boumediene v. Bush- claims that: all prisoners detained at Guantánamo Bay are constitutionally entitled to bring habeas corpus in federal court to challenge the legality of their detention.

Far-left liberals in America are jumping up and down with excitement over this decision, but I wonder if they have truly thought about the long-term outcome of this decision?

If anyone who is NOT American citizen, and NOT on American soil, can demand- (during a war or conflict) Habeas Corpus rights in an American court…

Well folks, we have just turned the constitution upside down and slapped the founding fathers in the face.

Technically, because of this ruling, Mexicans could go after the state of Texas because of the Alamo. Surviving Mexican family members could claim that their ancestors where shot at by Texans and moved from their land. They could demand their day in an American court.

Any future enemy soldier could claim his day in an American court, because of this stupid Supreme Court decision in Boumediene v. Bush.

"The enemy" has NEVER had American Constitutional Rights, during a war or conflict.

The founding fathers were very, very wise. They spelled out exactly when you can suspend Habeas Corpus.

"The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it."


Most intelligent readers do not need any explanation of what the founding father meant here. It speaks for itself.

But, for the sake of the unintelligent, (and the far-left liberals who want to destroy President Bush by "hook or by crook") the founding fathers called habeas corpus a "privilege." They did not call it a "right."

Also note that the founding father said habeas corpus could be suspended if America was invaded, (Attacked.)

Because 9/11and Radical Islam's assault on New York City was the largest attack on American soil since the War of 1812, (including Pearl Harbor) I would say we safely fall under the guide that the founding fathers set forth.

I am not generally one to subscribe to conspiracies, however this one stinks so bad, it is hard to ignore.

The lawyers union pumps millions and millions and millions of dollars into the Democratic Party.

How high up in the Democratic Party are the fingers of the legal profession?

President Bill Clinton was a lawyer. John Edwards was a lawyer. Hillary Clinton was a lawyer. Barack Obama was a lawyer.

Trying enemy "war criminals" in American courts would generate millions of dollars for attorneys all over America.

For the legal profession, this Supreme Court decision was a gold mine.

Who will pay for this..??

You will.

Every "circus court" that tries these enemy prisoners will come from your tax dollars.

Who will the witness's be..??

We will have to fly over to America every "witness" that the enemy prisoner chooses. These trials will go on for years. You will pay for it.

When it is all said and done, this decision will cost you billions of dollars. Yes, the Democratic Party and their attorney cronies have struck a "gold rush" with your tax money.

If it ended there, with Gitmo, we might be able to survive this bad court decision.

But this Supreme Court ruling sets a precedent.

If you grant enemy combatants, American Constitutional Rights- such as habeas corpus, during a war or conflict, anyone can charge America with any crime they choose.

Picture some future battlefield…

An American soldier receives gunfire. Using his handy electronic monitoring device that is mounted on his rifle, he spies two enemy soldiers. This brave American soldier fires on the enemy. He hits one member, but misses the other.

Let's pause the battlefield action for a moment…

Technically, the soldier that is still alive could claim he never fired on the American soldier, and because of the Supreme Court ruling of Boumediene v. Bush, this enemy soldier could claim he deserves his day in American court.

This would cause the American Soldier to have to revert back to the 1700's thinking:

"Take no prisoners.."

I ask all of you liberals; "Is this really more civilized..??" Is this what you wanted when you're goal was to make President Bush look bad..??

"Take no prisoners."

(Because the prisoners that you take- will sue you later, in an American court.) So it is better to kill everyone?

Liberals- this is not a video game that you can "pause" the action. This is a battlefield and losing means death.

As always, liberals do not think past the obvious. There is no future planning here, just quick, immediate results.

One of the guiding principles of the American military is that we DO NOT KILL everyone during a war. We take prisoners and give them a military court trial. Many have been released because they are no longer a threat.

I am hopeful that this decision will be revisited again in the future. Maybe less political, cooler heads in Supreme Court will think past this Gitmo situation and see how their ruling will effect future conflicts.

After all, these Supreme Court Judges have no authority on foreign matters and the military. Only the President and Congress have this authority.

(That is, if we listen to the words of the founding fathers and used the constitution as our guide.)

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

"He, who will not reason, is a bigot; he, who cannot, is a fool; and he, who dares not, is a slave." — William Drummond, Scottish writer (1585-1649).

We cannot drill our way out

He leaned forward in his chair, as if to take command. His political party's "talking point" was firmly planted in his brain.

When the moment was right, he declared:

"You know, we cannot drill our way out of it.."

Is anyone else getting sick of this talking point..??

"We cannot drill our way out of it.."

What makes it even more sad and pathetic is that each person who uses this talking point acts like they are the FIRST to say it.

"We cannot drill our way out of it.."


It makes me want to puke.

Mainly because it is such a lie.

We can drill our way out of "it."

We have enough coal in America to power the country for 100 years. If every electrical power plant was either coal, nuclear, or hydro (wind, solar powered)- we would not need oil for electricity. If every American who only drives 200 miles a day, ( to work, to the store, etc) drove an electric car, we would be able to "drill and dig our way out of it.."

It is estimated that 50 percent of Americans could drive an electric car. The batteries in modern electric cars would last long enough for the day to day driving.

If that were to take place, there would be enough oil to power the rest of the Americans vehicles.

Do we need the government to pass some kind of new law..??

Hell no..!!

Get the freaking government out of the way. The government is part of the problem. The free market will solve our problems. Today, with the high cost of gas, people are using mass transit more than ever. Also, motorcycle stores are having trouble keeping "scooters" in stock. A scooter gets 100 mpg, costs around $2,000 bucks, and can get a person around a city.

We do not need any NEW laws on fuel, in fact; we need the government to loosen up a few laws they wrote years ago.

Yes we can drill and dig our way out of it.

The free market will cause people to choose what transportation vehicle suits their economic situation. Some will choose mass transit, others will walk or bike, some will buy smaller cars.

This alone will not solve our problems.

We need an education system that doesn't teach "history lessons" and political correctness.

Everything taught in schools should center around "facts", not how the lesson illustrates global warming, racism, or condoms.

We need educated people in this country if we are ever going to find a new power source.

We have relied on the gasoline engine, in America, for about 100 years. We know we have about 100 years of coal and oil to power our countries future needs.

Instead of teaching kids how to put on a condom, shouldn't we teach math and science? (When you think about it, a condom isn't that tough to figure out how to use?)

Instead of teaching kids about global warming, shouldn't we teach kids how to read and write? (If a child can read and communicate, they will learn about global warming because the information is freaking everywhere.)

Instead of teaching kids about the gay lifestyle, shouldn't we dive a little deeper into engineering, science, and how things work?

We have children trapped in a school system for twelve years. Beyond that, most children are on their own.

We are pissing away these twelve years by teaching morality lessons on the "gay lifestyle", global warming, and how to install a condom.

For a group of people who claim they want separation of church and state, I have never seen so much emphasis on teaching morality in school, in my lifetime. The morality of homosexuals, political correctness, global warming, and how to install a condom.

Yes we can drill, dig, and educate our way out of this.

But we need to start now.

We have watched President Clinton and Al Gore spend 8 years of our time and do nothing for the environment or energy.

We have watched President Bush and the republicans in congress spend 7 years of our time and they have done nothing for our energy problems.

I'm not willing to say that the democrats are in bed with the oil companies. Nor am I willing to say that republicans are either. But clearly, both parties do not want to tackle this problem.

Yes we can drill our way out of it.

But it looks like we, "the people" will have to grab the democratic and republican politicians by the hand and lead them into the future.

I would say, just leave the politicians behind in the past. But unfortunately, they are the idiots who write our laws.

(Who exactly, are the idiots..??)

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

"If America forgets where she came from, if the people lose sight of what brought them along, if she listens to the deniers and mockers, then will begin the rot and dissolution." — Carl Sandburg, American writer (1878-1967).

Animals want us to drill for oil

If we drilled for oil in Alaska, what would it look like..??

Would it be so hideous that wild animals would hate us? Creatures big and small would pack their bags and leave America?

Or worse yet…

Would wild animals in Alaska- immediately start dropping dead from the site of an oil rig..??

What would drilling for oil in Alaska look like..??

I can't really show you a picture of what drilling in ANWR would look like. The technology proposed for this drilling is unique. Partly because of the temperature of the region, but also for preservation, the actual oil extraction equipment would be underground and NOT seen by humans. (Or animals)

If a person happened to be walking in ANWR, the only thing one might see is a cement pad that covers the oil extraction equipment.

I can, however, show you what oil drilling looks like today.

But first…

Here in Pennsylvania a few years ago, we decided to "try" and become energy independent. (a noble, but almost unreachable goal.) But we are trying..!!

We have tons of coal in the ground.

In Pennsylvania, we have many rivers that can be dammed to harness hydroelectric power.

And yes, in Pennsylvania, we have oil.

We have lots of oil in the ground.

Some of you folks who study American history probably already know that Titusville- Oil City (Pithole) Pennsylvania was the site of the first commercial oil company in the United States.

So, a few years back, we decided to "drill here, and drill now."

We opened up the Allegheny National Forest to oil drilling.


(I am pausing while I wait for the sky to open up. Thunder and lightening to strike all of us in Pennsylvania for allowing oil drilling in a National Forest.)

Here at The Angry Republican, we decided to head up to the Allegheny National Forest so we could show you what oil drilling in a National Forest looks like.

Can you spot the ugly oil rig in this picture..??

You are not going to find it because it is painted green. You cannot see it.

I have taken a picture of an oil pump that is out in the open so you can get an idea of what one looks like.

(It is that metallic object in the center of the frame.)

Here is another photo of an oil pump in a farmer's cornfield.

That is productive..!! Not only is this guy growing corn, he is also pulling oil from below.

There is no messy oil lying on the ground, polluting the environment. In fact, each oil well has to be registered with the government and in doing so- is checked regularly by the EPA and DER. You are NOT going to find oil laying on the ground, or pollution in any form near these oil wells.

An interesting story on this topic: in Pennsylvania, there is a creek named "Oil Creek." The creek received its name because oil seeped into the creek on its own. This was a natural event. There was so much oil in the ground that it just flowed into the creek covering birds with oil and killing fish.

When man began pulling oil from the ground, this relieved the pressure on the oil reserve, and Oil Creek cleared up.

I believe some people have an unrealistic idea of what oil drilling looks like.

They believe huge "permanent" towers clutter the landscape, with oil spilling out all over the ground. They see ducks covered in oil, choking and dying.

This is not what happens today with oil drilling.

The drilling platforms are mobile. They are only there while the drilling is taking place. Once the oil deposit is reached, the drilling tower is removed and a pump is installed. Modern crews have the technology to deal with any oil spills the minute it happens. You are not going to find oil lying on the ground.

Drilling for oil in America is NOT the only answer.

We must also invest in new power sources.

But new sources alone are not the answer either.

We must have the Oil Companies competing with the new power sources to provide us with competitive prices on both.

Today, we are being held over a barrel. (An oil barrel.) Yes I know, terrible joke.

We need to drill for oil in America because it is dangerous to be this dependent on foreign oil.

But at the same time, we must invest in alternative power supplies.

You do not drop the old power method (oil) for the new power source. You allow the two to compete with each other, and we will enjoy lower prices down the road.

Let's say someone perfects the water-powered car. (A car with a motor that runs on hydrogen. Hydrogen that has been separated from the water molecule.) But let's say that the water has to be "treated" in some manner, and therefore, you must buy it from- "someone" who treats it.

If congress passed a law making it illegal to drive a gas powered car and you MUST drive the water powered car, the water powered car will sell for a higher price and stay expensive because- what other choice do you have..??

But if we allow the oil industry to compete with the water-powered car, the price will have to come down on the water-powered car for people to buy it.

When Henry Ford perfected the "horseless carriage", we didn't outlaw the horse and buggy. We allowed both to compete and this forced Henry Ford to lower the cost of the gas powered car.

Henry Ford was not a magician and there is another Henry Ford out there, waiting for the opportunity to compete.

When I hear conservative's claim that we are wasting money and effort in researching alternative energy, I want to bang my head against a wall. The reason we are paying $4 and possibly $5 bucks a gallon for gas is because we have put all our eggs in one basket. And that basket is oil.

What other choice do we have? Electric cars..??

However, I also hear liberal's claim that drilling for oil in America will not solve our problems because there isn't enough oil to effect the supply. At that point, I begin to look for another wall to bang my head against.

You do not know that…

We cannot say that there isn't enough oil to effect the supply.


Just the passing of a law in congress to drill for oil in America, could cause the oil producing nations to lower their prices by producing more oil.

Alaska, by itself, probably will not effect the American oil supply much. But we have oil in Pennsylvania that we are NOT allowed to pump and sell. (Because it is part of the strategic supply.) There is shale oil in the mid-west. We have oil off the coast of American shores.

When you add all of this up, it will effect the supply of oil to America. It will make us less dependant on foreign oil.

Then, when science has perfected the new- cleaner power source that will fuel us into the future, this new source will compete with oil and we will have plenty of energy.

We must act now.

We must drill for oil in America and we must invest in alternative new power sources.

For those who worry about the environment…

How long does it take for nature to reclaim the land..??

In the birthplace of the American Oil Industry- Pennsylvania. The old timers were not very careful in removing oil from the ground. The oil spilled everywhere. It was carted out by horse and buggy in rusty barrels that leaked everywhere. Northwestern Pennsylvania was a mess from this half-hazard way of oil drilling.

But since that time, we have cleaned the area up. Today, you would never know what took place one hundred years ago. Actually, you would need a tour guide to point out where the drilling took place. What man could not do, nature completed the task. The old roads that oil wagons use to travel are all but gone today. Nature took them back. Covering these old roads with trees, bushes, and animals.

How long does it take for nature to reclaim the land..??

I propose a test for you to try.

Stop mowing the grass around your house for two months. Then tell me what happened.

If you live in the southwest, stop watering your lawn for two months and see how long it takes the desert to reclaim your property.

It doesn't take long for nature to take back the land that you care for.

Here is a picture of an abandoned commercial parking lot. A Canadian goose seems very happy to claim this parking lot as a temporary home.

If you could ask this goose, (if a goose could talk) she would probably tell you that the black asphalt is warmed by the sunlight and feels nice on her backside. That would be the only reason I can figure why a goose would choose to roost here.

It doesn't take long for nature to reclaim the land.

All it takes is for you to look the other way for a year or two. Nature will creep up and take it back.

If you believe as I do, as many Americans do; that we must drill for oil in America- today, you really need to sign the petition called:


Newt Gingrich and Chuck Norris are lending their support of this petition and as of today- 762,328 Americans have signed this petition.

This is a grass roots campaign. Starting from average people and working it's way up to celebrities and politicians.

The current congress just doesn't get it..??

Both Barack Obama and John McCain do not understand it..??

Taxing the power suppliers with a "cap and trade system" will not lower the cost of energy and it will not make the earth cooler by stopping global warming.

The solution is simple; increase production of oil.


You can learn more about American Solutions and sign the petition by cutting and pasting this link here:

I know some people have a romantic view of going back to a time before the gas-powered car.

But are you really cut out to turn a cornfield with a horse and plow..?? Are you ready to move next door to where you work so you can walk to work..??

Will you still have a job..??

Is your profession based on oil in any way?

Going back to an oil-less lifestyle should be a "choice", not something that is forced on you.

Drill for oil in America now..!!

Invest in alternative power today..!!

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

The 13th Angry Republican Video Broadcast

Global Warming must be true..!! (Unless it isn't?)

Tim Russert

Anyone who follows politics, and writes a political blog, has to feel a sense of loss at the passing of Tim Russert. In the world of political journalism, Tim Russert made it to the top.

Even though I knew Russert had worked for the Democratic Party many years ago, today- I wasn't really sure "who's side" Tim Russert was on?

That is the sign of a good journalist. That is his trademark.

I would watch Russert quiz someone like Karl Rove and I would think to myself; "Russert is voting for Obama.."

But then Tim Russert would moderate a political debate and he would ask Sen. Obama the tough questions that no other reporter was willing to ask. I watched as liberal blog sites called Russert a "sell out" and a trader.

You were never sure which side Russert was on?

It is then that you realized:

Russert IS on YOUR side.

But he was also on "their" side as well.

He was a great American Journalist and he was on all of our sides. He asked the tough questions of any person who wanted to be in politics. Democrat, Republican, or Independent.

When so many people are writing "tell all" books, which expose dirty little secrets- (to make money.) Tim Russert's two books deal with a father and child relationship. Reminding us that it is the "little things that matter." Not necessarily the amount of time we spend together, but the quality of time we share.

I find it very ironic and sad that a man who loved this country and cared enough to write about the role of a "father" relationship, passed away on the very same weekend that is BOTH- Flag Day and Fathers Day.

Tim Russert is a model for young journalists to follow:

Don't be too conservative.

Don't be too liberal.

Ask everyone the "tough questions."

Angry White Females

Have you ever had to deal with an "Angry White Women?"

Sometimes a box of candy, flowers, and a clever line, like: "I don't think you look fat.." just isn't enough.

What if you had several MILLION "Angry White Women" pissed off at you..??

Welcome to "Obama's World..!!"

According to The Associated Press, Obama must now deal with millions of "Angry White Female" voters. (Have you noticed how hung up on race liberals are..?? When Hillary was in Pennsylvania, I saw all kinds of people attending her rallies.)

Oh, well…

We will except the AP's premise and run with it.

I would much rather deal with 100 "depressed purple women", then to deal with (1) one "Angry White Woman."

Here at The Angry Republican, we have thought about how to help heal the Democratic Party, so we have come up with a list of ways Obama can start the healing process.

First, we needed to find out who these Angry White Female voters are, that the AP News was talking about..??

When we take a look at a graph, we can see that the Angry White Female voters break down into two groups:

It looks like Obama has already won over the "Piss-Drunk" Angry White Female vote. However, only 35 % of the Menstruating Angry Female Voters are favoring Obama.

Obama must act, and he must act now…

Ways Obama can "woo" the "Angry White Female Voter."

Guaranty every "angry white female" a seat in the audience during a taping of The Oprah Winfrey show, where the woman could win a free car, or a slice of pizza. (Depending on Oprah's mood.) A car is nice, but pizza tastes good..!!

Obama could pick an "Angry White Female" to be his vice president. This would sure up the angry female vote..!! (I can't help Obama pick a female who is angry. I am in enough trouble with females as it is.)

Obama could hold a concert featuring Barbra Streisand. (Remember- "People.. People who need people. Are the luckiest people.."

Obama could talk about how bloated he feels. He could also ask voters if he "looks fat..??" (That would be "fat", not "phat.")

Obama could play music by The Dixie Chicks and Alanis Morissette during his speeches. Maybe he could have a big TV monitor on stage, Obama could play the LifeTime Network in the background. (Any one of the "men are evil and the female star KILLS the evil man" movies would do fine.) Sorry- going out to any woman who is watching a LifeTime movie right now, I just told you the ending of the movie you are watching.

The best thing Obama could do is learn NOT to make eye contact with an "Angry White Female." Direct eye contact denotes a challenge of authority. Similar to an encounter with a bear or a mountain lion. You do not want to challenge the authority of a bear, mountain lion, or an "Angry White Female."

You should keep your head lowered and slowly back away from the "Angry White Female." In a soft voice, repeat this incantation- "you are right, you are right.."

I have faith that Obama can win over the "Angry White Female" vote. After all, he has lived with Michelle Obama for years, and he speaks about "hope and change."

As you know, every Angry White Female "HOPES" that you- (the male) will "change." (Change- whatever you are doing that is making them angry.)

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

If you pay more taxes,

You cannot afford to buy fuel…

Raising taxes to make the earth cooler- Failed in the US senate.

The Global Warming bill- Cap and Trade system; failed to get enough votes to proceed in the senate.

Long time senate members believe the topic of a "global warming" bill is dead in congress for the remaining Bush Presidency.

However, early in 2009 with a new president and congress, global warming might be one of the first projects they tackle. (Being that it is an easy thing to do. Just sign a "cap and trade" bill. A National Health care plan is much harder to put together. Congress will take the easy road with a global warming bill, so they can say they did something.)

My conservative and libertarian friends, we will have our work cut out for us in 2009. Not only will we be fighting liberals who want to "raise taxes to make the earth cooler", we will also be fighting weak republicans in congress who also believe that "higher taxes will make the earth cooler."

Higher taxes will NOT make the earth cooler.

Personal conservative might help.

But we do not need a police officer forcing you to conserve.

You are a grown up adult.

(To steal a line from Obama..)

I have "faith" and "hope" that you will "change".

You do not need a law, or higher taxes for that, just a conscience.

Speaking of a conscience…

Let's check out what some of Hollywood's "jet setting", limousine riding, tree hugging- types are doing today-

Susan Sarandon

- is threatening to leave America if a republican is elected president. (Alex Baldwin promised the same thing if Bush was elected, but Baldwin never left America. Why do people promise things and not follow through with it..??)

Sean Penn- Has become a fortune teller and is predicting the future:

Are you interested in reading The Associated Press story on:

"Angry White Women"..??

Wednesday, June 4, 2008 6:01 PM EDT

The Associated Press

By CHARLES BABINGTON Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) — Barack Obama has some urgent making up to do among a lot of angry white women…

Full story here:

Florida, Michigan- is worth half a vote

How far back in American history would you have to venture to find a time when a man's vote was only worth a portion of another man's vote..??

A hundred years..??

During slavery..??

Thanks to the Democratic Party, you need not trouble yourself reading that far back in history.

The Democratic Party has decided that the people of Florida and Michigan are worth half of a normal vote.

My vote here in Pennsylvania was worth a full vote. 100 percent counted.

But just down the road in Michigan, those people only count as half a vote.


What did these people in Michigan do that was so terrible..??

Did they kill somebody..??

Did the people of Florida and Michigan steal an old ladies purse..??

Actually, the fine people of Florida and Michigan did nothing wrong. They showed up when they were told to and they voted like every one else.

It was the democratic leaders

in these two states that decided not to follow the rules set down by the Democratic Party and move their primary up ahead of schedule.Why punish the people..??

Punish the democratic leaders in Florida and Michigan. Fine them, make them pay. Kick them out of office.

But don't punish the average voters who only did what they were told…

They showed up and they voted like the rest of us.


I know a lot of people who are democrats. They are bright, intelligent people for the most part. But the democrats that are in charge of the party right now are idiots.

They cannot run a primary..!!

They cannot follow their own rules- that they set up..!!

I'm not joking here

- This freaking scares me more than terrorism or global warming.

These people are a breath away from controlling the congress and commanding the White House. They have yet to prove to me that they can run a simple primary election process.

Let alone, a country.

I need some good news here…

(Ask and you will receive.)

Global Warming bill "might" be shot down in Senate

It doesn't look like the Global Warming bill will have enough votes to pass in the senate this week.

This bill was penned by Joe Lieberman and Satan.(I believe Sen. Lieberman co- wrote this bill with the ruler of the "dark side." But I could be wrong about that.)

The idea behind this bill was:

If we raise taxes on Americans, the earth will get cooler.

Thankfully, it looks like there maybe enough senators in Washington DC who realize that:

Raising taxes will not make the earth cooler.

(If you are unfamiliar with the "cap and trade" taxation bill, check one of my posts called- "Saving the gassy ball" or "Global Warming must be true.." In both editorials, I go into detail about the effects of a "cap and trade" system.)

It seems the senate will not have the necessary votes to pass this global warming bill. But you can be sure that they will keep trying. Mainly, because it is a bipartisan issue with republicans joining democrats on this issue.

There is nothing wrong with personal conservative. We should all try and care for the planet Earth.

But "forced" conservation does not belong in a free society. Raising taxes on companies, which will raise electric bills, gasoline, and heating costs; will hurt the middle class and kill low-income families.

Solutions to the problem-------

We need to write our state senators and tell them that-

"Raising taxes will NOT make the earth cooler."

Vote for politicians who will fund research into new power sources. (Clean coal power, nuclear, solar, weed- or sea weed bio-fuels, etc.)

Sign Newt Gingrich's petition by American Solutions"Drill here, drill now, pay less"

Once enough signatures have been received, American Solutions and Newt Gingrich will present this petition to congress.

The answer is simple: If we drill for oil in America, we will become less dependent on foreign oil and the cost will come down.

So far, while I write this, American Solutions has received 261,711 signatures and that is great..!! But more is needed.

You can sign the petition by clicking here:

(If that link didn't work, please cut and paste the link below-)

And, you can also watch my stupid YouTube video on Global Warming.

(However, watching my video isn't going to save the earth. But you might save a Hissing Frog.)

The 13th Angry Republican Video Broadcast

Global Warming Must be true.. (Unless it isn't.)

Obama quits his church after 20 years..

Maybe 20 years too late, or at least 10 years too late, Obama has quit his church.

In a letter written in May, the latest thorn in Obama's back side- Father Pfleger; penned these thoughts:

Father Pfleger writes-

"The truth is we need Senator Barack Obama and we need Reverend Jeremiah Wright and, if we are serious about wanting a new America, we cannot afford to throw either one of them under the bus!"

Well, Father Michael Pfleger, (if that is your real name) it looks like Barack Obama has thrown both you and Reverend Wright under the bus.

But it was 20 year too late…

All three editorials written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

"I cannot give you the formula for success but I can give you the formula for failure — which is: Try to please everybody." — Herbert Bayard Swope, American journalist (1882-1958).